

#include <comdef.h>
#include <Windows.h>




#include <comdef.h>
#include <Windows.h> #include "GDIPlusB.h"
#include <gdiplus.h>
using namespace Gdiplus;
#pragma comment(lib,"gdiplus.lib") void CGDIPlusB::InitInstance()
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_gdiplusToken , &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
void CGDIPlusB::UnInstance()


void CGDIPlusB::DrawAlphaPen( HDC* phdc  )
COLORREF crBackClr = RGB( ,,);
COLORREF crDark = RGB( , , );
COLORREF crBright = RGB( ,,);
Color GdiClrD,GdiClrB;//用于产生渐变效果;
GdiClrB.SetFromCOLORREF(crBright); int r,g,b,r1,g1,b1;//分别得到明色和暗色的R G B值
r = GdiClrD.GetRed();
g = GdiClrD.GetGreen();
b = GdiClrD.GetBlue(); r1 = GdiClrB.GetRed();
g1 = GdiClrB.GetGreen();
b1 = GdiClrB.GetBlue(); int alpha = ; //产生渐变的透明画刷
Color GdiClrDark(alpha,r,g,b) ;
Color GdiClrBright(alpha,r1,g1,b1) ; Gdiplus::Point pt_begin , pt_end ;
SetRect( &m_rc , , , + , + ) ;
pt_begin.X = m_rc.left ;
pt_begin.Y = m_rc.top ; pt_end.X = m_rc.right ;
pt_end.Y = m_rc.bottom ; LinearGradientBrush linGrBrush( pt_begin , pt_end , GdiClrDark,GdiClrBright );
Pen pen0(&linGrBrush, ); Graphics graphics( *phdc );
graphics.DrawLine( &pen0 , pt_begin , pt_end ) ;
graphics.ReleaseHDC( *phdc ) ; }
void CGDIPlusB::DrawImage( HDC* phdc )
_stprintf( img,_T("E:\\liuhanGit\\liuhan_memUI\\memUI\\memUI_SKIN\\p6.png")) ;
Image image( img );
Graphics graphics( *phdc );
graphics.DrawImage( &image, , );
graphics.ReleaseHDC( *phdc ) ; }
void CGDIPlusB::DrawGradientBrush( HDC* phdc )
COLORREF crBackClr = RGB( ,,);
COLORREF crDark = RGB( , , );
COLORREF crBright = RGB( ,,);
Color GdiClrD,GdiClrB;//用于产生渐变效果;
GdiClrB.SetFromCOLORREF(crBright); int r,g,b,r1,g1,b1;//分别得到明色和暗色的R G B值
r = GdiClrD.GetRed();
g = GdiClrD.GetGreen();
b = GdiClrD.GetBlue(); r1 = GdiClrB.GetRed();
g1 = GdiClrB.GetGreen();
b1 = GdiClrB.GetBlue(); int alpha = ; //产生渐变的透明画刷
Color GdiClrDark(alpha,r,g,b) ;
Color GdiClrBright(alpha,r1,g1,b1) ; Gdiplus::Point pt_begin , pt_end ;
SetRect( &m_rc , , , + , + ) ;
pt_begin.X = m_rc.left ;
pt_begin.Y = m_rc.top ; pt_end.X = m_rc.right ;
pt_end.Y = m_rc.bottom ; Brush* bsh0 = new LinearGradientBrush( pt_begin , pt_end , GdiClrDark,GdiClrBright ) ;
Graphics graphics( *phdc );
graphics.FillRectangle( bsh0 , m_rc.left , m_rc.top , m_rc.right - m_rc.left , m_rc.bottom - m_rc.top ) ;
delete bsh0 ;
graphics.ReleaseHDC( *phdc ) ;
} void CGDIPlusB::DrawGradientBrush2( HDC* phdc )
Gdiplus::Point pt_begin , pt_end ;
SetRect( &m_rc , , , + , + ) ;
pt_begin.X = m_rc.left ;
pt_begin.Y = m_rc.top ; pt_end.X = m_rc.right ;
pt_end.Y = m_rc.bottom ; LinearGradientBrush linGrBrush( pt_begin , pt_end ,Color(,,,),Color(,,,));
Color colors[] = {
Color(, , , ), // red
Color(, , , ), //yellow
Color(, , , ), // blue
Color(, , , )}; // green
REAL positions[] = {
linGrBrush.SetInterpolationColors(colors, positions,); Graphics graphics( *phdc );
graphics.FillRectangle( &linGrBrush , m_rc.left , m_rc.top , m_rc.right - m_rc.left , m_rc.bottom - m_rc.top ) ;
graphics.ReleaseHDC( *phdc ) ;


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