react privateRoute
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import {Route,Redirect,withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import LoginUser from 'service/LoginUser'; //私有路由,只有登录的用户才能访问
class PrivateRoute extends React.Component{
constructor(props) {
this..state = {
isAuth : _loginUser.hasLogin();
const {history} = this.props;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
const { component: Component,path="/",exact=false,strict=false} = this.props;
return this.state.isAuth ? (
<Route path={path} exact={exact} strict={strict} render={(props)=>( <Component {...props} /> )} />
) : <Authenricated />;
PrivateRoute.propTypes ={
export default withRouter(PrivateRoute);
import { Component } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { get } from 'lodash'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import toastr from 'toastr'
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import { Redirect } from 'react-router'
import { LoadingIndicator } from 'components' export class PrivateRoute extends Component {
constructor (props) {
super(props) this.state = {
isLoading: true, // 是否於權限檢核中
isAuthed: false // 是否通過權限檢核
} static propTypes = {
component: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
funcCode: PropTypes.string.isRequired
} checkAuth = async () => {
let isAuthed = false
const { isLogin, funcCode } = this.props if (isLogin) { this.setState(state => ({ ...state, isLoading: true })) isAuthed = await api.checkAuthWithServer(funcCode)
} if (!isAuthed) { toastr.warning('系統未登录,请先登录')
} // 更新狀態 1.檢核結束 2.檢核結果
this.setState(state => ({ ...state, isAuthed: isAuthed, isLoading: false }))
} componentWillMount = async () => {
await this.checkAuth()
} componentWillReceiveProps = async (nextProps) => {
if (nextProps.location.pathname !== this.props.location.pathname) {
await this.checkAuth()
} render () {
const { component: Component, } = this.props
const { isLoading, isAuthed } = this.state return (
isLoading === true
? <LoadingIndicator />
: <Route {} render={props => (
? <Component {...props} />
: <Redirect to={{ pathname: '/login', state: { from: props.location } }} />
)} />
} } const mapStateToProps = state => ({
// 登入系統後會於 redux 中註記登入狀態
isLogin: get(state, 'auth.isLogin')
}) const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
}) export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(PrivateRoute)
update privateRoute:
import React from 'react';
import {toastr} from "react-redux-toastr";
import {Route, withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import LoginUser from 'service/login-service/LoginUser'; import Unauthorized from "page/error/Unauthorized"; const _loginUser = new LoginUser();
class PrivateRoute extends React.Component{
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isAuth : _loginUser.hasLogin()
toastr.error('login timeOut, return to the login page after 3s');
const {history} = this.props;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
const { component: Component, path="/", exact=false, strict=false} = this.props;
return this.state.isAuth ? (
<Route path={path} exact={exact} strict={strict}
render={(props)=>( <Component {...props} /> )} />) : <Unauthorized />;
export default withRouter(PrivateRoute);
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