Powershell Exchange Message Per Day Sent and Reveive

# Initialize some variables used for counting and for output
Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M" >>Per-day_recive.txt $Account="wendychen"
[Int64] $intSent = $intRec = 0
[Int64] $intSentSize = $intRecSize = 0
[String] $strEmails = $null $times=Import-CSV "d:\LOGTime.csv"
foreach ($time in $times)
# Start building the variable that will hold the information for the day
echo $starttime $endtime ssss
$intSent = $intRec = 0
(Get-TransportServer -Identity wendy-*) | Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Recipients "$Account" -Start "$starttime" -End "$endtime" | ForEach {
# Sent E-mail
If ($_.EventId -eq "RECEIVE" -and $_.Source -eq "STOREDRIVER")
$intSentSize += $_.TotalBytes
} # Received E-mails
If ($_.EventId -eq "DELIVER")
$intRecSize += $_.TotalBytes
} $intSentSize = [Math]::Round($intSentSize/1MB, 0)
$intRecSize = [Math]::Round($intRecSize/1MB, 0) $DataBase = Get-Mailbox -Identity $Account |Get-MailboxStatistics Write-Host "$Account,`nintSentSize=$intSentSize,`nReciveSize=$intRecSize" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$DataBase.DisplayName,$DataBase.DataBaseName,$starttime,$endtime,$intRecSize,$intSentSize -join ";">>d:\"$Account"-Per-day_recive.csv }

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