You have two variables a and b. Consider the following sequence of actions performed with these variables:

  1. If a = 0 or b = 0, end the process. Otherwise, go to step 2;
  2. If a ≥ 2·b, then set the value of a to a - 2·b, and repeat step 1. Otherwise, go to step 3;
  3. If b ≥ 2·a, then set the value of b to b - 2·a, and repeat step 1. Otherwise, end the process.

Initially the values of a and b are positive integers, and so the process will be finite.

You have to determine the values of a and b after the process ends.


The only line of the input contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 1018). n is the initial value of variable a, and m is the initial value of variable b.


Print two integers — the values of a and b after the end of the process.


12 5
0 1

31 12
7 12

Explanations to the samples:

  1. a = 12, b = 5  a = 2, b = 5  a = 2, b = 1  a = 0, b = 1;
  2. a = 31, b = 12  a = 7, b = 12.


The answer can be calculated very easy by Euclid algorithm (which is described in the problem statement), but all subtractions will be replaced by taking by modulo.


Euclid算法,和题意一样,我最开始是按照题目给的流程按部就班的写,a,b的范围为10^18,要开long long,但是在text3 10^18 7就TLE了。




long long a, b;
int main(){ scanf("%lld %lld", &a, &b);
while(a && b){
if(a>=2*b) a%= 2*b;
else if(b>=2*a) b%=2*a;
else break;
printf("%lld %lld", a, b);

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