Create a Hello World application

In this experiment we will use Xilinx SDK to create a simple Hello World program. Here is a video we can look at before we start.

Let's start SDK.

xsdk &

Xilinx SDK stores our project setup in a folder called a workspace (not the same as the design data directory). We can put the workspace wherever we like. I put it in the project directory. Next time we start SDK it will start up with same setup as the last session.

The SDK window is empty. It knows nothing about our hardware project. 

Generate a new board support package project

From the File menu select New and the Board Support Package.

1. File->New->Board Support Package

We have to connect SDK to our Vivado hardware project. This window will popup and ask us to specify our hardware platform.

We will find the target hardware specification (system.xml) in the directory:

Click Finish.

2. Accept the default settings for the standalone BSP and click Finish.

3. The Board Support Package Settings window opens with Overview selected. No changes will be made to the BSP settings. None of the supported libraries are needed for this experiment. Click standalone.

4. Note that the stdin and stdout are automatically set to the ps7_uart_1 peripheral, which is correct. Click OK to acceprt the defaults and close the dialog.

5. Based on the default settings in the SDK, the BSP will automatically be built once added to the project. This takes a minute to compile. The new BSP, standalone_bsp_0 is now visable in the Project Explorer. Expand standalone_bsp_0 to view its content.

Generate a new application project

6. Select File->New->Application Project

7. Type HelloWorld as the project name and select Use Existing under Board Support Package. Since there is only one BSP in the project, the standalone_bsp_0 is automatically selected. Click Next.

8. Select Hello World to be used as an template and click Finish.

9. Notice that the HelloWorld application is now visable in the Project Explorer. By default SDK will build the application automatically after it is added.

We now have a hardware platform and program to run. It is time to connect the ZedBoard and load and run the Hello World program. That will be the subject of the next blog session.

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