PCI 设备详解三
- struct pci_bus *pci_scan_root_bus(struct device *parent, int bus,
- struct pci_ops *ops, void *sysdata, struct list_head *resources)
- {
- struct pci_host_bridge_window *window;
- bool found = false;
- struct pci_bus *b;
- int max;
- /*寻找bus的资源*/
- list_for_each_entry(window, resources, list)
- if (window->res->flags & IORESOURCE_BUS) {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- /*创建bus对应的结构*/
- b = pci_create_root_bus(parent, bus, ops, sysdata, resources);
- if (!b)
- return NULL;
- if (!found) {
- dev_info(&b->dev,
- "No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus %02x-ff]\n",
- bus);
- pci_bus_insert_busn_res(b, bus, );
- }
- /*遍历子总线*/
- max = pci_scan_child_bus(b);
- if (!found)
- pci_bus_update_busn_res_end(b, max);
- pci_bus_add_devices(b);
- return b;
- }
- struct pci_bus *pci_create_root_bus(struct device *parent, int bus,
- struct pci_ops *ops, void *sysdata, struct list_head *resources)
- {
- int error;
- struct pci_host_bridge *bridge;
- struct pci_bus *b, *b2;
- struct pci_host_bridge_window *window, *n;
- struct resource *res;
- resource_size_t offset;
- char bus_addr[];
- char *fmt;
- /*创建一个pci_bus结构*/
- b = pci_alloc_bus();
- if (!b)
- return NULL;
- /*基本的初始化*/
- b->sysdata = sysdata;
- b->ops = ops;
- /*0号总线的总线号正是该条根总线下的总线号资源的起始号*/
- b->number = b->busn_res.start = bus;
- /**/
- b2 = pci_find_bus(pci_domain_nr(b), bus);
- if (b2) {
- /* If we already got to this bus through a different bridge, ignore it */
- dev_dbg(&b2->dev, "bus already known\n");
- goto err_out;
- }
- bridge = pci_alloc_host_bridge(b);
- if (!bridge)
- goto err_out;
- bridge->dev.parent = parent;
- bridge->dev.release = pci_release_host_bridge_dev;
- dev_set_name(&bridge->dev, "pci%04x:%02x", pci_domain_nr(b), bus);
- error = pcibios_root_bridge_prepare(bridge);
- if (error) {
- kfree(bridge);
- goto err_out;
- }
- /*桥也是作为一个设备存在*/
- error = device_register(&bridge->dev);
- if (error) {
- put_device(&bridge->dev);
- goto err_out;
- }
- /*建立总线到桥的指向*/
- b->bridge = get_device(&bridge->dev);
- device_enable_async_suspend(b->bridge);
- pci_set_bus_of_node(b);
- if (!parent)
- set_dev_node(b->bridge, pcibus_to_node(b));
- b->dev.class = &pcibus_class;
- b->dev.parent = b->bridge;
- dev_set_name(&b->dev, "%04x:%02x", pci_domain_nr(b), bus);
- error = device_register(&b->dev);
- if (error)
- goto class_dev_reg_err;
- pcibios_add_bus(b);
- /* Create legacy_io and legacy_mem files for this bus */
- pci_create_legacy_files(b);
- if (parent)
- dev_info(parent, "PCI host bridge to bus %s\n", dev_name(&b->dev));
- else
- printk(KERN_INFO "PCI host bridge to bus %s\n", dev_name(&b->dev));
- /* Add initial resources to the bus */
- list_for_each_entry_safe(window, n, resources, list) {
- /*从全局的资源链表摘下,加入到特定桥的windows链表中*/
- list_move_tail(&window->list, &bridge->windows);
- res = window->res;
- offset = window->offset;
- /*如果资源是总线号资源*/
- if (res->flags & IORESOURCE_BUS)
- pci_bus_insert_busn_res(b, bus, res->end);
- else
- pci_bus_add_resource(b, res, );
- /*看总线地址到物理地址的偏移*/
- if (offset) {
- if (resource_type(res) == IORESOURCE_IO)
- fmt = " (bus address [%#06llx-%#06llx])";
- else
- fmt = " (bus address [%#010llx-%#010llx])";
- snprintf(bus_addr, sizeof(bus_addr), fmt,
- (unsigned long long) (res->start - offset),
- (unsigned long long) (res->end - offset));
- } else
- bus_addr[] = '\0';
- dev_info(&b->dev, "root bus resource %pR%s\n", res, bus_addr);
- }
- down_write(&pci_bus_sem);
- /*加入根总线链表*/
- list_add_tail(&b->node, &pci_root_buses);
- up_write(&pci_bus_sem);
- return b;
- class_dev_reg_err:
- put_device(&bridge->dev);
- device_unregister(&bridge->dev);
- err_out:
- kfree(b);
- return NULL;
- }
- b->number = b->busn_res.start = bus;
- unsigned int pci_scan_child_bus(struct pci_bus *bus)
- {
- unsigned int devfn, pass, max = bus->busn_res.start;
- struct pci_dev *dev;
- dev_dbg(&bus->dev, "scanning bus\n");
- /* Go find them, Rover! 遍历一条总线上的所有子总线,一条总线有32个接口,一个接口有8个子功能,所以这里只能以8递增*/
- for (devfn = ; devfn < 0x100; devfn += )
- /*在遍历每一个接口,这里一个接口最多有八个function*/
- /*在这里,就把总线上的每一个设备都探测过了并加入到了bus对应的设备链表中,后面遍历还要用到*/
- pci_scan_slot(bus, devfn);
- /* Reserve buses for SR-IOV capability. 加上预留的总线号的数量*/
- max += pci_iov_bus_range(bus);
- /*
- * After performing arch-dependent fixup of the bus, look behind
- * all PCI-to-PCI bridges on this bus.
- */
- /*查找PCI桥*/
- if (!bus->is_added) {
- dev_dbg(&bus->dev, "fixups for bus\n");
- pcibios_fixup_bus(bus);
- bus->is_added = ;
- }
- /*据说是需要调用两次pci_scan_bridge,第一次配置,第二次遍历*/
- for (pass=; pass < ; pass++)
- list_for_each_entry(dev, &bus->devices, bus_list) {
- if (dev->hdr_type == PCI_HEADER_TYPE_BRIDGE ||
- dev->hdr_type == PCI_HEADER_TYPE_CARDBUS)
- /*遍历PCI桥*/
- max = pci_scan_bridge(bus, dev, max, pass);
- }
- /*
- * We've scanned the bus and so we know all about what's on
- * the other side of any bridges that may be on this bus plus
- * any devices.
- *
- * Return how far we've got finding sub-buses.
- */
- dev_dbg(&bus->dev, "bus scan returning with max=%02x\n", max);
- return max;
- }
- int pci_scan_slot(struct pci_bus *bus, int devfn)
- {
- unsigned fn, nr = ;
- struct pci_dev *dev;
- if (only_one_child(bus) && (devfn > ))
- return ; /* Already scanned the entire slot */
- /*遍历了第一个功能号,即fn=0*/
- dev = pci_scan_single_device(bus, devfn);
- if (!dev)
- return ;
- if (!dev->is_added)
- nr++;
- /*fn=1开始,遍历其他的功能*/
- for (fn = next_fn(bus, dev, ); fn > ; fn = next_fn(bus, dev, fn)) {
- dev = pci_scan_single_device(bus, devfn + fn);
- if (dev) {
- /**/
- if (!dev->is_added)
- nr++;
- /*如果找到第二个设备就说明这是个多功能的设备*/
- dev->multifunction = ;
- }
- }
- /* only one slot has pcie device */
- if (bus->self && nr)
- pcie_aspm_init_link_state(bus->self);
- return nr;
- }
最先开始仍然是判断,如果这里该插槽只有一个逻辑设备即不是多功能的,且devfn=0,那么就表示在寻找一个不存在的设备,直接return 0,否则就调用pci_scan_single_device函数探测该插槽各个逻辑设备。接着调动了pci_scan_single_device函数,该函数检查下对应设备号的设备是否已经存在于总线的设备链表中,不存在才会往下调用pci_scan_device函数探测。
- static struct pci_dev *pci_scan_device(struct pci_bus *bus, int devfn)
- {
- struct pci_dev *dev;
- u32 l;
- /*获取设备厂商*/
- if (!pci_bus_read_dev_vendor_id(bus, devfn, &l, *))
- return NULL;
- /*分配一个dev结构*/
- dev = pci_alloc_dev(bus);
- if (!dev)
- return NULL;
- dev->devfn = devfn;
- dev->vendor = l & 0xffff;
- dev->device = (l >> ) & 0xffff;
- pci_set_of_node(dev);
- /*初始化设备*/
- if (pci_setup_device(dev)) {
- pci_bus_put(dev->bus);
- kfree(dev);
- return NULL;
- }
- return dev;
- }
这里就要做实质性的工作了,创建了一个设备结构并设置相关的信息如设备号,厂商等,然后调用pci_setup_device函数对设备进行全面的初始化,比较重要是地址空间的映射。这里先不说这些,后面再提。最后会调用pci_device_add函数把设备注册进系统,主要还是在设备和总线之间建立联系。回到pci_scan_child_bus函数中,经过这一步就把当前总线上的各个逻辑设备遍历了一遍,也就是都凡是存在的逻辑设备都有了对应的结构,且都存在于总线的设备链表中。然后开始组个检测这些设备,其目的在于寻找PCI-PCI 桥的存在也即1型设备。这里如果找到一个桥设备就会调用pci_scan_bridge函数遍历桥设备:
- int pci_scan_bridge(struct pci_bus *bus, struct pci_dev *dev, int max, int pass)
- {
- struct pci_bus *child;
- int is_cardbus = (dev->hdr_type == PCI_HEADER_TYPE_CARDBUS);
- u32 buses, i, j = ;
- u16 bctl;
- u8 primary, secondary, subordinate;
- int broken = ;
- /*这里是先读设备配置空间的总线号*/
- pci_read_config_dword(dev, PCI_PRIMARY_BUS, &buses);
- primary = buses & 0xFF;//父总线号
- secondary = (buses >> ) & 0xFF;//子总线号
- subordinate = (buses >> ) & 0xFF;//桥下最大的总线号
- dev_dbg(&dev->dev, "scanning [bus %02x-%02x] behind bridge, pass %d\n",
- secondary, subordinate, pass);
- /*!primary为真两种情况,1为空 2为0(代表根总线),加上后面的&&才表示为空*/
- if (!primary && (primary != bus->number) && secondary && subordinate) {
- /*Primary bus硬件实现为0,当是root总线时,正好总线号也是0就不需要修改,而其他子总线就需要重新设置*/
- dev_warn(&dev->dev, "Primary bus is hard wired to 0\n");
- /*手动设置*/
- primary = bus->number;
- }
- /* Check if setup is sensible at all 监测配置是否合法*/
- if (!pass &&
- (primary != bus->number || secondary <= bus->number ||
- secondary > subordinate)) {
- dev_info(&dev->dev, "bridge configuration invalid ([bus %02x-%02x]), reconfiguring\n",
- secondary, subordinate);
- broken = ;
- }
- /* Disable MasterAbortMode during probing to avoid reporting
- of bus errors (in some architectures) */
- pci_read_config_word(dev, PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL, &bctl);
- pci_write_config_word(dev, PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL,
- if ((secondary || subordinate) && !pcibios_assign_all_busses() &&
- !is_cardbus && !broken) {
- unsigned int cmax;
- /*
- * Bus already configured by firmware, process it in the first
- * pass and just note the configuration.
- */
- if (pass)
- goto out;
- /*
- * If we already got to this bus through a different bridge,
- * don't re-add it. This can happen with the i450NX chipset.
- *
- * However, we continue to descend down the hierarchy and
- * scan remaining child buses.
- */
- /*得到子总线结构*/
- child = pci_find_bus(pci_domain_nr(bus), secondary);
- if (!child) {
- child = pci_add_new_bus(bus, dev, secondary);
- if (!child)
- goto out;
- /*设置子总线的primary指针*/
- child->primary = primary;
- /*给子总线也分配总线号资源*/
- pci_bus_insert_busn_res(child, secondary, subordinate);
- child->bridge_ctl = bctl;
- }
- /*递归遍历子总线*/
- cmax = pci_scan_child_bus(child);
- if (cmax > max)
- max = cmax;
- if (child->busn_res.end > max)
- max = child->busn_res.end;
- } else {
- /*
- * We need to assign a number to this bus which we always
- * do in the second pass.
- */
- if (!pass) {
- if (pcibios_assign_all_busses() || broken)
- /* Temporarily disable forwarding of the
- configuration cycles on all bridges in
- this bus segment to avoid possible
- conflicts in the second pass between two
- bridges programmed with overlapping
- bus ranges. */
- pci_write_config_dword(dev, PCI_PRIMARY_BUS,
- buses & ~0xffffff);
- goto out;
- }
- /* Clear errors */
- pci_write_config_word(dev, PCI_STATUS, 0xffff);
- /* Prevent assigning a bus number that already exists.
- * This can happen when a bridge is hot-plugged, so in
- * this case we only re-scan this bus. */
- child = pci_find_bus(pci_domain_nr(bus), max+);
- if (!child) {
- child = pci_add_new_bus(bus, dev, ++max);
- if (!child)
- goto out;
- pci_bus_insert_busn_res(child, max, 0xff);
- }
- buses = (buses & 0xff000000)
- | ((unsigned int)(child->primary) << )
- | ((unsigned int)(child->busn_res.start) << )
- | ((unsigned int)(child->busn_res.end) << );
- /*
- * yenta.c forces a secondary latency timer of 176.
- * Copy that behaviour here.
- */
- if (is_cardbus) {
- buses &= ~0xff000000;
- }
- /*
- * We need to blast all three values with a single write.
- */
- pci_write_config_dword(dev, PCI_PRIMARY_BUS, buses);
- if (!is_cardbus) {
- child->bridge_ctl = bctl;
- /*
- * Adjust subordinate busnr in parent buses.
- * We do this before scanning for children because
- * some devices may not be detected if the bios
- * was lazy.
- */
- /*修正父总线的总线号资源范围*/
- pci_fixup_parent_subordinate_busnr(child, max);
- /* Now we can scan all subordinate buses... */
- max = pci_scan_child_bus(child);
- /*
- * now fix it up again since we have found
- * the real value of max.
- */
- pci_fixup_parent_subordinate_busnr(child, max);
- } else {
- /*
- * For CardBus bridges, we leave 4 bus numbers
- * as cards with a PCI-to-PCI bridge can be
- * inserted later.
- */
- for (i=; i<CARDBUS_RESERVE_BUSNR; i++) {
- struct pci_bus *parent = bus;
- if (pci_find_bus(pci_domain_nr(bus),
- max+i+))
- break;
- while (parent->parent) {
- if ((!pcibios_assign_all_busses()) &&
- (parent->busn_res.end > max) &&
- (parent->busn_res.end <= max+i)) {
- j = ;
- }
- parent = parent->parent;
- }
- if (j) {
- /*
- * Often, there are two cardbus bridges
- * -- try to leave one valid bus number
- * for each one.
- */
- i /= ;
- break;
- }
- }
- max += i;
- pci_fixup_parent_subordinate_busnr(child, max);
- }
- /*
- * Set the subordinate bus number to its real value.
- */
- pci_bus_update_busn_res_end(child, max);
- pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_SUBORDINATE_BUS, max);
- }
- sprintf(child->name,
- (is_cardbus ? "PCI CardBus %04x:%02x" : "PCI Bus %04x:%02x"),
- pci_domain_nr(bus), child->number);
- /* Has only triggered on CardBus, fixup is in yenta_socket */
- while (bus->parent) {
- if ((child->busn_res.end > bus->busn_res.end) ||
- (child->number > bus->busn_res.end) ||
- (child->number < bus->number) ||
- (child->busn_res.end < bus->number)) {
- dev_info(&child->dev, "%pR %s "
- "hidden behind%s bridge %s %pR\n",
- &child->busn_res,
- (bus->number > child->busn_res.end &&
- bus->busn_res.end < child->number) ?
- "wholly" : "partially",
- bus->self->transparent ? " transparent" : "",
- dev_name(&bus->dev),
- &bus->busn_res);
- }
- bus = bus->parent;
- }
- out:
- pci_write_config_word(dev, PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL, bctl);
- return max;
- }
首先是先读取桥设备的配置空间,获得桥设备的primary bus,secondary bus,subordinate bus号,然后进行判断,如果secondary bus和subordinate bus均不为0则说明配置有效,因为初始primary bus号被硬件初始化为0,所以这里如果传递进来的bus number不是0,就需要重新设置。
然后检查这些号码是否合法。合法情况下就在首次执行pci_scan_bridge函数的时候进行子总线的遍历。可以看到这里同样先是调用pci_find_bus函数查找下secondary号总线是否已经存在,不存在才调用pci_add_new_bus函数new一个新的bus结构,同时在该函数中也对总线的部分变量做了初始化。接着设置总线的primary指针。随后需要给总线分配总线号资源了。根据已有的配置,这里secondary是子总线的号,而subordinate就是总线下最大的总线号,所以这正是总线的总线号区间。然后继续调用pci_scan_child_bus函数继续遍历当前子总线。就这么层一层的递归下去。知道最后没有桥了,就从pci_scan_child_bus函数返回探测到的总线的数量即max.而如果配置空间没有被配置,那么就需要重新配置,这里首次执行pci_scan_bridge函数就只是把配置空间总线号区域清零。到了第二次,大题上根前面类似,不过这里因为没有secondary 号,所以只能按照max+1来寻找或者创建子总线结构,同时对于子总线的总线区间设置成0xff即255最大值。然后写入到桥配置空间中。这个时候已经探测了一个新的总线,那么需要对父总线的总线号区间进行更新,然后执行pci_scan_child_bus函数探测当前子总线的其他总线,在递归返回的时候,需要再次执行更新。并且需要把总线的总线号资源设置成正确的区间。因为开始分配的时候设置默认总线号区间最大为255.
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第一步:下载安装cmake,之后进行默认安装即可,这步略过. 第二步:配置cmake ,使cmake找到opencv进行编译安装 watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3 ...
- 《随机出题软件》&《随机分队软件》源码(Windows API)
1 引言 1.1 编写目的: 为了对院级活动<最强大脑>提供软件支持,同时为了练习使用windows API. 1.2 项目背景: 来自计算机学院学生会信息部指派的任务,规定时间完成软件的 ...
- hdu 4708(暴力+找规律)
题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4708 思路:由于N不大,并且我们可以发现通过旋转得到的4个对角线的点的位置关系,以及所要旋转的最小步数 ...
- string类(三、string.format格式字符串)
参考连接: http://www.cnblogs.com/luluping/archive/2009/04/30/1446665.html http://blog.csdn.net/samsone/a ...
- 提高ASP.NET网站性能的方法
http://www.360doc.com/content/14/0705/18/7662927_392224856.shtml Asp.NET有许多秘密,当你了解了这些秘密后,可以使得你的ASP ...
- MyEclipse10.6 安装SVN插件方法及插件下载地址
今天MyEclipse10.6出了点问题,所以重装了它,同一时候也把svn的插件重装了一次,把网上资源和自己的经历顺便在博客这里记录一下.建议直接看方法一好了,简单方便,不必要折腾太多. 下来 ...