
The liveusb-creator is a cross-platform tool for easily installing live operating systems on to USB flash drives.


  • Works in Windows and Linux!
  • Completely non-destructive install. There is no need to deal with formatting or partitioning your USB key.
  • Supports a "destructive" installation method that uses to ​dd to copy the iso directly to the device, overwriting all data and partitions. This method is more reliable in terms of booting, and works with DVD images as well.
  • Supports automatically downloading various Fedora releases, as well as ​Sugar on a Stick!
  • Automatically detects all of your removable devices
  • Persistent storage creation. This lets you to allocate extra space on your USB stick, allowing you to save files and make modifications to your live operating system that will persist after you reboot. This essentially lets you carry your own personalized Fedora with you at all times.
  • Checksum verification of known releases, to ensure that you've downloaded the correct bits
  • Translated in many languages


  1. "As a non-Linux person, Live-USB Creator has improved the
  2. quality of my life measurably!" --Dr. Arthur B. Hunkins


Warning: There are virus-infected copies of the Windows liveusb-creator floating around various download sites on the internet. Only download the Windows liveusb-creator from this page!



For Fedora, simply use Add/Remove? software and search for liveusb-creator and install it or do

  1. # yum install liveusb-creator





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