If you use Ubuntu 15.10,search 'sogou' in Software Center.If you can see sogoupinyin there.You can go away.

If you use the lower edition ,add UbuntuKylin source as indicated below.


Ubuntu has its own Chinese Input Method.

ibus-setup 选择sunchinese

然后ibus restart,重启一下就可以了.


 1.  press  "Ctrl+Alt+T" to open Terminal.
 2.  add software source:
    sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntukylin.list

 3.  edit this file:

    deb http://archive.ubuntukylin.com:10006/ubuntukylin trusty main

 4. update software source:

    sudo apt-get update

 5. install sogoupinyin:

    sudo apt-get install sogoupinyin

 6.In "system setting > language surpport >

    change Keyboard input method as "fcitx"

 7.Logout the system.This will exit ibus and enter fcitx.Configure fcitx

8.add one input method,you will see sogou is there.

9.在System Settings>TextEntry中,可以设置输入法切换应用于:当前窗口,当前程序,所有程序.

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