注:本文练习题均出自《Essential C++》第一章
练习1,1 从一个简单程序开始
using namespace std; int main()
string user_name;
cout << "Please enter your first name :";
cin >> user_name;
cout << '\n'
<< "Hello,"
<< user_name
<< "... and goodbye!\n"; return ;
2,将using namespace std注释掉,重新编译,会发生什么事?
将上述程序的内容进行扩充(1)要求用户同时输入名字(first name)和姓氏(last name);(2)修改输出结果,同时打印姓氏和名字。
1,定义两个string对象:string first_name,last_name;
2,定义一个vector,储存两个string对象:vector<string> usr_name(2);
using namespace std; int main()
string first_name,last_name;
cout << "Please enter your first name :";
cin >> first_name;
cout << "hi, " << first_name
<< "Please enter your last name: "; cin >> last_name;
cout << '\n';
cout << "Hello, "
<< first_name << ' ' << last_name
<< "... and goodbye!\n"; return ;
using namespace std; int main()
const int nm_size = ; //必须分配一个大小固定的空间
char user_name[nm_size];
cout << "Please enter your name: ";
cin >> setw(nm_size) >> user_name; switch(strlen(user_name))
case :
cout << "That is a very big name,indeed --"
<< "we may have needed to shorten it\n"
<< "In any case,\n"; default:
cout << "Hello, " << user_name
<< " -- happy to make your acquaintance!\n";
} return ;
using namespace std; int main()
string user_name;
cout << "Please enter your name: ";
cin >> user_name; switch(user_name.size()){
case :
cout << "Ah,the user with no name. ";
break; case :
cout << "A 1-character name? Hmm,have you read Kafka?: ";
break; default:
cout << "Hello, " << user_name
<< "-- happy to make your acquaintance!\n";
return ;
- array的大小必须固定,vector可以动态地随着元素的插入而扩展储存空间。
- array并不储存自身大小。
//使用vector #include<iostream>
using namespace std; int main()
vector<int> ivec;
int ival,sum;
while(cin >> ival)
ivec.push_back(ival); for(int sum = ,ix = ;ix < ivec.size();++ix) //遍历vector元素,一一累加
sum += ivec[ix]; int average = sum / ivec.size(); cout << "Sum of " << ivec.size()
<< " elements: " << sum
<< ". Average: " << average << endl;
//使用array #include<iostream>
using namespace std; int main()
const int array_size = ;
int ia[array_size],sum;
int ival,icnt = ; while(cin >> ival && icnt < array_size)
ia[icnt++] = ival; for(int sum = ,ix = ;ix < icnt;++ix)
sum += ia[ix]; int average = sum / icnt; cout << "Sum of " << icnt
<< " elements: " << sum
<< ". Average: " << average << endl;
sort( container.begin(),container.end() );
using namespace std; int main()
string word;
ifstream in_file("D:\\Documents\\text.txt");
cerr << "oops! unable to open input file\n";
return -;
} ofstream out_file("D:\\Documents\\text.sort");
cerr << "oops! unable to open output file\n";
return -;
} string world;
vector < string > text;
while(in_file >> word)
text.push_back(word); int ix;
cout << "unsorted text: \n"; for(ix = ;ix < text.size();++ix)
cout << text[ix] << ' ';
cout << endl; sort(text.begin(),text.end()); out_file << "sorted text: \n";
for(ix = ;ix < text.size();++ix)
out_file << text[ix] << ' ';
out_file << endl; return ;
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