PHI, the golden ratio 黄金分割比


1. Definition



这个条件可被解释为 $\frac{a}{1-a}=\frac{1}{a}$.即如下的二项式: $a^2+a-1=0$,方程有两个解, $-\phi$,和$\phi-1$。

$$\therefore \phi = \frac{\sqrt{5}+1}{2} \approx 1.618$$
$$\phi-1 = \frac{\sqrt{5}-1}{2} \approx 0.618$$

2. 常见关系式

& \phi^2=1+\phi \qquad \phi^3 = 1+2\phi\\
& \frac{1}{\phi}=\phi-1 \qquad \frac{1}{\phi^2} = 2-\phi\\
& \sin(18)=\frac{\phi-1}{2} \qquad \cos(36)=\frac{\phi}{2}\\
& \phi^{x+1}=\phi^{x}+\phi^{x-1}

3. Continued_fraction 连分式

关于一些常见连分式,参见Wiki之Continued_fraction .


phi = sqrt(1 + sqrt(1 + sqrt(1 + sqrt(1 + .....))))

4. Relationship to the Fibonnaci series



&1\quad 1\quad 2\quad 3\quad 5\quad 8\quad 13\quad 21\quad 34\quad 55\quad 89\cdots\\
&1\quad 0.5 \quad 0.67 \quad 0.6\quad 0.625 \quad 0.6154 \quad 0.619 \quad 0.6176\quad 0.6182\cdots

(2).Phi Fibonnaci series




5. 2 dimensional golden ratio 二维黄金分割比

由原来的一维线段归纳推导出来的定义为: "find a rectangle such that when a square is removed the remaining rectangle has the same proportions as the original". The solution to this is a rectangle with the ratio of its sides being phi.


These rectangles can be inscribed in a so called logarithmic(对数的) spiral(螺旋) also known as equiangular(等角) spirals. Such spirals and occur frequently in nature, for example: shells(贝壳), sunflowers, and pine cones(松果). The limit point of the spiral is called the "eye of God".

6.Phi Pyramid


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