Given a triangle, find the minimum path sum from top to bottom. Each step you may move to adjacent numbers on the row below.(Medium)

For example, given the following triangle

  1. [
  2. [2],
  3. [3,4],
  4. [6,5,7],
  5. [4,1,8,3]
  6. ]

The minimum path sum from top to bottom is 11 (i.e., 2 + 3 + 5 + 1 = 11).

Bonus point if you are able to do this using only O(n) extra space, where n is the total number of rows in the triangle.




  1. class Solution {
  2. public:
  3. int minimumTotal(vector<vector<int>>& triangle) {
  4. int sz = triangle.size();
  5. if (sz == ) {
  6. return ;
  7. }
  8. int dp[sz][sz];
  9. for (int i = ; i < sz; ++i) {
  10. dp[sz - ][i] = triangle[sz - ][i];
  11. }
  12. for (int i = sz - ; i >= ; --i) {
  13. for (int j = ; j <= i; ++j) {
  14. dp[i][j] = min(dp[i + ][j], dp[i + ][j + ]) + triangle[i][j];
  15. }
  16. }
  17. return dp[][];
  18. }
  19. };

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