1. <template>
  2. <section style="height: 100vh;" class="bg">
  3. <div class="cardtype"><i class="pos fa fa-diamond fa-lg" :style="{color: '#FFFFFF'}"></i> {{VipInfo.VipCardTypeName}}</div>
  4. <div class="container">
  5. <!-- 条形码 -->
  6. <div class="barcode">
  7. <barcode :value="barcode" :options="barcode_option" tag="svg"></barcode>
  8. <span class="txt">
  9. <span>{{barcode1}}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  10. <span>{{barcode2}}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  11. <span>{{barcode3}}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  12. <span>{{barcode4}}</span>
  13. </span>
  14. </div>
  15. <!-- 二维码 -->
  16. <qrcode class="qrCode" :url="barcode" :wid="180" :hei="180" :imgwid="40" :imghei="40"></qrcode>
  17. </div>
  18. <div class="claim">
  19. <i class="pos fa fa-info-circle fa-lg" :style="{color: '#FFFFFF'}"></i>
  20. &nbsp;如果付款失败,请点击刷新&nbsp;
  21. <i class="pos fa fa-refresh fa-lg" :style="{color: '#FFFFFF'}"></i>
  22. </div>
  23. </section>
  24. </template>
  26. <script>
  27. import qrcode from 'vue_qrcodes'
  28. export default {
  29. components: { qrcode },
  30. data() {
  31. return {
  32. VipInfo: '',
  33. barcode: '888888888888888888',
  34. barcode1: '',
  35. barcode2: '',
  36. barcode3: '',
  37. barcode4: '',
  38. barcode_option: {
  39. // format: 'CODE128',
  40. displayValue: false,
  41. background: 'transparent',
  42. width: '2px',
  43. height: '80px',
  44. fontOptions: 'bold',
  45. fontSize: '32px'
  46. },
  47. icon: ''
  48. }
  49. },
  50. mounted() {
  51. var tmp = window.sessionStorage.getItem('VipInfo')
  52. if (tmp) {
  53. this.VipInfo = JSON.parse(tmp)
  54. }
  55. // this.barcode = this.$route.params.barcode
  56. this.barcode1 = this.barcode.substr(0, 4)
  57. this.barcode2 = this.barcode.substr(4, 4)
  58. this.barcode3 = this.barcode.substr(8, 4)
  59. this.barcode4 = this.barcode.substr(12, 6)
  60. },
  61. methods: {
  62. }
  63. }
  64. </script>
  66. <style scoped>
  67. .bg {
  68. width: 100%;
  69. height: 100%;
  70. background: linear-gradient(#47C9EB, #367CF7);
  71. background-size: cover;
  72. position: absolute;
  73. top: 0;
  74. left: 0;
  75. }
  76. .cardtype {
  77. color: white;
  78. font-size: .3rem;
  79. text-align: center;
  80. line-height: .3rem;
  81. margin-top: .5rem;
  82. }
  83. .container {
  84. margin: .5rem .5rem .3rem;
  85. padding-bottom: .6rem;
  86. border-radius: .1rem;
  87. background-color: white;
  88. }
  89. /* 条形码 */
  90. svg {
  91. width: 96%;
  92. position: relative;
  93. display: block;
  94. top: -0.01rem;
  95. margin: 0 auto;
  96. }
  97. .barcode {
  98. position:relative;
  99. top: .5rem;
  100. }
  101. /* 会员码 */
  102. .txt {
  103. display: block;
  104. text-align: center;
  105. width: 100%;
  106. position: absolute;
  107. left: 50%;
  108. transform: translate(-50%);
  109. font-weight: 700;
  110. font-size: .3rem;
  111. }
  112. /* 二维码 */
  113. .qrCode{
  114. position: relative;
  115. margin-top: 1.3rem;
  116. left: calc(50% - 90px);
  117. }
  118. .claim {
  120. color: white;
  121. text-align: center;
  122. font-size: .3rem;
  123. }
  124. .fa-info-circle::before, .fa-refresh::before {
  125. font: normal normal normal .4rem/1 FontAwesome!important;
  126. }
  127. </style>


  1. DevExpress 使用条形码二维码控件打印

    参考文章: https://www.cnblogs.com/wuhuacong/p/6112976.html 转载请注明出处:撰写人:伍华聪 其实主要是二维码的实现,在使用条形码控件时,又一个属性Sy ...

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  5. 在DevExpress程序中使用条形码二维码控件,以及进行报表打印处理

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  6. Java 条形码 二维码 的生成与解析

    Barcode简介 Barcode是由一组按一定编码规则排列的条,空符号,用以表示一定的字符,数字及符号组成的,一种机器可读的数据表示方式. Barcode的形式多种多样,按照它们的外观分类: Lin ...

  7. 条形码/二维码之开源利器ZXing图文介绍

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  8. Python zxing 库解析(条形码二维码识别)

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  9. 条形码/二维码之开源利器ZXing图文介绍(转)

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