

I am trying to compare different sets of data, with different sets of ranges using PCOLOR.

% Plot # 1
C = rand(5); % Random values between 0 and 1 for Plot#1
p = pcolor(C);
colorbar; % colorbar is set for figure(1) % Clears the workspace
clear all;
% Plot # 2
C = .25*rand(5) + .5; % Create random values between .375 and .625 for Plot # 2
p = pcolor(C);
colorbar; % colorbar is set for figure(2)


The COLORBAR function generates a different colorbar for each set of data. Thus, it becomes difficult for me to compare the different data sets, as the ranges and tick labes on the colorbars are different for each data set. So, how can I have a standard colorbar for different plots?


One soultion is to use set(gca, 'CLim', [cMin cMax])  funciton

In order to have a standard colorbar for plots generated using PCOLOR you first need to set the same ‘CLim’ property for the axes of each plot before you enable the colorbar for that plot (i.e. by executing the COLORBAR command).

Since the colorbar chooses limits and labels according to the ‘CLim’ property of the associated axes, it is important to create (or recreate) the colorbar after setting the ‘CLim’ property.

For example:

% Plot # 1
a = axes;
C = rand(5); % Random values between 0 and 1 for Plot#1
p = pcolor(C);
set(a, 'CLim', [0 1]); % CLim property is set for figure(1) before colobar
colorbar; % colorbar is set for figure(1)
% Clears the workspace
clear all;
% Plot # 2
a = axes;
C = .25*rand(5) + .5; % Create random values between .375 and .625 for Plot # 2
p = pcolor(C);
set(a, 'CLim', [0 1]); % CLim property is set for figure(2) before colobar
colorbar; % colorbar is set for figure(2)

Another solution is to use caxis([cmin cmax]) function

C = rand(5); % Random values between 0 and 1 for Plot#1
p = pcolor(C);
colorbar figure(2);
C = .25*rand(5) + .5; % Create random values between .375 and .625 for Plot # 2
p = pcolor(C);

  Afte you run the above code, you will observe that both plots share the same colorbar. Results are as follows:


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