PyOCD Notes
For Ubuntu20.04 the version in apt repository is 0.13.1+dfsg-1, which is too low to recognize J-Link probe
$ apt-cache show python3-pyocd
Package: python3-pyocd
Architecture: all
Version: 0.13.1+dfsg-1
Priority: optional
When you run pyocd-tool list
it won't detect the jlink probe
sudo apt remove python3-pyocd
Then install from pip
pip install pyocd
This will work (it's a J-Link clone)
~$ pyocd list
# Probe/Board Unique ID Target
0 Segger J-Link (unknown) 123456 n/a
Ubuntu 22.04
This is instantly available but not recommended
sudo pip install pyocd
# or with a mirror
sudo pip install pyocd -i
# This will install pyocd (currently pyocd-0.34.2) into:
This is recommended but not instantly available (you need logout & login)
pip uninstall pyocd
# This will install pyocd into:
You don't need to add .local/bin to the PATH because .profile already takes care of it, but it won't take effect until your next login
Basic Commands
# Show helps
pyocd --help
pyocd list --help
pyocd pack --help
# List information about probes
pyocd list
# List available targets
pyocd list -t
# Manage CMSIS-Packs for target support, clean packs
pyocd pack -c
# List install packs
pyocd pack -s
# Update pack index
pyocd pack -u
# Show pack info according to IC type
pyocd pack -f stm32f103
# Install pack for specified IC type
pyocd pack -i stm32f103
# Reset a target device.
pyocd reset
# Run debug probe server.
pyocd server
Add New Targets
According to Target Support, pyocd list -t
will list built-in targets, if you want to add new targets, you should run the following commands
# Clean packs
pyocd pack -c
# List install packs
pyocd pack -s
# Update pack index
pyocd pack -u
# Show pack info according to IC type
pyocd pack -f stm32f103
# Install pack for specified IC type
pyocd pack -i stm32f103
The above command pyocd pack -u
will download all .pdsc files into $HOME/.local/share/cmsis-pack-manager/, and generate aliases.json and index.json. But this command may not succeeded -- it's very slow and full of connection errors and format errors.
If you just want specified target types, and you happen to have the pack files, you can manually add the target support by creating a configuration file.
create a file named pyocd.yaml
with the following content
- ./Misc/ArteryTek.AT32F403A_407_DFP.2.1.3.pack
- [relative or absolute paths to other pack files]
Then run pyocd from the same folder, it will take this file as configuration and treat these pack files as installed,
$ pyocd list -t
Name Vendor Part Number Families Source
_at32f403acct7 ArteryTek -AT32F403ACCT7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F403A pack
_at32f403accu7 ArteryTek -AT32F403ACCU7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F403A pack
_at32f403acet7 ArteryTek -AT32F403ACET7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F403A pack
_at32f407vet7 ArteryTek -AT32F407VET7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F407 pack
_at32f407vgt7 ArteryTek -AT32F407VGT7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F407 pack
cc3220sf Texas Instruments CC3220SF builtin
cortex_m Generic CoreSightTarget builtin
You can rename this configuration file and place it to other path, and specify this configuration with --config
$ pyocd list -t --config ./Misc/pyocd_renamed.yaml
Name Vendor Part Number Families Source
_at32f403acct7 ArteryTek -AT32F403ACCT7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F403A pack
_at32f403accu7 ArteryTek -AT32F403ACCU7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F403A pack
_at32f403acet7 ArteryTek -AT32F403ACET7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F403A pack
_at32f403aceu7 ArteryTek -AT32F403ACEU7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F403A pack
_at32f407vet7 ArteryTek -AT32F407VET7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F407 pack
_at32f407vgt7 ArteryTek -AT32F407VGT7 AT32F40x Series, AT32F407 pack
cc3220sf Texas Instruments CC3220SF builtin
cortex_m Generic CoreSightTarget builtin
cy8c64_sysap Cypress cy8c64_sysap builtin
Take AT32F403ACGT7 for example.
pyocd reset -t _at32f403acgt7 --config somewhere/pyocd.yaml
Reset and halt
pyocd reset -l -t _at32f403acgt7 --config somewhere/pyocd.yaml
Erase entire chip, target is _at32f403acgt7
$ pyocd erase -t _at32f403acgt7 -c --config somewhere/pyocd.yaml
0000972 I Erasing chip... [eraser]
0003906 I Chip erase complete [eraser]
$ pyocd load -t _at32f403acgt7 ./led_toggle.hex --config somewhere/pyocd.yaml
0000957 I Loading /home/milton/somewhere/led_toggle.hex [load_cmd]
[==================================================] 100%
0001481 I Erased 4096 bytes (2 sectors), programmed 3072 bytes (3 pages), skipped 0 bytes (0 pages) at 5.77 kB/s [loader]
Enter Commander Mode
$ pyocd commander -v -v -t _at32f403acgt7 --config somewhere/pyocd.yaml
This will display the chip details
0000882 D STLink probe 0669FF525252714987194517 firmware version: V2J39M27 [stlink]
0000899 D flash algo: [code=0x2e0] [b1=0x2e0,0x6e0] [b2=0x6e0,0xae0] [stack=0x2ae0; 0x2000 b] (ram=0x20000000, 0x4000 b) [flash_algo]
0000901 I Target type is _at32f421c8t7 [board]
0000903 D STLink probe 0669FF525252714987194517 firmware version: V2J39M27 [stlink]
0000904 D Running task load_svd [sequencer]
0000940 I DP IDR = 0x2ba01477 (v1 rev2) [dap]
0000943 D Using accelerated memory access interface for AHB-AP#0 [ap]
0000943 I AHB-AP#0 IDR = 0x24770011 (AHB-AP var1 rev2) [ap]
0000944 D AHB-AP#0 default HPROT=3 HNONSEC=0 [ap]
0000945 D AHB-AP#0 implemented HPROT=3 HNONSEC=0 [ap]
0000945 D Running task find_components [sequencer]
0000946 D Running task init_ap.0 [sequencer]
0000949 I AHB-AP#0 Class 0x1 ROM table #0 @ 0xe00ff000 (designer=43b:Arm part=4c4) [rom_table]
0000952 I [0]<e000e000:SCS v7-M class=14 designer=43b:Arm part=000> [rom_table]
0000953 I [1]<e0001000:DWT v7-M class=14 designer=43b:Arm part=002> [rom_table]
0000954 I [2]<e0002000:FPB v7-M class=14 designer=43b:Arm part=003> [rom_table]
0000956 I [3]<e0000000:ITM v7-M class=14 designer=43b:Arm part=001> [rom_table]
0000959 I [4]<e0040000:TPIU M4 class=9 designer=43b:Arm part=9a1 devtype=11 archid=0000 devid=ca1:0:0> [rom_table]
0000960 W Invalid coresight component, cidr=0x0 [rom_table]
0000960 I [5]e0041000: cidr=0, pidr=0, component invalid> [rom_table]
0000960 D Running task create_cores [sequencer]
0000960 D Creating SCS component [discovery]
0000961 D selected core #0 [soc_target]
0000962 I CPU core #0 is Cortex-M4 r0p1 [cortex_m]
0000963 D Running task set_default_reset_type [sequencer]
0000963 D Running task create_components [sequencer]
0000963 D Creating DWT component [discovery]
0000964 I 4 hardware watchpoints [dwt]
0000967 D Creating FPB component [discovery]
0000967 I 6 hardware breakpoints, 4 literal comparators [fpb]
0000968 D fpb has been disabled [fpb]
0000972 D Creating ITM component [discovery]
0000974 D Creating TPIU component [discovery]
Connected to -AT32F421C8T7 [Running]: 0669FF525252714987194517
- PyOCD Official Site
- Installation
- Add targets
- Configuration
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