



    +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+
|App a| |App j| |App n| |App z|
| |...| |...| |...| |
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| | | |
| | +----| |
+------------+ | |
| Switchlink | | |
| |<-----------------------------+
+------------------+ | |
| SAI | | |
| | | |
+-----------------------+ |
| Switch API | |
| | |
+-----------------------+---------+ |
| Resource Mgmt. API | |
| (auto-gen. from switch.p4) | | Netlink events
+---------------------------------+ |
| Soft Switch | |
| (compiled from switch.p4) | |
+---------------------------------+ |
| Kernel |
| |

Directory Sturcture:

p4src - P4 sources

switchsai - SAI library

switchapi - SwitchAPI

switchlink - Linux netlink listener

tests/ptf-tests - P4 dependent(PD), SAI and API tests

tests/of-tests - Openflow tests


1.git clone bmv2、p4c-bm、p4ofagent、PTF and switch repositories.


> ./configure --with-pdfixed
> make
> make install


> sudo python install switch

> git submodule update --init --recursive

> ./
> ./configure --with-bmv2 --with-switchsai
> make

Run Tests

1.In terminal 1, start the software switch:

> sudo ./bmv2/

2.In terminal 2, start the drivers:

> sudo ./bmv2/

3.In terminal 3, start tests.

> sudo ./bmv2/

Tests Result

WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)
switch.L2Test ... Cleaning state
Sending packet port 1 -> port 2 on vlan 10 ( -> [id = 101])
ok ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ran 1 test in 1.509s OK
switch.L2FloodTest.runTest ... Cleaning state
ok ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ran 1 test in 0.981s OK
switch.L3Ipv6Test ...
Cleaning state
Sending packet port 1 -> port 2 ( -> [id = 101])
ok ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ran 1 test in 1.109s OK
switch.L2QinQTest ...
Cleaning state
Sending packet port 1 (QinQ) -> port 2 (Untagged)
Sending packet port 2 (Untagged) -> port 2 (QinQ)
ok ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ran 1 test in 2.131s OK
switch.L2LearningTest ... Cleaning state
new mac learnt [0, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34] on port 1
ok ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ran 1 test in 7.108s OK
switch.L3VxlanTunnelTest ...
Cleaning state
Sending packet port 1 -> port 2 - Vxlan tunnel encap
Inner packet ( -> [id = 101])
Outer packet ( -> [vnid = 0x1234, id = 101])
Sending packet port 2 -> port 1 - Vxlan tunnel decap
Inner packet ( -> [id = 101])
Outer packet ( -> [vnid = 0x1234, id = 101])
ok ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ran 1 test in 2.166s OK
switch.L3Ipv4Test ...
Cleaning state
Sending packet port 1 -> port 2 ( -> [id = 101])
ok ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ran 1 test in 1.133s OK
switch.L2VxlanTunnelTest ...
Cleaning state
Sending packet port 1 -> port 2 - Vxlan tunnel encap
Inner packet ( -> [id = 101])
Outer packet ( -> [vnid = 0x1234, id = 101])
Sending packet port 2 -> port 1 - Vxlan tunnel decap
Inner packet ( -> [id = 101])
Outer packet ( -> [vnid = 0x1234, id = 101])
ok ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ran 1 test in 2.152s OK


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