.Net 2014 Connect() 相关文章合集
微软在11月中旬的Connect()研讨会中公布了一系列 2015年的发展规划,今天在MSDN Blog上看到了一篇比较全的相关文章合集,这里转录一下,感兴趣的朋友可以看看。
- Opening up Visual Studio and .NET to Every Developer, Any Application: .NET Server Core open source and cross platform, Visual Studio Community 2013 and preview of Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 2015 by Soma Somasegar
- Announcing Open Source of .NET Core Framework, .NET Core Distribution for Linux/OSX, and Free Visual Studio Community Edition by Scott Guthrie
- Announcing .NET 2015 – .NET as Open Source, .NET on Mac and Linux, and Visual Studio Community by Scott Hanselman
- News from Connect(); by Brian Harry
- Announcing .NET 2015 Preview: A New Era for .NET .NET Blog
- .NET Core is Open Source .NET Blog
- Announcing Visual Studio 2015 Preview and Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 Availability Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management
- Announcing ASP.NET features in Visual Studio 2015 Preview and VS2013 Update 4 .NET Web Development and Tools Blog
- Introducing the Visual Studio 2015 Preview for C# and VB The Visual Basic Team
- Announcing a preview of F# 4.0 and the Visual F# Tools in VS 2015 Visual F# Tools Team Blog
- Microsoft and Xamarin Expand Global Partnership Xamarin Blog
- Announcing new governance model and project contributions to the .NET Foundation .NET Foundation
- Announcing Azure SDK 2.5 for .NET and Visual Studio 2015 Preview Microsoft Azure Blog
- Latest News from the .NET Foundation MS Open Tech Blog
- Visual Studio 2015 Preview, Visual Studio Community 2013, Visual Studio 2013 Update 4, and More The Visual Studio Blog
- Introducing the Visual Studio 2015 Preview for C# and VB The C# Team
- The C# and Visual Basic Code-Focused IDE Experience The Visual Studio Blog
- New Features in C# 6 by The C# Team
- Post-Release Goodies by The C# Team
- The Roadmap for WPF by .NET Blog
- Set breakpoints on auto-implemented properties with Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management
- Support for debugging lambda expressions with Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management The Visual Studio Blog
- Introducing Smart Unit Tests Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management
- Connecting to Cloud Services The Visual Studio Blog
- Code Lens for Git "Team Activity View" Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management
- Improving the Visual Studio Account Management Experience by The Visual Studio Blog
- Blend for Visual Studio 2015 Preview – Visual Studio 2015 Preview and Entity FrameworkADO.NET Blog
- NuGet 3.0 Preview NuGet Blog
- Introducing Visual Studio's Emulator for Android Microsoft Application Lifecycle Management
- Microsoft Endorsing C# as a First Class Citizen in Sublime Text by Jonathan Channon
- Tools for Apache Cordova Update: iOS Debugging & Windows 8.1 Support The Visual Studio Blog
- Connect(); Microsoft Visual Studio vNext & Azure Channel 9
- Short Videos Demonstrating What's New in Visual Studio 2015 Preview for C#, VB, and F# by The C# Team
Opinions and comments
- Microsoft Open Sources .NET and Mono by Miguel De Icaza
- Microsoft Appeals to Developers, Developers, Developers by Jim Zemlin
- Microsoft: Open source and cross-platform all the things by Darrel Miller
- Microsoft Connect Announcements by Bill Wagner
- Open Source .NET – why should you care? by Filip Wojcieszyn
- One Week of Open Source .NET Blog
- The Future of .NET by Sam Basu
- Android Joins Visual Studio by Jeff Martin
- An Open Future for .NET by Jason Bock
- Hooray for Open Source .NET! by Brendon Tompkins
- How Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5 Impacts You Jason Gaylord
- C# and .NET's Sudden Ubiquity by Andrew Binstock
- Microsoft Launches Free, Unrestricted Version Of Visual Studio For Small Teams TechCrunch
Official Links
- Visual Studio 2015 Preview download
- Visual Studio Comunity download
- Cross platform .NET development by OmniSharp
- Microsoft.github.io
- .NET.github.io
- .NET Foundation Projects
- Reference Source browser
- Reference Source on GitHub
- .NET source on GitHub
- .NET Core source on GitHub
- ASP.NET source on GitHub
- Roslyn source on Codeplex
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