




•LazyDriver 的3个构造函数。


     * app测试默认driver
     * @param AppName
     *            (for exapmle: "SimpleApp.apk")
     * @param packageName
     *            (for exapmle: "simple.app")
     * @param activityName
     *            (activityName must begin with ".", for exapmle:
     *            ".SimpleAppActivity")
     * @param platformVersion
     *            (for exapmle: "4.2.2")
     * @return an AppiumDriver object
     * @throws MalformedURLException
    public LazyDriver(String AppName, String packageName, String activityName,
            String platformVersion) throws MalformedURLException {

        DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
        setBasicCapabilities(AppName, packageName, activityName,
                platformVersion, capabilities);

        driver = new AppiumDriver(new URL(""),

     * 可以选择测试开始前是否卸载app重新安装,是否清理app中的缓存数据
     * @param AppName
     *            (for exapmle: "SimpleApp.apk")
     * @param packageName
     *            (for exapmle: "simple.app")
     * @param activityName
     *            (activityName must begin with ".", for exapmle:
     *            ".SimpleAppActivity")
     * @param platformVersion
     *            (for exapmle: "4.2.2")
     * @param bReset
     * @return an AppiumDriver object
     * @throws MalformedURLException
    public LazyDriver(String AppName, String packageName, String activityName,
            String platformVersion, Boolean bReset)
            throws MalformedURLException {
        DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
        setBasicCapabilities(AppName, packageName, activityName,
                platformVersion, capabilities);

        if (bReset)
            capabilities.setCapability("fullReset", "True"); // 测试开始前,卸载app重新安装,清除app数据文件
            capabilities.setCapability("noReset", "True");

        driver = new AppiumDriver(new URL(""),

     * 浏览器测试使用的driver
     * @param browseType
     * @param platformVersion
     * @throws MalformedURLException
    public LazyDriver(String browseType, String platformVersion)
            throws MalformedURLException {
        DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
        setBasicCapabilities(browseType, platformVersion, capabilities);

        driver = new AppiumDriver(new URL(""),



    /* ###################### 手机基本操作 #####################*/

     * 安装 android apk
     * @param appPath
    public void installApp(String appPath);

     * 关闭 android apk
    public void closeApp();

     * 重置 android apk
    public void resetApp();

     * 截屏
     * @param screenSavePath
    public void doScreenshot(String screenSavePath);

     * 获取屏幕方向(水平,垂直)
     * @return orientation:LANDSCAPE("landscape"),PORTRAIT("portrait")
    public ScreenOrientation getOrientation();

     * 设置屏幕方向
     * @param orientation
     *            :LANDSCAPE("landscape"),PORTRAIT("portrait") )
    public void setOrientation(ScreenOrientation orientation);

     * 按键操作
     * @param key:
     * AndroidKeyCode int BACK = 4; int BACKSPACE = 67;
     * int DEL =67;
     * int ENTER = 66; int HOME = 3; int MENU = 82; int
     * SETTINGS = 176; int SPACE = 62;

    public void sendKeyEvent(int key);

     * 回退到上一个页面
    public void goBack();

     * 从(fromX, fromY)滑动到(toX, toY)
     * @param during
    public void swipeUp;

     * 向上滑
     * @param during
    public void swipeUp(int during);

     * 向上滑 default during = 500
    public void swipeUp();

     * 向下滑
     * @param during
    public void swipeDown(int during);

     * 向下滑 default during = 500
    public void swipeDown();

     * 向左滑
     * @param during
    public void swipeToLeft(int during);

     * 向左滑 default during = 500
    public void swipeToLeft();

     * 向右滑
     * @param during
    public void swipeToRight(int during);

     * 向右滑 default during = 500
    public void swipeToRight();

     * 触摸
     * @param el
    public void touch(WebElement el);

     * 触摸
     * @param x
     * @param y
    public void touch(int x, int y);

     * 长按
     * @param el
    public void longTouch(WebElement el);
     * 长按
     * @param x
     * @param y
    public void longTouch(int x, int y);

     * 点击element控件中心点按下,duration*5毫秒秒后松开,如此重复fingers次。
     * @param fingers
     * @param element
     * @param duration
    public void tap(int fingers, WebElement element, int duration);

     * 点击(x,y)点按下,duration*5毫秒后松开,如此重复fingers次。
     * @param fingers
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @param duration
    public void tap(int fingers, int x, int y, int duration);





    /* #################### Find 系列操作 ###################### */

     * 带超时重试机制的元素查找
     * @param aDriver
     * @param xpath
     * @return
    public WebElement findElementByXpath(String xpath);

     * 带超时重试机制的元素查找
     * @param aDriver
     * @param xpath
     * @param timeout
     * @return
    public WebElement findElementByXpath(String xpath, Long timeout);

     * 带超时重试机制的元素查找
     * @param aDriver
     * @param xpath
     * @param timeout
     * @param stepInterval
     * @return
    public WebElement findElementByXpath(String xpath, Long timeout,Long stepInterval);

     * 根据文字查找控件。遍历GlobalSettings.AndroidCtrType定义的安卓常用的6种控件类型,分别生成xpath进行查找,耗时较长
     * !
     * @param aDriver
     * @param text
     * @param timeout
     * @return
    public WebElement findElementByText(String text);

     * 根据文字和控件类型查找控件。需要传入准确的安卓控件名称,耗时短,成功率高!
     * @param aDriver
     * @param text
     * @param controlTypeName:
     * "TextView", "Button", "CheckBox", "RadioButton",
     * "ImageView", "ToggleButton", ...
     * @return
    public WebElement findElementByText(String text, String controlTypeName);

     * 带超时重试机制的文字捕获
     * @param expectExist
     * @param
     * @param timeout
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @throws NumberFormatException
    public void expectTextExistOrNot(boolean expectExist, String text,
            int timeout);

     * 带超时重试机制的文字捕获
     * @param expectExist
     * @param text
     * @throws NumberFormatException
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void expectTextExistOrNot(boolean expectExist, String text);

     * 带超时重试机制的控件查找——通过xpath
     * @param aDriver
     * @param xpath
     * @param timeout
     * @param stepInterval
     * @return
    private WebElement findElement(String xpath, Long timeout, Long stepInterval);

     * 带超时重试机制的控件查找——通过xpath list
     * @param aDriver
     * @param xpathArray2
     *            :xpath arrayList
     * @return
    private WebElement findElement(List<String> xpathArray2);

     * 判断控件是否存在,不带超时重试机制
     * @return
    public boolean isExists();
     * 判断控件是否存在——不带超时重试机制
     * @param xpath
     * @return
    public boolean isElementPresent(String xpath);
     * 带超时重试机制的控件存在情况判断
     * @param expectExist
     * @param xpathArray
     * @param timeout
    public void expectElementExistOrNot(boolean expectExist, int timeout);
     * 带超时重试机制的控件存在情况判断
     * @param expectExist
     * @param xpathArray
     * @param timeout
    public void expectElementExistOrNot(boolean expectExist);
     * 将控件通过xpath蜕化为WebElement对象
     * @return
    public WebElement toWebElement();





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