[Description] Given an array with only '1' and '0', find a largest length sub-array which contains equal number of '1' and '0'. Return the largest number.

e.g. arr[] = {1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1}

  return : 16

[Thought] Preprocess this array by add 1/-1 to arr[i] while arr[i] is 1/0; find the last position of '0' as 'largest1'; find the farther distance of the same number as 'largest2'; return the larger one of 'largest1' and 'largest2'.  O(n^2)

[Implementation] C code:


 int largestSubarray(int str[],int size)
int largest=;
int i,j;
// preprocess.
// find the last 0's position, and find the farther distance of the same numbers.
// find the last 0's position.
if( == str[i] && (i+)>largest)
// printf("0:%d\n",largest);
// find the farther distance of the same numbers.
if(str[i] == str[j] && (i-j)>largest)
// printf("other:%d\n",largest);
return largest;
} int main()
int str[]={,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,};
int size=sizeof(str)/sizeof(str[]);
int i; printf("Initianl Sequence which size is %d :\n",size);
printf("%d, ",str[i]);

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