Const.MaxLengthOfBufferd的长度固定为0x2000   也就是8192

private bool SendMessage(int messageType, string ip, string port, int length, byte[] messageBytes)
bool result = false;
if (windowHandle != )
var bytes = new byte[Const.MaxLengthOfBuffer];
Array.Copy(messageBytes, bytes, messageBytes.Length); int sizeOfType = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(StClientData)); //Step1 把数据封装到结构体中
StClientData stData = new StClientData
Ip = GlobalConvert.IpAddressToUInt32(IPAddress.Parse(ip))//客户端ip
,Port = Convert.ToInt16(port)//客户端端口
,Length = Convert.ToUInt32(length)
,Buffer = bytes
}; //Step2 给结构体实例分配空间
//public static int SizeOf(Object structure)
//函数说明:Returns the unmanaged size of an object in bytes.
//structure:The object whose size is to be returned.
//Return Value:The size of the specified object in unmanaged code.
int sizeOfStData = Marshal.SizeOf(stData); //public static IntPtr AllocHGlobal(int cb)
//函数说明:Allocates memory from the unmanaged memory of the process by using the specified number of bytes.
//cb:The required number of bytes in memory.
//Return Value:A pointer to the newly allocated memory. This memory must be released using the Marshal.FreeHGlobal method.
IntPtr pointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeOfStData); //把结构体实例赋值到非托管内存中
//public static void StructureToPtr(Object structure,IntPtr ptr,bool fDeleteOld)
//函数说明:Marshals data from a managed object to an unmanaged block of memory.
//structure:A managed object that holds the data to be marshaled. This object must be a structure or an instance of a formatted class.
//ptr:A pointer to an unmanaged block of memory, which must be allocated before this method is called.
//fDeleteOld:true to call the Marshal.DestroyStructure method on the ptr parameter before this method copies the data.
// The block must contain valid data.
// Note that passing false when the memory block already contains data can lead to a memory leak.
Marshal.StructureToPtr(stData, pointer, true); CopyData copyData = new CopyData
DwData = (IntPtr) messageType,
CbData = Marshal.SizeOf(sizeOfType),
LpData = pointer
}; SendMessage(windowHandle, WmCopydata, , ref copyData); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pointer); string data = GlobalConvert.ByteArrayToHexString(messageBytes);
CommunicationManager.Instance.SendDebugInfo(new DataSendEventArgs() {Data = data}); result = true;
catch (Exception ex)
ExceptionLog.Instance.WriteLog(ex, LogType.UI);
return result;


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