Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges.

Example 1:

Input:  [0,1,2,4,5,7]
Output: ["0->2","4->5","7"]
Explanation: 0,1,2 form a continuous range; 4,5 form a continuous range.

Example 2:

Input:  [0,2,3,4,6,8,9]
Output: ["0","2->4","6","8->9"]
Explanation: 2,3,4 form a continuous range; 8,9 form a continuous range.

Special thanks to for adding this problem and creating all test cases.


class Solution {
vector<string> summaryRanges(vector<int>& nums) {
vector<string> res;
int i = , n = nums.size();
while (i < n) {
int j = ;
while (i + j < n && (long)nums[i + j] - nums[i] == j) ++j;
res.push_back(j <= ? to_string(nums[i]) : to_string(nums[i]) + "->" + to_string(nums[i + j - ]));
i += j;
return res;


Missing Ranges

Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals


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