using System;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query; /// <summary>
/// 案例
/// </summary>
public class IncidentHelper
public static readonly string entityName = "incident";
public Guid incidentId = Guid.Empty;
public IOrganizationService service; /// <summary>
/// 创建案例
/// </summary>
public void Create()
Entity en = new Entity() { LogicalName = entityName };
en["name"] = "案例测试";
incidentId = service.Create(en);
} /// <summary>
/// 计算在案例上花费的总时间
/// </summary>
public void CalculateTotalTimeIncident()
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest request = new CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest();
request.IncidentId = incidentId;
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentResponse response = (CalculateTotalTimeIncidentResponse)service.Execute(request);
long time = response.TotalTime;
} /// <summary>
/// 将案例的状态设置为“已结束”
/// </summary>
/// <param name="status">结束的状态</param>
public void CloseIncident(int status)
CloseIncidentRequest request = new CloseIncidentRequest();
request.IncidentResolution = new Entity() { LogicalName = entityName, Id = incidentId };
request.Status = new OptionSetValue(status);
CloseIncidentResponse response = (CloseIncidentResponse)service.Execute(request);
} /// <summary>
/// 验证是否可随时结束案例
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state">Active,Resolved,Canceled</param>
/// <param name="status">InProgress:1,OnHold:2,WaitingforDetails:3,Researching:4</param>
/// <param name="status">ProblemSolved:5,InformationProvided:1000,Canceled:6</param>
public void IsValidStateTransition(string state, int status)
IsValidStateTransitionRequest request = new IsValidStateTransitionRequest();
request.Entity = new EntityReference() { LogicalName = entityName, Id = incidentId };
request.NewState = state;
request.NewStatus = status;
IsValidStateTransitionResponse response = (IsValidStateTransitionResponse)service.Execute(request);
bool isValid = response.IsValid;
} /// <summary>
/// 删除指定安全主体(用户或团队)对案例的所有访问权限
/// </summary>
/// <param name="revokee">用户或团队引用</param>
public void RevokeAccess(EntityReference revokee)
RevokeAccessRequest request = new RevokeAccessRequest();
request.Target = new EntityReference() { LogicalName = entityName, Id = incidentId };
request.Revokee = revokee;
RevokeAccessResponse response = (RevokeAccessResponse)service.Execute(request);
} /// <summary> ///
/// 删除案例 ///
/// </summary>
public void Delete() { service.Delete(entityName, incidentId); }

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