UVa 1380 A Scheduling Problem








  1. 与w的边中没有双向边:得出w.f_max与w.g_max判断与k的大小关系 如果超过k 回值INF否则回值w.f_max与w.g_max(max代表最长链)。没有选择的情况,已经定形
  2. 与w的边中有双向边:定向双向边使满足k的限定下f与g尽量小。批量定向,求解f[u]的时候,将w按照f从小到大排序,依此枚举p,对于p将p之前的定向为出边,计算f[u]。同理求解g[u]。最后判断与k的关系。根据双向边定向选择最优结果


 // UVa1380 A Scheduling Problem
// Rujia Liu
using namespace std; const int maxn = + ;
const int INF = ; struct Edge {
int u, v, d; // d=1 means u->v, d=2 means v->u, d=0 means u-v
Edge(int u=, int v=, int d=):u(u),v(v),d(d){}
}; vector<Edge> edges[maxn];
int n, root, maxlen, f[maxn], g[maxn], have_father[maxn]; // maximal length of a DIRECTED path starting from u
int dfs(int u) {
int ans = ;
for(int i = ; i < edges[u].size(); i++) {
int v = edges[u][i].v;
if(edges[u][i].d == ) //u->v
ans = max(ans, dfs(v)+);
return ans;
} bool read_data() {
bool have_data = false;
int a, b;
n = ;
for(int i = ; i < maxn; i++) edges[i].clear();
memset(have_father, , sizeof(have_father)); while(cin >> a && a){
string str;
have_data = true;
if(a > n) n = a;
while(cin >> str && str != ""){
int len = str.length();
char dir = str[len-];
if(dir == 'd' || dir == 'u') str = str.substr(, len-);
stringstream ss(str);
ss >> b; // b is a's son
if(b > n) n = b;
have_father[b] = ;
if(dir == 'd'){
edges[a].push_back(Edge(a, b, )); // forward
edges[b].push_back(Edge(b, a, )); // backward
}else if(dir == 'u'){
edges[a].push_back(Edge(a, b, ));
edges[b].push_back(Edge(b, a, ));
edges[a].push_back(Edge(a, b, )); // it's a rooted tree, so we don't store edge to father
if(have_data) {
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
if(!have_father[i] && !edges[i].empty()) { root = i; break; }
return have_data;
} struct UndirectedSon {
int w, f, g;
UndirectedSon(int w=, int f=, int g=):w(w),f(f),g(g){}
}; bool cmp_f(const UndirectedSon& w1, const UndirectedSon& w2) {
return w1.f < w2.f;
} bool cmp_g(const UndirectedSon& w1, const UndirectedSon& w2) {
return w1.g < w2.g;
} // calculate f[i] and g[i]
// return true iff f[i] < INF
// f[i] is the minimal length of the longest "->u" path if all subtree paths have length <= maxlen
// g[i] is the minimal length of the longest "u->" path if all subtree paths have length <= maxlen
// f[i] = g[i] = INF if "all subtree paths have length <= maxlen" cannot be satisfied
bool dp(int i, int fa) {
if(edges[i].empty()) {
f[i] = g[i] = ;
return true;
vector<UndirectedSon> sons;
int f0 = , g0 = ; // f'[i] and g'[i] for directed sons // let f'[i] = max{f[w] | w->i}+1, g'[i] = max{g[w] | i->w}+1
// then we should change some undirected edges to ->u or u-> edges so that f'[i]+g'[i] <= maxlen
// then f[i] is the minimal f'[i] under this condition, and g[i] is the minimal g'[i]
for(int k = ; k < edges[i].size(); k++) {
int w = edges[i][k].v;
if(w == fa) continue; //ch != fa
dp(w, i); //Çó½âÍê×Ó½ÚµãºóÇó½âµ±Ç°½áµã
int d = edges[i][k].d;
if(d == ) sons.push_back(UndirectedSon(w, f[w], g[w]));
else if(d == ) g0 = max(g0, g[w]+);
else f0 = max(f0, f[w]+);
// If there is no undirected edges, we're done
if(sons.empty()) {
f[i] = f0; g[i] = g0;
if(f[i] + g[i] > maxlen) { f[i] = g[i] = INF; }
return f[i] < INF;
} f[i] = g[i] = INF; // to calculate f[i], we sort f[w] of undirected sons in increasing order and make first p edges to w->i
// then we calculate f'[i] and g'[i], check for f'[i]+g'[i] <= maxlen and update answer
int s = sons.size();
sort(sons.begin(), sons.end(), cmp_f);
int maxg[maxn]; // maxg[i] is max{sons[i].g, sons[i+1].g, ...}
maxg[s-] = sons[s-].g;
for(int k = s-; k >= ; k--)
maxg[k] = max(sons[k].g, maxg[k+]);
for(int p = ; p <= sons.size(); p++) {
int ff = f0, gg = g0;
if(p > ) ff = max(ff, sons[p-].f+);
if(p < sons.size()) gg = max(gg, maxg[p]+);
if(ff + gg <= maxlen) f[i] = min(f[i], ff);
} // g[i] is similar
sort(sons.begin(), sons.end(), cmp_g);
int maxf[maxn]; // maxf[i] is max{sons[i].f, sons[i+1].f, ...}
maxf[s-] = sons[s-].f;
for(int k = s-; k >= ; k--)
maxf[k] = max(sons[k].f, maxf[k+]);
for(int p = ; p <= sons.size(); p++) {
int ff = f0, gg = g0;
if(p > ) gg = max(gg, sons[p-].g+);
if(p < sons.size()) ff = max(ff, maxf[p]+);
if(ff + gg <= maxlen) g[i] = min(g[i], gg);
} return f[i] < INF;
} int main() {
while(read_data()) {
maxlen = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++) maxlen = max(maxlen, dfs(i));
// Note: the problem asks for the number of nodes in path, but all the "lengths" above mean "number of edges"
if(dp(root, -)) cout << maxlen+ << "\n";
else cout << maxlen+ << "\n";
return ;

Code from Rujia

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