Text based document generation
9 November 2013: AsciiDoc 8.6.9 Released

Read the CHANGELOG for release highlights and a full list of all additions, changes and bug fixes. Changes are documented in the updated User Guide. See the Installation page for downloads and and installation instructions.

Stuart Rackham


AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including HTML, PDF, EPUB, man page.

AsciiDoc is highly configurable: both the AsciiDoc source file syntax and the backend output markups (which can be almost any type of SGML/XML markup) can be customized and extended by the user.

AsciiDoc is free software and is licenced under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2).

The pages you are reading were written using AsciiDoc, to view the corresponding AsciiDoc source click on the Page Source menu item in the left hand margin.

Overview and Examples

You write an AsciiDoc document the same way you would write a normal text document, there are no markup tags or weird format notations. AsciiDoc files are designed to be viewed, edited and printed directly or translated to other presentation formats using theasciidoc(1) command.

The asciidoc(1) command translates AsciiDoc files to HTML, XHTML and DocBook markups. DocBook can be post-processed to presentation formats such as HTML, PDF, EPUB, DVI, LaTeX, roff, and Postscript using readily available Open Source tools.

Example Articles

Example Books

AsciiDoc markup supports all the standard DocBook frontmatter and backmatter sections (dedication, preface, bibliography, glossary, index, colophon) plus footnotes and index entries.

Example UNIX Man Pages

HTML formatted AsciiDoc man pages with stylesheets and without stylesheets were generated by AsciiDoc from this file.

This roff formatted man page was generated from asciidoc(1) DocBook output using xsltproc(1) and DocBook XSL Stylesheets.

Example Slideshows

The Slidy backend generates HTML slideshows that can be viewed in any web browser. What’s nice is that you can create completely self contained slideshows including embedded images.

Example Web Site

The AsciiDoc website is included in the AsciiDoc distribution (in ./examples/website/) as an example website built using AsciiDoc. See ./examples/website/README-website.txt.

More examples

eBook Publication

The two most popular open eBook formats are EPUB and PDF. The AsciiDoc a2x toolchain wrapper makes it easy to publish EPUB and PDF eBooks with AsciiDoc. See also example books and AsciiDoc EPUB Notes).

Blogpost weblog client

blogpost is a command-line weblog client for publishing AsciiDoc documents to WordPress blog hosts. It creates and updates weblog posts and pages directly from AsciiDoc source documents.

Source code highlighter

AsciiDoc includes a source code highlighter filter that uses GNU source-highlight to highlight HTML outputs. You also have the option of using the Pygments highlighter.

Mathematical Formulae

You can include mathematical formulae in AsciiDoc XHTML documents using ASCIIMathML or LaTeXMathML notation.

The AsciiDoc LaTeX filter translates LaTeX source to a PNG image that is automatically inserted into the AsciiDoc output documents.

AsciiDoc also has latexmath macros for DocBook outputs — they are documented in this PDF file and can be used in AsciiDoc documents processed by dblatex(1).

Editor Support

Try AsciiDoc on the Web

Andrew Koster has written a Web based application to interactively convert and display AsciiDoc source:http://andrewk.webfactional.com/asciidoc.php

External Resources and Applications

Here are resources that I know of, if you know of more drop me a line and I’ll add them to the list.

Please let me know if any of these links need updating.

Documents written using AsciiDoc

Here are some documents I know of, if you know of more drop me a line and I’ll add them to the list.

Please let me know if any of these links need updating.

DocBook 5.0 Backend

Shlomi Fish has begun work on a DocBook 5.0 docbook50.conf backend configuration file, you can find it here. See also:http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_thread/thread/4386c7cc053d51a9

LaTeX Backend

An experimental LaTeX backend was written for AsciiDoc in 2006 by Benjamin Klum. Benjamin did a superhuman job (I admit it, I didn’t think this was doable due to AsciiDoc’s SGML/XML bias). Owning to to other commitments, Benjamin was unable to maintain this backend. Here’s Benjamin’s original documentation. Incompatibilities introduced after AsciiDoc 8.2.7 broke the LaTeX backend.

In 2009 Geoff Eddy stepped up and updated the LaTeX backend, thanks to Geoff’s efforts it now works with AsciiDoc 8.4.3. Geoff’s updated latex.conf file shipped with AsciiDoc version 8.4.4. The backend still has limitations and remains experimental (seeGeoff’s notes).

It’s probably also worth pointing out that LaTeX output can be generated by passing AsciiDoc generated DocBook throughdblatex(1).

Patches and bug reports

Patches and bug reports are are encouraged, but please try to follow these guidelines:

  • Post bug reports and patches to the asciidoc discussion list, this keeps things transparent and gives everyone a chance to comment.

  • The email subject line should be a specific and concise topic summary. Commonly accepted subject line prefixes such as [ANN],[PATCH] and [SOLVED] are good.

Bug reports

  • When reporting problems please illustrate the problem with the smallest possible example that replicates the issue (and please test your example before posting). This technique will also help to eliminate red herrings prior to posting.

  • Paste the commands that you executed along with any relevant outputs.

  • Include the version of AsciiDoc and the platform you’re running it on.

  • If you can program please consider writing a patch to fix the problem.


  • Keep patches small and atomic (one issue per patch) — no patch bombs.

  • If possible test your patch against the current trunk.

  • If your patch adds or modifies functionality include a short example that illustrates the changes.

  • Send patches in diff -u format, inline inside the mail message is usually best; if it is a very long patch then send it as an attachment.

  • Include documentation updates if you’re up to it; otherwise insert TODO comments at relevant places in the documentation.


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