DevExpress XtraReports 入门六 控件以程序方式创建一个 交叉表 报表
原文:DevExpress XtraReports 入门六 控件以程序方式创建一个 交叉表 报表
本文只是为了帮助初次接触或是需要DevExpress XtraReports报表的人群使用的,为了帮助更多的人不会像我这样浪费时间才写的这篇文章,高手不想的看请路过
本文内容来DevExpress XtraReports帮助文档,如看过类似的请略过。
废话少说 开始正事
在继续本示例之前,要把所有 必需的程序集 添加到项目的 引用 列表中,并且把一个按钮拖放到窗体上。 然后,以下列方式接管此按钮的 Click 事件。
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;
using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.PivotGrid;
// ...
namespace docXRPivotGrid {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Create a cross-tab report.
XtraReport report = CreateReport();
// Show its Print Preview.
private XtraReport CreateReport() {
// Create a blank report.
XtraReport rep = new XtraReport();
// Create a detail band and add it to the report.
DetailBand detail = new DetailBand();
// Create a pivot grid and add it to the Detail band.
XRPivotGrid pivotGrid = new XRPivotGrid();
// Create a data connection.
OleDbConnection connection = new
OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\\..\\nwind.mdb");
// Create a data adapter.
OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new
OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT CategoryName, ProductName, Country, [Sales Person], Quantity, [Extended Price] FROM SalesPerson",
// Creata a dataset and fill it.
DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(dataSet1, "SalesPerson");
// Bind the pivot grid to data.
pivotGrid.DataSource = dataSet1;
pivotGrid.DataMember = "SalesPerson";
// Generate pivot grid's fields.
XRPivotGridField fieldCategoryName = new XRPivotGridField("CategoryName",
XRPivotGridField fieldProductName = new XRPivotGridField("ProductName", PivotArea.RowArea);
XRPivotGridField fieldCountry = new XRPivotGridField("Country", PivotArea.ColumnArea);
XRPivotGridField fieldSalesPerson = new XRPivotGridField("Sales Person",
XRPivotGridField fieldQuantity = new XRPivotGridField("Quantity", PivotArea.DataArea);
XRPivotGridField fieldExtendedPrice = new XRPivotGridField("Extended Price",
// Add these fields to the pivot grid.
pivotGrid.Fields.AddRange(new PivotGridField[] {fieldCategoryName, fieldProductName,
fieldSalesPerson, fieldQuantity, fieldExtendedPrice});
return rep;
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