JAXB - Annotations, Type Adapters: XmlJavaTypeAdapter
For some Java container types JAXB has no built-in mapping to an XML structure. Also, you may want to represent Java types in a way that is entirely different from what JAXB is apt to do. Such mappings require an adapter class, written as an extension of XmlAdapter<XmlType,ApplType>
from the package javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters
. The annotation XmlJavaTypeAdapter
is provided for announcing the adapter in the desired place.
We'll illustrate adapters by defining a substitution of a map for an array. Here is an XML example of the data we have to deal with.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns:training xmlns:ns="http://foo/bar">
<course price="123.45" id="c1">
<name>Course 1</name>
<course price="123.45" id="c0">
<name>Course 0</name>
The course
elements could be represented as a list or array, but we would like to process this data in our application as a map of the id
attribute to the Course
object. Although JAXB is capable of handling maps, we have seen (in section Top-level Elements: XmlRootElement
) that the resulting XML structure isn't as simple as possible. To achieve our goal, we write a class Brochure
containing the map we have in mind and declare that this is the one that has to be adapted to something JAXB knows how to handle, i.e., the classCourses
containing a simple array of Course
public class Training {
public Brochure brochure;
public Training(){}
public Training( Brochure b ){
brochure = b;
} @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(BrochureAdapter.class)
public class Brochure {
Map<String,Course> courses;
public Brochure() {
courses = new HashMap<String, Course>();
} public class Courses {
public Course[] carray;
} public class Course {
String id;
String name;
Price price;
Class Brochure
is annotated with XmlJavaTypeAdapter
, defining class BrochureAdapter
as its adapter, and this is, of course, the interesting class. It has to override methodsunmarshal
and marshal
public class BrochureAdapter extends XmlAdapter<Courses,Brochure> {
public Brochure unmarshal( Courses value ){
Brochure b = new Brochure();
for( Course c : value.carray )
b.courses.put( c.id, c );
return b;
} @Override
public Courses marshal( Brochure b ){
Courses courses = new Courses();
Collection<Course> c = b.courses.values();
courses.carray = c.toArray(new Course[c.size()]);
return courses;
is a class JAXB knows how to handle with respect to XML data, and the result of JAXB's innate capabilities is passed to the adaption for unmarshalling. In this method, we convert the data to a structure according to the desired class Brochure
with its map. The reverse marshalling process has to convert a Brochure
object with its map to a Courses
object, which is easily done by putting the map values into an array.
To summarize: XML binding happens against the class Courses
, whereas application programming uses the Map
type field courses
in class Brochure
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