Do It Wrong, Get It Right
Time Limit: 5000ms, Special Time Limit:12500ms, Memory Limit:65536KB
Total submit users: 7, Accepted users: 6
Problem 12627 : No special judgement
Problem description
In elementary school, students learn to subtract fractions by first getting a common denominator and then subtracting the numerators. However, sometimes a student will work the problem incorrectly and still arrive at the correct answer. For example, for the problem 
5      9
4     12
one can subtract the numbers in the numerator and then subtract the numbers in the denominator, simplify and get the answer. i.e.

For a given fraction b/n, your task is to find all of the values a and m, where a ≥ 0 and m > 0, for which 

There will be several test cases in the input. Each test case will consist of a single line with two integers, b and n (1 ≤ b,n ≤ 106) separated by a single space. The input will end with a line with two 0s.

For each case, output all of the requested fractions on a single line, sorted from smallest to largest. For equivalent fractions, print the one with the smaller numerator first. Output each fraction in the form “a/m” with no spaces immediately before or after the “/”. Output a single space between fractions. Output no extra spaces, and do not separate answers with blank lines.

Sample Input
9 12
12 14
4 12
0 0
Sample Output
0/24 5/20 8/16 8/8 5/4
0/28 9/21 9/7
0/24 3/18 3/6
Problem Source
ACM ICPC Southeast USA Regional Programming Contest 2012


long long输入输出要用%I64d!一直用的是%lld,纠结了好久啊!!!!

 #include <cstdio>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #define LL long long
 int main(void)
   LL b, n;
   freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
     while (~scanf("%I64d%I64d", &b, &n))
 //    while (~scanf("%lld%lld", &b, &n))
         ) break;
         *n - ;m>;m--) {



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