
第一次在Google Code上弄项目,注册完毕后,尝试增加一个新文件用以测试Git是否好好工作。结果在Push的时候却显示"Every up-to-date",检查文件时却发现实际上一个都没更新上去。因为对Git不够熟悉,因此只好Googling.


Why does Git refuse to push, saying "everything up to date"?

git push with no additional arguments only pushes branches that exist in the remote already. If the remote repository is empty, nothing will be pushed. In this case, explicitly specify a branch to push, e.g. git push master.


执行git remote -v后看到自己的remote端名字为origin:

$ git remote -v 
origin  https://code.google.com/p/micolog2 (fetch) 
origin  https://code.google.com/p/micolog2 (push)

执行git branch后看到自己当下用的分支是master:

$ git branch 
* master


git push origin master


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