Create a directory to mount your source.
# mkdir /tmp/bootiso Loop mount the source ISO you are modifying. (Download from Red Hat / CentOS.)
# mount -o loop /path/to/some.iso /tmp/bootiso Create a working directory for your customized media.
# mkdir /tmp/bootisoks Copy the source media to the working directory.
# cp -r /tmp/bootiso/* /tmp/bootisoks/ Unmount the source ISO and remove the directory.
# umount /tmp/bootiso && rmdir /tmp/bootiso. Change permissions on the working directory.
# chmod -R u+w /tmp/bootisoks Copy your Kickstart script which has been modified for the packages and %post to the working directory.
# cp /path/to/someks.cfg /tmp/bootisoks/isolinux/ks.cfg Copy any additional RPMs to the directory structure and update the metadata.
# cp /path/to/*.rpm /tmp/bootisoks/Packages/.
# cd /tmp/bootisoks/Packages && createrepo -dpo .. . Add kickstart to boot options.
# sed -i 's/append\ initrd\=initrd.img$/append initrd=initrd.img\ ks\=cdrom:\/ks.cfg/' /tmp/bootisoks/isolinux/isolinux.cfg Create the new ISO file.
# cd /tmp/bootisoks && mkisofs -o /tmp/boot.iso -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -v -T isolinux/. .


A mkisofs run needs one or more input directories or files and a name for the emerging filesystem image file. There are options for standards compliance, for filesystem attributes, and -most important here- for setting up boot entry points.

-o DISKPATH sets the result file name. E.g. "bootable.iso".

-R enables normal Unix filenames and attributes by Rock Ridge extension. -r does the same but also changes access permissions to make all files readable by everybody.

-J enables MS-Windows UCS-2 names via Joliet extension.

-iso-level NUMBER sets the ISO 9660 Level of Interchange. Level 1 allows only 8.3 filenames. Level 2 allows up to 30 characters in filenames. Level 3 allows data files larger than 4 GiB - 1.

-U violates ISO 9660 specs by allowing long case-sensitive filenames outside of said extensions. If you know that the reader can stand it, then this is a cheap way to get decent file names. But expect standard readers to become confused.

-V TEXT sets the ISO 9660 Volume ID. It can be up to 32 characters long and is often used by automounters as name of the mount directory for the filesystem.

-hide ISOPATH and -hide-joliet ISOPATH may be used to exclude a data file from the directory trees while still having its content in data blocks of the filesystem.

-c ISOPATH sets the filename for the El Torito Boot Catalog. The file is created automatically if boot images are announced. If option -c is missing, then the file will not show up in the directory trees of the ISO filesystem.

-b ISOPATH announces a data file as El Torito boot image for PC-BIOS.

-e ISOPATH announces a data file as El Torito boot image for EFI. This is not an option of original mkisofs, but is understood by some variants of genisoimage and by xorriso -as mkisofs.

-no-emul-boot and -hard-disk-boot choose emulation modes other than the default of floppy emulation. Especially -no-emul-boot is needed for boot images of ISOLINUX and GRUB2.

-boot-load-size NUMBER sets how many blocks of the boot image are to be loaded by the BIOS. A usual number with -no-emul-boot is 4.

-boot-info-table causes a Boot Info Table to be written into the boot image. Needed for boot images of ISOLINUX and GRUB2.

-eltorito-alt-boot ends the range of -b or -e. All further El Torito boot options will apply to the next boot image given by -b or -e.

-G DISKPATH copies the content of a data file into the System Area of the ISO filesystem. This is used to bring MBR or other boot blocks into the filesystem to enable booting from hard-disk-like devices or booting on exotic hardware.

-isohybrid-mbr DISKPATH copies a SYSLINUX/ISOLINUX MBR template into the System Area and makes it execute the El Torito boot image for BIOS. This is a speciality of xorriso -as mkisofs.

-isohybrid-gpt-basdat announces the boot image as GPT partition for booting via EFI and as MBR partition. This is a speciality of xorriso -as mkisofs.

-graft-points enables the interpretation of pathspecs which give a target path in the ISO filesystem together with the path of an input directory or file.

A program argument, which is not recognized as option (e.g. because it does not begin by a dash "-") and is not parameter of an option, is taken as path to an input directory or file. If it is a directory, then its content gets merged with the content of the root directory of the emerging ISO filesystem. If it is a file of other type, then it gets copied into the root directory.
If enabled, then pathspecs get recognized by an equal sign which separates target path from source path. E.g.

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