What is Chocolatey?

Chocolatey is a software management solution unlike anything else you've ever experienced on Windows. It focuses on simplicity, security, and scalability. You write a software deployment in PowerShell once for any software (not just installers), then you can deploy it everywhere you have Windows with any solution that can manage systems (configuration management, endpoint management, etc) and track and manage updates of that software over time. Manage software on-premise, in the "Cloud", or in Docker containers with Chocolatey.

Whew, that was a mouthful! For a bit more detail into what all of that means and more, see What is Chocolatey?


Write-Output"Install Chocolatey"
iwr https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | iex
Write-Output"Globally Auto confirm every action"
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation


Write-Output"Installing Packages"
choco install notepadplusplus
choco install awscli --version 1.16.88
choco install putty
choco install jdk8
choco install jre8
choco install python3
choco install tomcat
choco install GoogleChrome
choco install sourcetree
choco install jenkins
choco install visualstudio2017-installer
choco install webdeploy
choco install mysql
choco install mysql-connector
choco install mysql.workbench

Command Reference

This is a listing of all of the different things you can pass to choco.


  • list - lists remote or local packages
  • search - searches remote or local packages (alias for list)
  • info - retrieves package information. Shorthand for choco search pkgname --exact --verbose
  • install - installs packages from various sources
  • pin - suppress upgrades for a package
  • outdated - retrieves packages that are outdated. Similar to upgrade all --noop
  • upgrade - upgrades packages from various sources
  • uninstall - uninstalls a package
  • pack - packages up a nuspec to a compiled nupkg
  • push - pushes a compiled nupkg
  • new - generates files necessary for a chocolatey package from a template
  • sources - view and configure default sources (alias for source)
  • source - view and configure default sources
  • config - Retrieve and configure config file settings
  • feature - view and configure choco features
  • features - view and configure choco features (alias for feature)
  • setapikey - retrieves or saves an apikey for a particular source (alias for apikey)
  • apikey - retrieves or saves an apikey for a particular source
  • unpackself - have chocolatey set itself up
  • version - [DEPRECATED] will be removed in v1 - use choco outdated or cup <pkg|all> -whatif instead
  • update - [DEPRECATED] RESERVED for future use (you are looking for upgrade, these are not the droids you are looking for)
  • support - provides support information
  • download - downloads packages - optionally internalizing all remote resources
  • synchronize - synchronizes against system installed software - generates missing packages
  • sync - synchronizes against system installed software - generates missing packages
  • optimize - optimizes installation, reducing space usage

Please run chocolatey with choco command -help for specific help on
each command.



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