考虑到数据结构短板严重,从计算几何换换口味= =







push() = O(logn);

pop() = O(logn);

BinaryHeap() = O(nlogn);



Parent(i) = i >> 1

LChild(i) = i << 1

RChild(i) = i << 1 + 1

实现 up() 和 down() 方法达到上浮,下沉








维护方法:若 b[i] < b[heap.top()] 则 pop() 并 push(i)。

代码比较丑 凑合看吧

//POJ 2010
//这个AC异常艰辛 总共提交11次 充分体现了锲而不舍的精神
//AC 2016-10-15 #include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define MAXC 100000 + 10
#define MAXN 20000 + 10 struct node{
int val, cost;
friend bool operator < (const node &n1, const node &n2){
return n1.val < n2.val;
friend bool operator > (const node &n1, const node &n2){
return n1.val > n2.val;
}p[MAXC]; struct BHeap{
node heap[MAXC];
int n;
BHeap(): n(0){}
void clear(){n = 0;}
void down(int i){
for (int j = i * 2; j <= n; j *= 2){
j += (j < n) && (heap[j].cost < heap[j + 1].cost);
if (heap[j].cost > heap[i].cost){
swap(heap[i], heap[j]);
i = j;
else break;
void up(int i){
for (int j = i / 2; j >= 1; j /= 2){
if (heap[j].cost < heap[i].cost){
swap(heap[i], heap[j]);
i = j;
else break;
node &pop(){
swap(heap[1], heap[n--]);
return heap[n + 1];
node &top(){
return heap[1];
void push(node &a){
heap[++n] = a;
int before[MAXC], after[MAXC]; int main(){
int n, c, f, minval = 0x7f7f7f7f;
freopen("fin.c", "r", stdin);
while (scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &c, &f) + 1){
for (int i = 1; i <= c; i++){
scanf("%d%d", &p[i].val, &p[i].cost);
sort(p + 1, p + 1 + c);
int size = n / 2; heap.clear();
before[size + 1] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++){
before[size + 1] += p[i].cost;
for (int i = size + 1; i < c - size; i++){
if (heap.top().cost > p[i].cost){
before[i + 1] = before[i] - heap.pop().cost + p[i].cost;
else before[i + 1] = before[i];
} heap.clear();
after[c - size] = 0;
for (int i = c; i > c - size; i--){
after[c - size] += p[i].cost;
for (int i = c - size; i > size + 1; i--){
if (heap.top().cost > p[i].cost){
after[i - 1] = after[i] - heap.pop().cost + p[i].cost;
else after[i - 1] = after[i];
for (int i = c - size; i >= size + 1; i--){
if (after[i] + before[i] + p[i].cost <= f){
printf("%d\n", p[i].val);
goto END;
puts("-1"); END:;

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