#coding: utf-8
import time '''
Function : GetCurrFmtTime
Description : 获取当前时间
def GetCurrFmtTime() :
t = time.localtime()
strtime = "%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % (t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec)
return strtime
日志类 CLog
class CLog :
def __init__(self, logFile='log.txt') :
self.DEBUG = True
self.logFile = logFile def __log__(self, *params) :
msgs = GetCurrFmtTime()
for msg in params:
if msgs != "" : msgs += " "
msgs += str(msg)
print msgs
self.__write__(msgs) def __write__(self, msgs=None) :
if len(self.logFile) > 0 :
f = open(self.logFile, 'at+')
if msgs != None : f.write(msgs)
f.close() #####################################################################
def setDebug(self, dbgFlag ) :
self.DEBUG = dbgFlag def setLogFile(self, logName ) :
self.logFile = logName ###########################################
def debug(self, *params) :
if self.DEBUG == True :
self.__log__('DBG:', *params) def info(self, *params) :
self.__log__('INF:', *params) def error(self, *params) :
self.__log__('ERR:', *params) ###########################################
def blankLine(self) :
self.__write__() def oneLine(self, char='=') :
line = char
for i in range(1, 50) :
line += char
print line
self.__write__(line) def titleLog(self, title) :
char = '*'
line = char
for i in range(1, 50) :
line += char msgs = '\n'
msgs += line + '\n\n'
msgs += '\t' + title + '\n\n'
msgs += line + '\n\n'
print msgs
self.__write__(msgs) #################################################################
def test() :
log = CLog()
log.titleLog('测试CLog类') log.oneLine('#') log.setDebug(False)
log.info('Hello', 'World', 100)
CLog().error('This is a test.') log.setDebug(True)
log.debug(20,30,40) log.blankLine()
if __name__ == '__main__':

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