How to Change Default Web ADI Upload Parameters for FlexField Import / Validation (文档 ID 553345.1) 转到底部

In this Document



Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator - Version 11.5.1 to [Release 11.5]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform.


How to change the default value of the Web ADI Journal Upload parameters for the Descriptive FlexField Import and Validation.


Check the form function definition using the following steps:

1. Note the Responsibility you are using to create your document.

2. Logon to Applications using the System Administrator responsibility.

3. Navigate to Security -> Responsibility, and click Define.

4. When the form opens, search for the Responsibility you noted in step 1.

5. Note the Menu associated with your Responsibility, then close the form.

6. (still using the System Administrator responsibility) Navigate to Application, and click Menu.

7. Search for the Menu you noted in step 5 (remember to put your search criteria in the User Menu Name field).

8. Note the Function value for the menu item you use to create your document with. Close the form after noting the name.

9. (still using the System Administrator responsibility) Navigate to Application, and click Function.

10. Search for the form function name you noted in step 8 (remember to put your search criteria in the User Function Name field).

For R12 GL, please add the needed parameter to the GL_ADI_CREATE_DOCUMENT function.

11. Change the Parameter value for your form function to the required value

For example, it might be set to:
The parameter bne:importFlex can have the values:
- IMPORTVALIDATION (import DFF with validation)
- IMPORTNOVALIDATION (import DFF without validation)
- NOIMPORT (no import DFF)

12. Save your form function, then close the form.

13. Select "Requests" from the "View" menu in forms - and monitor the "Compile Security" request to ensure your menus are recompiled.

14. Exit out Oracle Applications (including Forms and the Self-Service Home page).

15. Ask you DBA/System Administrator to stop and restart the web server.


NOTE:344780.1 - WebADI - Is It Possible to Change the Upload Parameter Values that Default When Creating Document and Uploading to GL?

How to Change Default Web ADI Upload Parameters for FlexField Import / Validation (文档 ID 553345.1) 转到底部

In this Document



Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator - Version 11.5.1 to [Release 11.5]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform.


How to change the default value of the Web ADI Journal Upload parameters for the Descriptive FlexField Import and Validation.


Check the form function definition using the following steps:

1. Note the Responsibility you are using to create your document.

2. Logon to Applications using the System Administrator responsibility.

3. Navigate to Security -> Responsibility, and click Define.

4. When the form opens, search for the Responsibility you noted in step 1.

5. Note the Menu associated with your Responsibility, then close the form.

6. (still using the System Administrator responsibility) Navigate to Application, and click Menu.

7. Search for the Menu you noted in step 5 (remember to put your search criteria in the User Menu Name field).

8. Note the Function value for the menu item you use to create your document with. Close the form after noting the name.

9. (still using the System Administrator responsibility) Navigate to Application, and click Function.

10. Search for the form function name you noted in step 8 (remember to put your search criteria in the User Function Name field).

For R12 GL, please add the needed parameter to the GL_ADI_CREATE_DOCUMENT function.

11. Change the Parameter value for your form function to the required value

For example, it might be set to:
The parameter bne:importFlex can have the values:
- IMPORTVALIDATION (import DFF with validation)
- IMPORTNOVALIDATION (import DFF without validation)
- NOIMPORT (no import DFF)

12. Save your form function, then close the form.

13. Select "Requests" from the "View" menu in forms - and monitor the "Compile Security" request to ensure your menus are recompiled.

14. Exit out Oracle Applications (including Forms and the Self-Service Home page).

15. Ask you DBA/System Administrator to stop and restart the web server.


NOTE:344780.1 - WebADI - Is It Possible to Change the Upload Parameter Values that Default When Creating Document and Uploading to GL?

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