【Unity Shaders】Using Textures for Effects——让sprite sheets动起来
本系列主要参考《Unity Shaders and Effects
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这次内容主要讲如何使用sprite sheets制作2D动画。在Unity中,实际上已经有很多插件可以完成这个工作,例如2dTookit,新版的Unity中支持2D应该也会提供类似的功能了。虽然如此,我还是希望通过这篇文章可以更深入地理解2D动画的原理。说到动画的原理,先要提到一个名词,sprite atlas,也可以称为image sequence,实际上就是一张大图中包含了很多张小图,如下:
- 准备一张sprite sheet,你可以自己画一张也可以从网上下载一张,或是直接使用本书资源。这张图不需要太复杂,只需要包含一组图片序列来供滚动浏览就行。下面是本书中的实例图片(5084_Code/Unity assets/5084_02_UnityAssets/Textures/Chapter02_SpriteSheet005.png):
- 创建一个新的Shader和一个新的Material,名称分别为AnimateSprites;
- 新建一个场景,名为AnimateSprites_Scene,在场景中添加平行光,创建一个新的平面,并把上一步中的Material设为其材质,将第一步中的图片拖到Material的图片上。最后如下所示:
- 打开Shader编辑器,向Properties 区域添加三个新的Properties:
- Properties {
- _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
- // Create the properties below
- _TexWidth ("Sheet Width", float) = 0.0
- _CellAmount ("Cell Amount", float) = 0.0
- _Speed ("Speed", Range(0.01, 32)) = 12
- }
- Properties {
- 在SubShader区域为每个新增的Properties增加对应的引用,以便在代码中使用它们的值:
- #pragma surface surf Lambert
- sampler2D _MainTex;
- //Create the connection to the properties inside of the
- //CG program
- float _TexWidth;
- float _CellAmount;
- float _Speed;
- 将_MainTex的UV坐标先存储到单独的变量中:
- //Lets store our UVs in a seperate variable
- float2 spriteUV = IN.uv_MainTex;
- //Lets store our UVs in a seperate variable
- 下面,我们需要计算每个小图的宽度,最后计算得到每个小图宽度占整体的百分比。
原书中代码如下:- //Lets calculate the width of a singe cell in our
- //sprite sheet and get a uv percentage that each cel takes up.
- float cellPixelWidth = _TexWidth/_CellAmount;
- float cellUVPercentage = cellPixelWidth/_TexWidth;
- //Lets calculate the width of a singe cell in our
- //sprite sheet and get a uv percentage that each cel takes up.
- float cellUVPercentage = 1.0/_CellAmount;
- //Lets calculate the width of a singe cell in our
- 下面,通过得到系统时间来计算需要在原图上的偏移量,来得到不同的小图:
- //Lets get a stair step value out of time so we can increment
- //the uv offset
- float timeVal = fmod(_Time.y * _Speed, _CellAmount);
- timeVal = ceil(timeVal);
- //Lets get a stair step value out of time so we can increment
- 最后,计算在X方向上的最终偏移量。
原书中代码如下:- //Animate the uv's forward by the width precentage of
- //each cell
- float xValue = spriteUV.x;
- xValue += cellUVPercentage * timeVal * _CellAmount;
- xValue *= cellUVPercentage;
- //Animate the uv's forward by the width precentage of
- //each cell
- float xValue = spriteUV.x;
- xValue += timeVal;
- xValue *= cellUVPercentage;
- //Animate the uv's forward by the width precentage of
- 应用最终偏移量,显示到plane上:
- spriteUV = float2(xValue, spriteUV.y);
- half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, spriteUV);
- o.Albedo = c.rgb;
- o.Alpha = c.a;
- Shader "Custom/AnimateSprites" {
- Properties {
- _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
- // Create the properties below
- _TexWidth ("Sheet Width", float) = 0.0
- _CellAmount ("Cell Amount", float) = 0.0
- _Speed ("Speed", Range(0.01, 32)) = 12
- }
- SubShader {
- Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
- LOD 200
- #pragma surface surf Lambert
- sampler2D _MainTex;
- //Create the connection to the properties inside of the
- //CG program
- float _TexWidth;
- float _CellAmount;
- float _Speed;
- struct Input {
- float2 uv_MainTex;
- };
- void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
- //Lets store our UVs in a seperate variable
- float2 spriteUV = IN.uv_MainTex;
- //Lets calculate the width of a singe cell in our
- //sprite sheet and get a uv percentage that each cel takes up.
- float cellUVPercentage = 1.0/_CellAmount;
- //Lets get a stair step value out of time so we can increment
- //the uv offset
- float timeVal = fmod(_Time.y * _Speed, _CellAmount);
- timeVal = ceil(timeVal);
- //Animate the uv's forward by the width precentage of
- //each cell
- float xValue = spriteUV.x;
- xValue += timeVal;
- xValue *= cellUVPercentage;
- spriteUV = float2(xValue, spriteUV.y);
- half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, spriteUV);
- o.Albedo = c.rgb;
- o.Alpha = c.a;
- }
- }
- FallBack "Diffuse"
- }
- float cellUVPercentage = 1.0/_CellAmount;
- float timeVal = fmod(_Time.y * _Speed, _CellAmount);
- timeVal = ceil(timeVal);
- float xValue = spriteUV.x;
- xValue += timeVal;
- xValue *= cellUVPercentage;
+ 1) * 0.11 = 0.11至(1 + 1) * 0.11 = 0.22,即第二张小图对应的贴图范围。这样就按照顺序显示小图,从而让整个画面动起来了。
- Shader "Custom/AnimateSprites" {
- Properties {
- _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
- // Create the properties below
- _CellAmount ("Cell Amount", float) = 0.0
- _TimeValue ("Time Value", float) = 0.0
- }
- SubShader {
- Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
- LOD 200
- #pragma surface surf Lambert
- sampler2D _MainTex;
- //Create the connection to the properties inside of the
- //CG program
- float _CellAmount;
- float _TimeValue;
- struct Input {
- float2 uv_MainTex;
- };
- void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
- //Lets store our UVs in a seperate variable
- float2 spriteUV = IN.uv_MainTex;
- //Lets calculate the width of a singe cell in our
- //sprite sheet and get a uv percentage that each cel takes up.
- float cellUVPercentage = 1.0/_CellAmount;
- //Animate the uv's forward by the width precentage of
- //each cell
- float xValue = spriteUV.x;
- xValue += _TimeValue;
- xValue *= cellUVPercentage;
- spriteUV = float2(xValue, spriteUV.y);
- half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, spriteUV);
- o.Albedo = c.rgb;
- o.Alpha = c.a;
- }
- }
- FallBack "Diffuse"
- }
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- public class SpriteAnimator : MonoBehaviour
- {
- public float speed = 5.0f;
- public int cellAmount = 0;
- float timeValue = 0.0f;
- void Start ()
- {
- transform.renderer.material.SetFloat("_CellAmount", cellAmount);
- }
- // Update is called once per frame
- void FixedUpdate ()
- {
- timeValue = Mathf.Ceil(Time.time * speed % 9);
- transform.renderer.material.SetFloat("_TimeValue", timeValue);
- }
- }
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