


11! = 39916800,因此应该返回 2





也许你在编程之美中看到,通过求能够被2 整除和能够被5整除个数的最小值就是答案,或者直接求能够被5整除的个数就是答案<能够被5整除的数显然比较小>,但是在这里,java python都试了,结果都会出现运行超时或者越界的问题。



class Solution {
* param n: As desciption
* return: An integer, denote the number of trailing zeros in n!
public long trailingZeros(long n) {
// write your code here
long count = 0;
for(long i=5;n/i>=1;i*=5){
count += n/i;
return count;

总耗时: 600 ms



class Solution:
# @param n a integer
# @return ans a integer
def trailingZeros(self, n):
count = 0
i = 5
while n/i>=1:
count +=n/i
i = i * 5
return count

总耗时: 98 ms



class Solution {
* param n: As desciption
* return: An integer, denote the number of trailing zeros in n!
public long trailingZeros(long n) {
// write your code here
long q = n;
long count = 0;
while (q!=0){
count +=q/5;
q = q/5;
return count;

总耗时: 583 ms


class Solution:
# @param n a integer
# @return ans a integer
def trailingZeros(self, n):
count = 0
p = n
while p!=0:
p = p/5
count +=p
return count

总耗时: 104 ms

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