#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> #include "regularhelper.h"
#include "pcre/pcre.h"
#include "stringhelper.h" int regularLoop(pcre *re, char *pcSrc, size_t ovecCount, void *userData, FuncHandle callback); /********************************************************
Func Name: regularInfer
Date Created: 2018-9-29
Description: pcre识别
Output: error code
int regularInfer(char *pcSrc, const char *pattern, void *userData, FuncHandle callback)
int result = ;
pcre *re = NULL;
int erroffset;
const char *pcError = NULL;
size_t ovecCount = ; if (NULL == pcSrc || NULL == pattern || NULL == userData ||NULL == callback)
return -;
} /*
ovecCount = matchOperator(pattern, '(', ')') + ; //编译正则表达式的pcre内部表示结构
re = pcre_compile(pattern, , &pcError, &erroffset, NULL);
if (NULL == re)
return -;
} //匹配字符串
result = regularLoop(re, pcSrc, ovecCount, userData, callback); //清理资源
pcre_free(re); return result;
} /********************************************************
Func Name: regularLoop
Date Created: 2018-9-29
Description: 循环识别字符串
Output: error code
int regularLoop(pcre *re, char *pcSrc, size_t ovecCount, void *userData, FuncHandle callback)
int rc = ;
int *offsetVector = NULL;
int offset = ;
int ovecSize = ;
int match = ; //分配内存空间
//ovecSize should be a multiple of 3
ovecSize = ovecCount * ;
offsetVector = (int *)malloc(ovecSize * sizeof(int));
if (NULL == offsetVector)
return -;
memset(offsetVector, , ovecSize * sizeof(int)); while ()
rc = pcre_exec(re, NULL, pcSrc, strlen(pcSrc), offset, , offsetVector, ovecSize);
if (rc <= )
callback(pcSrc, offsetVector, rc, userData);
offset = offsetVector[];
} return match > ? : -; }
#ifdef TEST

#include "regularhelper.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> void deal(char *pcData, int *regVector, size_t size, void *userArg)
char gcData[] = { };
int i = ; for (i = ; i < size; i++)
//regVector[2 * i]表示开始位置
//regVector[2 * i + 1] 表示结束位置
strncpy(gcData, pcData + regVector[ * i], regVector[ * i + ] - regVector[ * i]);
printf("key is %s\n", gcData);
printf("\n", gcData);
} void test()
char *p = NULL;
//char str[] = " error goodbye";
char str[] = "tabceftsfasdft12345t";
int result = ; //memset(&data, 0, sizeof(STParamList));
int data; //提取所有的参数
result = regularInfer(str, "t(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)t", &data, deal);
if (result)
printf("regularInfer() error .\n");
} int main(int argc,char * argv[])
return ;
} #endif

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