Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.


Yesterday I watched a film from Japan, After the Storm, which told a story about a middleaged man.

He is a unsuccessful novelist and divorced his wife, because he was indulged in gambling.

But he still loves his wife, his son, his family.

He wants to make some changes in his life, and always buys the lottery in the hope that he can win a large amounts of money, however, he always fails.

From the story, I seem to see myself, the one I will be after several years.

I am also a loser, both in life and work. I also had seprated with my ex-wife for about four years.

Yes, four years passed, and she has married again, with a handsome man, and she has been pregnant recently.

It seems that she lives a happier life after the divorce with me.

Look back to my own life, all the things go downward and nothing better had occured. I even felt desparing and wanted to bring an end to my life sometimes.

However, every time when I was on the point to give up, the God gave some hopes that proved to be in vail afterwards.

Maybe he just want to make a trick on me.

Whatever happens, I must live, until the last minitue of my life.

But I really expect I can draw a beautiful picture of my life, at least not so ugly as its current appearance.

Be not simply good, be good for something.


Stick to our principles, don't do the things that may goes against our conscience.

Don't afraid to be looked down upon.

We are not always capable and we must say we can't do that sometims.

Maybe the best way is to abide by the old saying: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

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