Windows Server 2019 打补丁时缺少Oracle Configuration Manager(OCM) 响应文件处理方式。


Oracle Universal Installer -版本10.2.0.1到12.1.0.2[版本10.2到12.1]



% export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/11.2/db1
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/ocm/bin/emocmrsp -no_banner -output /u02/ocm.rsp

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The OCM configuration response file (/u02/ocm.rsp) was successfully created. <<

Assume applying patch 12345

% cd 12345
% opatch apply -silent -ocmrf <path_to_response_file>

Example: % opatch apply -silent -ocmrf /u02/ocm.rsp

 Additional Examples (Showing command usage for  CPU/SPU/PSU/ "opatch auto" )

1) User below for CPU/SPU apply
% opatch napply -silent -ocmrf /u02/ocm.rsp
2)Use below for  PSU apply
% opatch apply -silent -ocmrf /u02/ocm.rsp
3)GRID patching command changed sightly as below 
% opatch auto -ocmrf /u02/ocm.rsp

How to Create an OCM Response file to Apply a Patch in Silent Mode - opatch silent的更多相关文章


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