Credit Summaries & Importing External Credit Exposure
In this Document
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Solution |
Oracle Order Management - Version to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5.10 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 09-Oct-2013***
Questions on 'Credit Checking Setup'.
Use of credit summaries & 'Initialize Credit Summaries' request
Questions on importing credit exposure - 'Include External Sources' checkbox on credit check rule
A) Details on 'Include External Credit Exposure' checkbox on 'Credit Check Rule'
Select the Include External Credit Exposure check box if you wish to include
external exposure details imported into Order Management during the credit
checking process.
When an Oracle Order Management sales order is credit checked, the exposure data
from the external system is included in the overall exposure check. The default
value for this check box is un-checked (exclude external exposure details when
performing credit checking).
B) Please review details on page D-21 in 'Oracle Order Management User's Guide' on details on
the concurrent program - "Credit Exposure Import Concurrent Program".
C) Here is the name of the table that you need to populate:
Please refer Page 5-79 Oracle Order Management User’s Guide:
Credit Exposure Import Concurrent Program
The Credit Exposure Import concurrent program enables you to import external credit
exposure details (such as transaction amounts for sales orders created outside of Oracle
Applications) into Oracle Order Management, provided you have correctly populated
the corresponding Order Management Exposure Interface table.
External exposure details can then be:
• Utilized exclusively for Credit Checking
• Used in conjunction with existing pre-calculated exposure amounts when
performing credit checking
• Used in conjunction with real time transactional data when performing credit
Order Management will determine whether to include external exposure amounts
imported within the overall exposure amount when performing credit checking based
upon the credit checking rules you define.
Program Details
External exposure details imported within Order Management are stored in the same
exposure summary table used by the Initialize Credit Summaries Table concurrent
program. Successfully imported external exposure records within the summary exposure
table can be determined by the value for the field BALANCE_TYPE; all externally
imported exposure detail records will have the value 18 for the field BALANCE_TYPE.
Note: when you submit the Initialize Credit Exposure concurrent
program, externally imported exposure records are never overwritten.
When importing credit exposure details from an external system, Order Management
will import all records selected, provided each record successfully passes validation. If a
single record fails validation, Order Management will not import any records within
the exposure interface tables which were selected for processing. If you encounter
exceptions during run time, review the exception details within the concurrent program
output and log files, correct the issues, and then resubmit the program.
The Credit Exposure Import concurrent program can be submitted in two different
modes, Update and Insert. Interface records are processed based upon the mode, which
is determined by the value of the column OPERATION_CODE within the exposure
interface table.
• Insert: All credit exposure amounts previously imported will be overwritten with
the given exposure amount within the Order Management Exposure Interface tables.
• Update: The credit exposure amount within the Order Management Exposure
Summary table will either be added (positive amount) or subtracted (negative
amount) to any previously imported amount. If a corresponding exposure amount
does not previously exist, a new exposure amount record will be created.
This program will never delete records from the credit exposure summary table.
Note: The current value of the profile option MO: Operating Unit is used
as a input parameter to this concurrent program. This parameter is
hidden by default, and is used to prevent the Credit Exposure Import
program from importing exposure records into incorrect operating units.
Note: If you need to input exposure details for multiple operating
units, Order Management recommends you set this profile option
at the Responsibility level, and then switch to the corresponding
Responsibility when importing exposure details.
To import credit exposure details from an external system:
1. Navigate to the Run Requests SRS window, and select Credit Exposure Import in the
Request Name field.
Run Requests SRS Window - Credit Exposure Import
2.Select the Exposure Source. Exposure Sources are based upon user defined values
for the Order Management Quick Code ONT: Credit Exposure Import Source. If you
select a value for this parameter, only records which have the same value (case
sensitive) within column EXPOSURE_SOURCE_CODE within the exposure import
interfaces tables will be processed. This field is not required.
3. Enter a numeric value, greater than zero, if you wish to specify a batch number to
process a portion of the records with the exposure import interface tables.
You can use a batch number for auditing purposes, or to improve performance
when large amounts of exposure records are to be imported (choose to process
only a portion of the exposure records within one submission and the remaining
records within additional submissions - running the concurrent program in parallel
with the initial request).
4. If you select a value for this parameter, only records which have the same value
within column BATCH_ID within the exposure import interfaces tables will be
processed. This field is not required.
5. Validate Only:
Select Yes to validate records within the credit exposure interface tables only. No
records are imported into summary exposure tables during submission.
6. Select No to validate and process records within the credit exposure interface tables.
This field is required.
7. Select OK, then Submit.
Note: When importing exposure details using the Credit Exposure
Import, only interface records that belong to a Bill To Site for the
current operating unit can be imported. Therefore, ensure your
records are grouped accordingly.
Note: For example, if you have multiple Bill To sites within the
exposure interface table, ensure that each Bill To Sites has been
previously defined for the current operating unit you are currently
working within.
Note: Additionally, if you specify either an Exposure Source or a
Batch Id as an input parameter, ensure the corresponding records
(marked with values for either Exposure Source or Batch ID) within
the interface table utilize Bill To Sites defined for the same operating
unit you are submitting the program for.
The Credit Exposure Import concurrent program produces a standard Oracle log
file, along with a Standard Order Management Report output.
Concurrent Program Log File
• The concurrent program log file contains standard details such as program name
and the value of input parameters, as well as the following summary details:
Number of rows to Process: X_num_rows_to_process
Number of rows to Validate: x_num_rows_validated
Number of rows that failed Validation: x_num_rows_failed
Number of Rows Imported: x_num_rows_imported
Concurrent Program Output (report)
• The concurrent program output (report output), available only by selecting Output
within the View Requests window (provided your have previously selected the row
with the appropriate request id) displays the following details:
Report Parameters Region
• Concurrent program input parameters with values entered for submission.
Report Information
• Concurrent program details such as request id
Report Header Region
• Concurrent program details such as operating unit and report date.
Report Output
• Concurrent program details such as Number of credit exposure to process, and
Number of credit exposure failed validation.
• Concurrent program exception details (errors).
D) There is no restriction to use credit summaries (i.e. to check 'Use pre-calculated exposure' on credit check rule) if you are going to use
external credit exposure.
Following is additional information on external credit exposure :
Credit Exposure Import (OEXCEIMP) &Purge Imported Credit Exposure(OEXCEPRG)
The Credit Exposure Import program enables you to import external credit exposure details for sales orders created outside of Oracle Applications into Oracle Order Management.
External exposure data is imported from interface table OE_EXPOSURE_INTERFACE into OE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES table. Data from OE_EXPOSURE_INTERFACE is purged upon successful import.
All externally imported exposure detail records will have the value 18 for the field BALANCE_TYPE column in ‘OE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES’.
The Credit Exposure Import program can be submitted in two different modes, UPDATE and INSERT. Interface records are processed based upon the mode, which is determined by the value of the column OPERATION_CODE within the exposure interface table OE_EXPOSURE_INTERFACE.
Insert Mode: All credit exposure amounts previously imported will be overwritten .
Update Mode: The credit exposure amount within ‘OE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES table will either be added (positive amount) or subtracted (negative amount) to any previously imported amount. If a corresponding exposure amount does not previously exist, a new exposure
amount record will be created.
The ‘Purge Imported Credit Exposure’ program enables you to purge imported external credit exposure records from OE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES table.
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