



[Shenzhen, China, August 8, 2019] Huawei launched its Global Industry Vision (GIV) report today, continuing its predictions for technology and industry development up to 2025.

Drawing from Huawei’s own quantitative data and real-world use cases of how intelligent technology is permeating every industry, this year’s report identifies 10 megatrends currently shaping how we live and work. GIV also predicts technology trends up until 2025, including 5G coverage, AI deployment, home robot adoption, and smart assistant use rates.

The 10 trends and examples of GIV’s key predictions for 2025 are as follows:

  1. Living with Bots: Advances in material science, perceptual AI, and network technologies are powering the uptake of robotics in a variety of home and personal scenarios. GIV predicts a 14% global penetration rate of home robots.

  2. Super Sight: The convergence of 5G, VR/AR, machine learning, and other emerging technologies will let us see beyond distance, distortion, surface, and history, opening up new vistas for people, business, and culture. GIV predicts that the percentage of companies using AR/VR will increase to 10%.

  3. Zero Search: As data-driven and sensor-equipped appliances and devices begin anticipating our needs, information will find us. Future searches will be button-free, personal social networks will be created effortlessly, and industry will benefit from “zero-search maintenance”. GIV predicts that 90% of smart device owners will use intelligent personal assistants.

  4. Tailored Streets: Intelligent transport systems will connect people, vehicles, and infrastructure, creating zero congestion, rapid emergency response, and other functions that will make life smoother. GIV predicts that 15% of vehicles will have Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything technology.

  5. Working with Bots: Already transforming many industries, smart automation will take on more hazardous, repetitive, and high-precision tasks – a boon for safety and productivity. GIV predicts that there will be 103 robots in industry for every 10,000 employees.

  6. Augmented Creativity: Cloud AI will cut the cost and barrier of entry to scientific experimentation, innovation, and art, opening up a goldmine of creative potential that’s available to all. GIV predicts that 97% of large companies will have deployed AI.

  7. Frictionless Communication: AI and big data analytics will create seamless communication between companies and customers and break down language barriers. Accuracy, understanding, and trust will underpin tomorrow’s communications. GIV predicts that enterprises will fully use of 86% of the data that they produce.

  8. Symbiotic Economy: Companies across the planet are adopting digital tech and smart applications on unified access platforms – that means greater collaboration, resource-sharing, stronger global ecosystems, and higher productivity. GIV predicts that every company everywhere will be using cloud technology and 85% of business applications will be cloud-based.

  9. 5G’s rapid rollout: 5G is here and it’s landing far faster than any previous wireless generation – the potential for individuals, businesses, and society is enormous. GIV predicts that 58% of the world's population will have access to 5G.

  10. Global Digital Governance: Advancements in digital tech must be balanced by shared data standards and principles for data use. GIV predicts that the annual volume of global data will reach 180 ZB (1 ZB = 1 trillion GB).

According to the CMO of Huawei ICT Infrastructure Kevin Zhang, "Human exploration will never stop. We should set our sights beyond what we see now and look to the future, shifting from innovation to invention. We’re seeing rapid changes to life, work, and society as every industry adopts AI, 5G, cloud computing, and other emerging technologies. Huawei is committed to building digital platforms, user experiences, and intelligent technology that power ubiquitous connectivity in every scenario. It’s our mission to offer every person, home, and organization an intelligent future and the benefits of entirely new opportunities for growth."

With the first report released in 2018, GIV @2025 is designed to analyze industry development trends and serve as a strategic guide for ICT deployment.

For more information about GIV@2025, please visit: www.huawei.com/minisite/giv/en





  1. 与机器人同住:材料科学、感知人工智能和网络技术的进步推动了各种家庭和个人场景中机器人的应用。GIV预测全球家庭机器人普及率将达到14%。

  2. 超视觉:5G、VR/AR、机器学习等新兴技术的融合将使我们能够看到距离、扭曲、表面和历史之外的事物,为人们、企业和文化开辟新的视野。GIV预测使用AR/VR的公司比例将增加到10%。

  3. 无搜索:随着数据驱动和传感器装备的家电和设备开始预测我们的需求,信息将主动找到我们。未来的搜索将是无按钮的,个人社交网络将轻松创建,行业将受益于“零搜索维护”。GIV预测90%的智能设备所有者将使用智能个人助理。

  4. 定制街道:智能交通系统将连接人、车辆和基础设施,实现零拥堵、快速应急响应等功能,使生活更加顺畅。GIV预测15%的车辆将配备车联网技术。

  5. 与机器人合作:智能自动化已经改变了许多行业,将承担更多危险、重复和高精度任务,对安全和生产率是一大助益。GIV预测每1万名员工将有103台工业机器人。

  6. 增强创造力:云端人工智能将降低科学实验、创新和艺术的成本和门槛,开辟了一个为所有人提供的创造潜力的金矿。GIV预测97%的大型企业将部署人工智能。

  7. 无摩擦沟通:人工智能和大数据分析将实现企业与客户之间无缝沟通,打破语言障碍。准确性、理解和信任将成为明天沟通的基础。GIV预测企业将充分利用他们产生的86%的数据。

  8. 共生经济:全球范围内的公司正在采用数字技术和统一访问平台上的智能应用,这意味着更强的协作、资源共享、更强大的全球生态系统和更高的生产率。GIV预测每一家公司都将使用云技术,85%的企业应用将基于云计算。

  9. 5G的快速部署:5G已经到来,而且比以往任何一代无线技术的部署速度都快,对个人、企业和社会的潜力巨大。GIV预测全球58%的人口将能够接入5G。

  10. 全球数字治理:数字技术的进步必须由共享的数据标准和数据使用原则平衡。GIV预测全球数据的年度总量将达到180ZB(1ZB = 1万亿GB)。


GIV @2025于2018年首次发布,旨在分析产业发展趋势并为ICT部署提供战略指导。

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