1)Revision History







Finish the WPF of our small game,solve the logic problem




Finish the windows phone and the windows part



2)Problem Statement

we are a group,and we think out a good idea, it's a game,but when we finish it ,find that what we do is a little ugly,there is still a lot to do,and there is a lot to study.

Our game's name is Naughty egg, what you should do is to controll your own ball, and escape from the bads and try to meet the goods. There is 3 level wait for you!

When we start the game, we know nothing, for the interface and the background control. And we first do some logical thinking, and  design the basic things of the game, drow some uggly pictures, and after that we began.

Not only did we learn something new, but also we gradually did our work. We also meet with a lot of problems, such as how to bind the action of the interface with the background data. Too many things we are unfamiliar with.


Table of Contents

                1. Introduction

                2. Definitions

                       2.1 What we do

                       2.2 Team work

                       2.3 How to achieve it


about the game:

It's a simple game, the idea come from my team mate Shen Yuelong,The following is the main idea:

In our life, there is always something  or some people pass by, good or bad, and some are important. But when we have time, when  we reflect on ourselves, we ususally find that we missed something or we spent much time on useless things. When we see this, we are gradually growing up. This is our game's main idea.

The game is easy, you are a small ball, there will be lots of things runing background (good or bad), coming and leaving,but you can't see, just like what happened in our life. You are the small ball, when the good comes, the background color will change to green, the closer you are, the deeper the background color will be. And the same with the bad things, the diffence is in this cases the color will be red.


     (1)What we do

a simple game

(2)Team work

with my partner ShenYuelong

(3)How to achieve it

The launguage:c#

visual studio 2013, work with the wpf, windows 8.1 and windows phone 8.1

4)Supplementary Specification

                       Table of Contents

1. Objectives

2. Scope

3. References

4. Functionality

5. Usability

6. Reliability

7. Performance

8. Supportability

9. Security

10. Design Constraints

Naughty Egg Specification 


What we want is though this game developing experience, turely learn something and do something.

And the main idea of our game is also inform us do the important things in different times and try to avoid the bad things surrounded with us.


Using in the windows platform


books and some blogs


Have fun and help to understand what is life.


Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone.


The game is still have some bags, we need do more.


Clear, stable and efficient. Easy to use and friendly to users.




Local file saving data, not connecting to the Internet.

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