1. /** The tablespace memory cache */
  2. typedef struct fil_system_struct fil_system_t;
  4. /** The tablespace memory cache; also the totality of logs (the log
  5. data space) is stored here; below we talk about tablespaces, but also
  6. the ib_logfiles form a 'space' and it is handled here */
  8. struct fil_system_struct {
  9. #ifndef UNIV_HOTBACKUP
  10. mutex_t mutex; /*!< The mutex protecting the cache */
  11. #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
  12. hash_table_t* spaces; /*!< The hash table of spaces in the
  13. system; they are hashed on the space
  14. id */
  15. hash_table_t* name_hash; /*!< hash table based on the space
  16. name */
  17. UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU;
  18. /*!< base node for the LRU list of the
  19. most recently used open files with no
  20. pending i/o's; if we start an i/o on
  21. the file, we first remove it from this
  22. list, and return it to the start of
  23. the list when the i/o ends;
  24. log files and the system tablespace are
  25. not put to this list: they are opened
  26. after the startup, and kept open until
  27. shutdown */
  28. UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) unflushed_spaces;
  29. /*!< base node for the list of those
  30. tablespaces whose files contain
  31. unflushed writes; those spaces have
  32. at least one file node where
  33. modification_counter > flush_counter */
  34. ulint n_open; /*!< number of files currently open */
  35. ulint max_n_open; /*!< n_open is not allowed to exceed
  36. this */
  37. ib_int64_t modification_counter;/*!< when we write to a file we
  38. increment this by one */
  39. ulint max_assigned_id;/*!< maximum space id in the existing
  40. tables, or assigned during the time
  41. mysqld has been up; at an InnoDB
  42. startup we scan the data dictionary
  43. and set here the maximum of the
  44. space id's of the tables there */
  45. ib_int64_t tablespace_version;
  46. /*!< a counter which is incremented for
  47. every space object memory creation;
  48. every space mem object gets a
  49. 'timestamp' from this; in DISCARD/
  50. IMPORT this is used to check if we
  51. should ignore an insert buffer merge
  52. request */
  53. UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list;
  54. /*!< list of all file spaces */
  55. ibool space_id_reuse_warned;
  56. /* !< TRUE if fil_space_create()
  57. has issued a warning about
  58. potential space_id reuse */
  59. };


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