第 1 段
1.Listen to a conversation between a student and a business professor.
第 2 段
1.So, Richer, what's up?
第 3 段
1.Well, I know we have a test coming up on chapters.
第 4 段
1.Chapter 3 and 4 from your text book.
第 5 段
1.Right, 3 and 4, well, I didn't get something you said on class Monday.
第 6 段
1.Alright? Do you remember what it was about?
第 7 段
1.Yes, you were talking about a gym...a health club where people can go to exercise that kind of thing.
第 8 段
1.OK, but the health club model is actually from chapter 5...so...
第 9 段
1.Oh, chapter 5? Oh so it's not...OK but I guess I still want to try to understand...
第 10 段
1.Of course, I was talking about an issue in strategic marketing, the health club model.
2.I mean with a health club you might think they would have trouble attracting customers, right?
第 11 段
1.Well, I know when I pass by【经过;走过;逝去】 a healthy club and I see others people working out, the exercising, I just soon walk on by【轻轻走过】.
第 12 段
1.Yeah, there is that.
2.Plus, lots of people have exercise equipment at home, or they can play sports with their friends.Right?
第 13 段
第 14 段
1.But nowadays in spite of all that, and expensive membership fees, health club are hugely popular, so how come?
第 15 段
1.I guess that is what I didn't understand.
第 16 段
1.OK, basically they have to offer things that most people can't find anywhere else, you know quality, that means better exercise equipment, high-end stuff, and classes-exercise classes may be aerobics.
第 17 段
1.I am not sure if I...ok I get it.
2.Yeah,and you know another thing is I think people probably feel good about themselves when they are at gym.
3.And they can meet new people socialize.
第 18 段
1.Right, so health clubs offer high quality facilities, and also they sell an image about people having more fun, relating better to others and improving their own lives if they become members.
第 19 段
1.Sure that makes sense.
第 20 段
1.Well, then, can you think of another business or organization that could benefit from doing this?
有道理。 呃,你还能想到其他因此受益的企业或组织吗?
2.Think about an important building on campus here, something everyone uses, a major source of information?
第 21 段
1.You mean like an administrative building?
第 22 段
1.Well, that is not what I had in my mind.
第 23 段
1.Oh, You mean the library.
第 24 段
1.Exactly.Libraries.Imagine public libraries.
2.There are information resource for the whole community, right?
第 25 段
1.Well, they can be.But, now, with the internet and big book stores, you can probably get what you need without going to a library.
第 26 段
1.That's true.So if you were the director of a public library, what would you do about that?
第 27 段
1.To get more people to stop in【顺便访问;中途作短暂访问】?
2.Well, like you said, better equipment, maybe a super fast internet connection.
3.And not just a good variety of books but also like nice and comfortable areas where people can read and do research - things that make them want to come to the library and stay.
第 28 段
第 29 段
1.Oh, and maybe have authors come and do some readings or, I don't know, special presentations - something people couldn't get at home.
第 30 段
1.Now, you are getting it.
第 31 段
1.Thanks, professor Wilkins.I think so, too.

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