一直感觉FP比较虚,可能太多学术性的东西,不知道如何把这些由数学理论在背后支持的一套全新数据类型和数据结构在现实开发中加以使用。直到Free Monad,才真正感觉能用FP方式进行编程了。在前面我们已经花了不小篇幅来了解Free Monad,这次我想跟大家讨论一下用Free Monad来编写一个真正能运行的完整应用程序。当然,这个程序必须具备FP特性,比如函数组合(function composition),纯代码(pure code),延迟副作用(delayed side effect)等等。我们这次模拟的一个应用场景是这样的:模拟一个计算器程序,用户先用密码登录;然后选择操作,包括加、减、乘、除;系统验证用户的操作权限;输入第一个数字,输入另一个数字,系统给出计算结果。程序在用户通过了密码登录后循环运行。我们先把程序要求里的一些操作语句集罗列出来:





这其中Login,Permission,Calculator都必须与Interact组合使用,因为它们都需要交互式人工输入。这次我们把讨论流程反过来:先把这个程序完整的算式(Algebraic Data Tree)、算法(Interpreter)以及依赖注入、运算、结果等等先摆出来,然后再逐段分析说明:

 package run.demo
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import run.demo.Modules.FreeCalculator.CalcInterp object Modules {
object FreeInteract {
trait Interact[+NextAct]
object Interact {
case class Ask[NextAct](prompt: String, onInput: String => NextAct) extends Interact[NextAct]
case class Tell[NextAct](msg: String, n: NextAct) extends Interact[NextAct]
implicit object interactFunctor extends Functor[Interact] {
def map[A,B](ia: Interact[A])(f: A => B): Interact[B] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => Ask(p, onInput andThen f)
case Tell(m,n) => Tell(m, f(n))
import Interact._
object InteractConsole extends (Interact ~> Id) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p); onInput(readLine)
case Tell(m, n) => println(m); n
import FreeLogin._
object InteractLogin extends (Interact ~> PasswordReader) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): PasswordReader[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p); Reader(m => onInput(readLine))
case Tell(m, n) => println(m); Reader(m => n)
import FreePermission._
object InteractPermission extends(Interact ~> PermissionReader) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): PermissionReader[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p);Reader(m => onInput(readLine))
case Tell(m,n) => println(m); Reader(m => n)
object FreeLogin {
trait UserLogin[+A]
object UserLogin {
case class Login(uid: String, pswd: String) extends UserLogin[Boolean]
import UserLogin._
import Dependencies._
type PasswordReader[A] = Reader[PasswordControl, A]
object LoginInterp extends (UserLogin ~> PasswordReader) {
def apply[A](la: UserLogin[A]): PasswordReader[A] = la match {
case Login(uid,pswd) => Reader(m => m.matchPassword(uid, pswd))
object FreePermission {
trait Permission[+A]
object Permission {
case class HasPermission(uid: String, opr: String) extends Permission[Boolean]
import Dependencies._
import Permission._
type PermissionReader[A] = Reader[PermissionControl,A]
object PermissionInterp extends (Permission ~> PermissionReader) {
def apply[A](pa: Permission[A]): PermissionReader[A] = pa match {
case HasPermission(uid,opr) => Reader {m => m.matchPermission(uid, opr)}
object FreeCalculator {
trait Calculator[+A]
object Calculator {
case class Calc(opr: String, lop: Int, rop: Int) extends Calculator[Int]
import Calculator._
object CalcInterp extends (Calculator ~> Id) {
def apply[A](ca: Calculator[A]): Id[A] = ca match {
case Calc(opr,op1,op2) => opr.toUpperCase match {
case "ADD" => op1 + op2
case "SUB" => op1 - op2
case "MUL" => op1 * op2
case "DIV" => op1 / op2
object FreeFunctions {
import FreeInteract._
import Interact._
import FreeLogin._
import UserLogin._
import FreePermission._
import Permission._
import FreeCalculator._
import Calculator._
def lift[F[_],G[_],A](fa: F[A])(implicit I: Inject[F,G]): Free.FreeC[G,A] =
class Interacts[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Interact,G]) {
def ask[A](prompt: String, onInput: String => A) = Free.liftFC(I.inj(Ask(prompt, onInput)))
def tell[A](msg: String) = Free.liftFC(I.inj(Tell(msg, ())))
object Interacts {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Interact,F]) = new Interacts[F]
class Logins[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[UserLogin,G]) {
def login(uid: String, pswd: String) = lift(Login(uid,pswd))
object Logins {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[UserLogin,F]) = new Logins[F]
class Permissions[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Permission,G]) {
def hasPermission(uid: String, opr: String) = lift(HasPermission(uid,opr))
object Permissions {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Permission,F]) = new Permissions[F]
class Calculators[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Calculator,G]) {
def calc(opr: String, op1: Int, op2: Int) = lift(Calc(opr,op1,op2))
object Calculators {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Calculator,F]) = new Calculators[F]
def or[F[_],H[_],G[_]](fg: F ~> G, hg: H ~> G): ({type l[x] = Coproduct[F,H,x]})#l ~> G =
new (({type l[x] = Coproduct[F,H,x]})#l ~> G) {
def apply[A](ca: Coproduct[F,H,A]): G[A] = ca.run match {
case -\/(x) => fg(x)
case \/-(y) => hg(y)
object FreeProgs {
import FreeFunctions._
import FreeInteract._
import FreeLogin._
import FreePermission._
import FreeCalculator._
def freeCMonad[S[_]] = Free.freeMonad[({type l[x] = Coyoneda[S,x]})#l]
def loginScript[F[_]](implicit I: Interacts[F], L: Logins[F]) = {
import I._
import L._
for {
uid <- ask("ya id:",identity)
pwd <- ask("password:",identity)
login <- login(uid,pwd)
_ <- if (login) tell("ya in, ya lucky bastard!")
else tell("geta fk outa here!")
usr <- if (login) freeCMonad[F].point(uid)
else freeCMonad[F].point("???")
} yield usr
def accessScript[F[_]](uid: String)(implicit I: Interacts[F], P: Permissions[F]) = {
import I._
import P._
for {
inp <- ask("votiu vangto do?",identity)
cando <- hasPermission(uid,inp)
_ <- if (cando) tell("ok, go on ...")
else tell("na na na, cant do that!")
opr <- if (cando) freeCMonad[F].point(inp)
else freeCMonad[F].point("XXX")
} yield opr } def calcScript[F[_]](opr: String)(implicit I: Interacts[F], C: Calculators[F]) = {
import I._;import C._;
for {
op1 <- ask("fus num:", _.toInt)
op2 <- ask("nx num:", _.toInt)
result <- calc(opr,op1,op2)
} yield result
} type LoginScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, UserLogin, A]
type CalcScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, Calculator, A]
type AccessScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, Permission, A]
val accessPrg = accessScript[AccessScript] _
val loginPrg = loginScript[LoginScript]
val calcPrg = calcScript[CalcScript] _
object Dependencies {
trait PasswordControl {
val pswdMap: Map[String,String]
def matchPassword(uid: String, pswd: String): Boolean
trait PermissionControl {
val permMap: Map[String,List[String]]
def matchPermission(uid: String, operation: String): Boolean
object FreeProgram extends App {
import Modules._
import FreeInteract._
import FreeLogin._
import FreePermission._
import FreeFunctions._
import FreeProgs._
import Dependencies._
object Passwords extends PasswordControl {
val pswdMap = Map (
"Tiger" -> "",
"John" -> ""
def matchPassword(uid: String, pswd: String) = pswdMap.getOrElse(uid, pswd+"!") === pswd
object AccessRights extends PermissionControl {
val permMap = Map (
"Tiger" -> List("Add","Sub"),
"John" -> List("Mul","Div")
def matchPermission(uid: String, opr: String) = permMap.getOrElse(uid, List()).exists { _ === opr}
} val uid = Free.runFC(loginPrg)(or(InteractLogin, LoginInterp)).run(Passwords)
val opr = Free.runFC(accessScript[AccessScript](uid))(or(InteractPermission, PermissionInterp)).run(AccessRights)
val sum = Free.runFC(calcScript[CalcScript](opr))(or(InteractConsole, CalcInterp))
ya id:
password: ya in, ya lucky bastard!
votiu vangto do?
ok, go on ...
fus num: nx num: Tiger

看起来好像费了老大劲就做那么点事。但如果我们按照Free Monadic编程的规范来做,一切仅仅有条无需多想,那也就是那么点事。实际上在编写更大型更复杂的程序时应该会觉着思路更清晰,代码量会更精简,因为成功的函数组合可以避免许多重复代码。基本的Free Monadic 编程步骤大体如下:

1、ADT design

2、ADT Free lifting

3、ADT composition、AST composition

4、Dependency design

5、Interpreter design

6、Running and dependency injection

1、ADTs: 按照功能要求设计编程语句。其中值得注意的是Interact:

    trait Interact[+NextAct]
object Interact {
case class Ask[NextAct](prompt: String, onInput: String => NextAct) extends Interact[NextAct]
case class Tell[NextAct](msg: String, n: NextAct) extends Interact[NextAct]
implicit object interactFunctor extends Functor[Interact] {
def map[A,B](ia: Interact[A])(f: A => B): Interact[B] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => Ask(p, onInput andThen f)
case Tell(m,n) => Tell(m, f(n))



   object FreeFunctions {
import FreeInteract._
import Interact._
import FreeLogin._
import UserLogin._
import FreePermission._
import Permission._
import FreeCalculator._
import Calculator._
def lift[F[_],G[_],A](fa: F[A])(implicit I: Inject[F,G]): Free.FreeC[G,A] =
class Interacts[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Interact,G]) {
def ask[A](prompt: String, onInput: String => A) = Free.liftFC(I.inj(Ask(prompt, onInput)))
def tell[A](msg: String) = Free.liftFC(I.inj(Tell(msg, ())))
object Interacts {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Interact,F]) = new Interacts[F]
class Logins[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[UserLogin,G]) {
def login(uid: String, pswd: String) = lift(Login(uid,pswd))
object Logins {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[UserLogin,F]) = new Logins[F]
class Permissions[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Permission,G]) {
def hasPermission(uid: String, opr: String) = lift(HasPermission(uid,opr))
object Permissions {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Permission,F]) = new Permissions[F]
class Calculators[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Calculator,G]) {
def calc(opr: String, op1: Int, op2: Int) = lift(Calc(opr,op1,op2))
object Calculators {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Calculator,F]) = new Calculators[F]
def or[F[_],H[_],G[_]](fg: F ~> G, hg: H ~> G): ({type l[x] = Coproduct[F,H,x]})#l ~> G =
new (({type l[x] = Coproduct[F,H,x]})#l ~> G) {
def apply[A](ca: Coproduct[F,H,A]): G[A] = ca.run match {
case -\/(x) => fg(x)
case \/-(y) => hg(y)

在lift函数中使用了scalaz提供的Inject类型实例,用来把F[A]这种类型转换成G[A]。可以理解为把一组语句F[A]注入更大的语句集G[A](G[A]可以是F[A],这时转换结果为一摸一样的语句集)。可能因为Interact和其它ADT不同,是个Functor,所以在调用lift函数进行升格时compiler会产生错误类型推导结果,直接调用liftFC可以解决问题,这个留到以后继续研究。现在这些升格了的语句集都具备了隐式实例implicit instance,随时可以在隐式解析域内提供操作语句支持。


     type LoginScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, UserLogin, A]
type CalcScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, Calculator, A]
type AccessScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, Permission, A]
val accessPrg = accessScript[AccessScript] _
val loginPrg = loginScript[LoginScript]
val calcPrg = calcScript[CalcScript] _


     type F0[A] = Coproduct[Interact,UserLogin,A]
type F1[A] = Coproduct[Permission,F0,A]
type F2[A] = Coproduct[Calculator,F1,A]
val loginPrg2 = loginScript[F1]


not enough arguments for method loginScript: (implicit I: run.demo.Modules.FreeFunctions.Interacts[run.demo.Modules.FreeProgs.F1], implicit L: run.demo.Modules.FreeFunctions.Logins[run.demo.Modules.FreeProgs.F1], implicit P: run.demo.Modules.FreeFunctions.Permissions[run.demo.Modules.FreeProgs.F1])scalaz.Free[[x]scalaz.Coyoneda[run.demo.Modules.FreeProgs.F1,x],String]. Unspecified value parameters L, P.

我初步分析可能是因为scalaz对Free设下的门槛:F[A]必须是个Functor。在lift函数的Inject[F,G]中,目标类型G[_]最终会被升格为Free Monad,如果我们使用Free.liftF函数的话G[_]必须是Functor。可能使用Free.liftFC后造成compiler无法正常进行类型推断吧。最近新推出的Cats组件库中Free的定义不需要Functor,有可能解决这个问题。因为Free可能成为将来的一种主要编程模式,所以必须想办法解决多语句集联合使用的问题。不过我们把这个放到以后再说。


  object FreeProgs {
import FreeFunctions._
import FreeInteract._
import FreeLogin._
import FreePermission._
import FreeCalculator._
def freeCMonad[S[_]] = Free.freeMonad[({type l[x] = Coyoneda[S,x]})#l]
def loginScript[F[_]](implicit I: Interacts[F], L: Logins[F]) = {
import I._
import L._
for {
uid <- ask("ya id:",identity)
pwd <- ask("password:",identity)
login <- login(uid,pwd)
_ <- if (login) tell("ya in, ya lucky bastard!")
else tell("geta fk outa here!")
usr <- if (login) freeCMonad[F].point(uid)
else freeCMonad[F].point("???")
} yield uid
def accessScript[F[_]](uid: String)(implicit I: Interacts[F], P: Permissions[F]) = {
import I._
import P._
for {
inp <- ask("votiu vangto do?",identity)
cando <- hasPermission(uid,inp)
_ <- if (cando) tell("ok, go on ...")
else tell("na na na, cant do that!")
opr <- if (cando) freeCMonad[F].point(inp)
else freeCMonad[F].point("XXX")
} yield inp } def calcScript[F[_]](opr: String)(implicit I: Interacts[F], C: Calculators[F]) = {
import I._;import C._;
for {
op1 <- ask("fus num:", _.toInt)
op2 <- ask("nx num:", _.toInt)
result <- calc(opr,op1,op2)
} yield result
} type LoginScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, UserLogin, A]
type CalcScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, Calculator, A]
type AccessScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, Permission, A]
val accessPrg = accessScript[AccessScript] _
val loginPrg = loginScript[LoginScript]
val calcPrg = calcScript[CalcScript] _


4、Dependency injection:稍有规模的程序都有可能需要依赖其它程序来提供一些功能。所以在这个例子里示范了一些依赖注入:

 object Dependencies {
trait PasswordControl {
val pswdMap: Map[String,String]
def matchPassword(uid: String, pswd: String): Boolean
trait PermissionControl {
val permMap: Map[String,List[String]]
def matchPermission(uid: String, operation: String): Boolean

5、Interpreter:在运算程序时(program interpretation),可以根据需要调用依赖中的功能:

     import Dependencies._
type PasswordReader[A] = Reader[PasswordControl, A]
object LoginInterp extends (UserLogin ~> PasswordReader) {
def apply[A](la: UserLogin[A]): PasswordReader[A] = la match {
case Login(uid,pswd) => Reader(m => m.matchPassword(uid, pswd))

注意,当两种语句联合使用时,它们会被转换(natural transformation)成同一个目标语句集,所以当Interact和UserLogin联合使用时都会进行PasswordReader类型的转换。由于Interact是一项最基本的功能,与其它ADT联合使用发挥功能,所以要为每个联合ADT提供特殊的Interpreter:

     object InteractConsole extends (Interact ~> Id) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p); onInput(readLine)
case Tell(m, n) => println(m); n
import FreeLogin._
object InteractLogin extends (Interact ~> PasswordReader) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): PasswordReader[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p); Reader(m => onInput(readLine))
case Tell(m, n) => println(m); Reader(m => n)
import FreePermission._
object InteractPermission extends(Interact ~> PermissionReader) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): PermissionReader[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p);Reader(m => onInput(readLine))
case Tell(m,n) => println(m); Reader(m => n)


     def or[F[_],H[_],G[_]](fg: F ~> G, hg: H ~> G): ({type l[x] = Coproduct[F,H,x]})#l ~> G =
new (({type l[x] = Coproduct[F,H,x]})#l ~> G) {
def apply[A](ca: Coproduct[F,H,A]): G[A] = ca.run match {
case -\/(x) => fg(x)
case \/-(y) => hg(y)


6、running program:由于我们把所有语句都升格成了FreeC类型,所以必须调用runFC函数来运行。作为FP程序延迟副作用示范,我们在程序真正运算时才把依赖注入进去:

 object FreeProgram extends App {
import Modules._
import FreeInteract._
import FreeLogin._
import FreePermission._
import FreeFunctions._
import FreeProgs._
import Dependencies._
object Passwords extends PasswordControl {
val pswdMap = Map (
"Tiger" -> "",
"John" -> ""
def matchPassword(uid: String, pswd: String) = pswdMap.getOrElse(uid, pswd+"!") === pswd
object AccessRights extends PermissionControl {
val permMap = Map (
"Tiger" -> List("Add","Sub"),
"John" -> List("Mul","Div")
def matchPermission(uid: String, opr: String) = permMap.getOrElse(uid, List()).exists { _ === opr}
} val uid = Free.runFC(loginPrg)(or(InteractLogin, LoginInterp)).run(Passwords)
val opr = Free.runFC(accessScript[AccessScript](uid))(or(InteractPermission, PermissionInterp)).run(AccessRights)
val sum = Free.runFC(calcScript[CalcScript](opr))(or(InteractConsole, CalcInterp))


     trait NextStep  //状态: 下一步操作
case object Login extends NextStep //登录,用户信息验证
case class End(msg: String) extends NextStep //正常结束退出
case class Opr(uid: String) extends NextStep //计算操作选项及权限验证
case class Calc(uid: String, opr: String) extends NextStep //计算操作


     def runStep(step: NextStep): Exception \/ NextStep = {
try {
step match {
case Login => {
Free.runFC(loginPrg)(or(InteractLogin, LoginInterp)).run(Passwords) match {
case "???" => End("Termination! Login failed").right
case uid: String => Opr(uid).right
case _ => End("Abnormal Termination! Unknown error.").right
case Opr(uid) =>
Free.runFC(accessScript[AccessScript](uid))(or(InteractPermission, PermissionInterp)).
run(AccessRights) match {
case "XXX" => Opr(uid).right
case opr: String => if (opr.toUpperCase.startsWith("Q")) End("End at user request。").right
else Calc(uid,opr).right
case _ => End("Abnormal Termination! Unknown error.").right
case Calc(uid,opr) =>
println(Free.runFC(calcScript[CalcScript](opr))(or(InteractConsole, CalcInterp)))
catch {
case e: Exception => e.left[NextStep]


   object FreeProgs {
import FreeFunctions._
import FreeInteract._
import FreeLogin._
import FreePermission._
import FreeCalculator._
def freeCMonad[S[_]] = Free.freeMonad[({type l[x] = Coyoneda[S,x]})#l]
def loginScript[F[_]](implicit I: Interacts[F], L: Logins[F]) = {
import I._
import L._
for {
uid <- ask("ya id:",identity)
pwd <- ask("password:",identity)
login <- login(uid,pwd)
_ <- if (login) tell("ya in, ya lucky bastard!")
else tell("geta fk outa here!")
usr <- if (login) freeCMonad[F].point(uid)
else freeCMonad[F].point("???")
} yield usr
def accessScript[F[_]](uid: String)(implicit I: Interacts[F], P: Permissions[F]) = {
import I._
import P._
for {
inp <- ask("votiu vangto do?",identity)
cando <- if (inp.toUpperCase.startsWith("Q")) freeCMonad[F].point(true) else hasPermission(uid,inp)
_ <- if (cando) freeCMonad[F].point("")
else tell("na na na, cant do that!")
opr <- if (cando) freeCMonad[F].point(inp)
else freeCMonad[F].point("XXX")
} yield opr } def calcScript[F[_]](opr: String)(implicit I: Interacts[F], C: Calculators[F]) = {
import I._;import C._;
for {
op1 <- ask("fus num:", _.toInt)
op2 <- ask("nx num:", _.toInt)
result <- calc(opr,op1,op2)
} yield result


     import scala.annotation.tailrec
def whileRun(state: Exception \/ NextStep): Unit = state match {
case \/-(End(msg)) => println(msg)
case \/-(nextStep: NextStep) => whileRun(runStep(nextStep))
case -\/(e) => println(e)
case _ => println("Unknown exception!")

这是一个尾递归算法(tail recursion)。测试运行 :

 object FreeProgram extends App {
import Modules._
import FreeRunner._


ya id:
password: ya in, man!
votiu vangto do?
fus num: nx num: got ya self a .
votiu vangto do? na na na, can't do that!
votiu vangto do?
fus num: nx num: got ya self a .
votiu vangto do?
End at user request。
ya id:
password: geta fk outa here!, you bastard
Termination! Login failed
ya id:
password: ya in, man!
votiu vangto do?
na na na, can't do that!
votiu vangto do?
fus num: nx num: got ya self a .
votiu vangto do?
fus num: nx num: got ya self a .
votiu vangto do?
fus num: nx num: Abnormal termination!
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero


     import scalaz.Free.Trampoline
import scalaz.Trampoline._
def runTrampoline(state: Exception \/ NextStep): Trampoline[Unit] = state match {
case \/-(End(msg)) => done(println(msg))
case \/-(nextStep: NextStep) => suspend(runTrampoline(runStep(nextStep)))
case -\/(e) => done({println("Abnormal termination!"); println(e)})
case _ => done(println("Unknown exception!"))


 object FreeProgram extends App {
import Modules._
import FreeRunner._
// whileRun(Login.right)


ya id:
password: ya in, man!
votiu vangto do?
fus num: nx num: got ya self a -.
votiu vangto do?
na na na, can't do that!
votiu vangto do?
fus num: nx num: got ya self a .
votiu vangto do?
End at user request。


 package run.demo
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import run.demo.Modules.FreeCalculator.CalcInterp object Modules {
object FreeInteract {
trait Interact[+NextAct]
object Interact {
case class Ask[NextAct](prompt: String, onInput: String => NextAct) extends Interact[NextAct]
case class Tell[NextAct](msg: String, n: NextAct) extends Interact[NextAct]
implicit object interactFunctor extends Functor[Interact] {
def map[A,B](ia: Interact[A])(f: A => B): Interact[B] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => Ask(p, onInput andThen f)
case Tell(m,n) => Tell(m, f(n))
import Interact._
object InteractConsole extends (Interact ~> Id) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p); onInput(readLine)
case Tell(m, n) => println(m); n
import FreeLogin._
object InteractLogin extends (Interact ~> PasswordReader) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): PasswordReader[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p); Reader(m => onInput(readLine))
case Tell(m, n) => println(m); Reader(m => n)
import FreePermission._
object InteractPermission extends(Interact ~> PermissionReader) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): PermissionReader[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p,onInput) => println(p);Reader(m => onInput(readLine))
case Tell(m,n) => println(m); Reader(m => n)
object FreeLogin {
trait UserLogin[+A]
object UserLogin {
case class Login(uid: String, pswd: String) extends UserLogin[Boolean]
import UserLogin._
import Dependencies._
type PasswordReader[A] = Reader[PasswordControl, A]
object LoginInterp extends (UserLogin ~> PasswordReader) {
def apply[A](la: UserLogin[A]): PasswordReader[A] = la match {
case Login(uid,pswd) => Reader(m => m.matchPassword(uid, pswd))
object FreePermission {
trait Permission[+A]
object Permission {
case class HasPermission(uid: String, opr: String) extends Permission[Boolean]
import Dependencies._
import Permission._
type PermissionReader[A] = Reader[PermissionControl,A]
object PermissionInterp extends (Permission ~> PermissionReader) {
def apply[A](pa: Permission[A]): PermissionReader[A] = pa match {
case HasPermission(uid,opr) => Reader {m => m.matchPermission(uid, opr)}
object FreeCalculator {
trait Calculator[+A]
object Calculator {
case class Calc(opr: String, lop: Int, rop: Int) extends Calculator[Int]
import Calculator._
object CalcInterp extends (Calculator ~> Id) {
def apply[A](ca: Calculator[A]): Id[A] = ca match {
case Calc(opr,op1,op2) => opr.toUpperCase match {
case "ADD" => op1 + op2
case "SUB" => op1 - op2
case "MUL" => op1 * op2
case "DIV" => op1 / op2
object FreeFunctions {
import FreeInteract._
import Interact._
import FreeLogin._
import UserLogin._
import FreePermission._
import Permission._
import FreeCalculator._
import Calculator._
def lift[F[_],G[_],A](fa: F[A])(implicit I: Inject[F,G]): Free.FreeC[G,A] =
class Interacts[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Interact,G]) {
def ask[A](prompt: String, onInput: String => A) = Free.liftFC(I.inj(Ask(prompt, onInput)))
def tell[A](msg: String) = Free.liftFC(I.inj(Tell(msg, ())))
object Interacts {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Interact,F]) = new Interacts[F]
class Logins[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[UserLogin,G]) {
def login(uid: String, pswd: String) = lift(Login(uid,pswd))
object Logins {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[UserLogin,F]) = new Logins[F]
class Permissions[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Permission,G]) {
def hasPermission(uid: String, opr: String) = lift(HasPermission(uid,opr))
object Permissions {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Permission,F]) = new Permissions[F]
class Calculators[G[_]](implicit I: Inject[Calculator,G]) {
def calc(opr: String, op1: Int, op2: Int) = lift(Calc(opr,op1,op2))
object Calculators {
implicit def instance[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Calculator,F]) = new Calculators[F]
def or[F[_],H[_],G[_]](fg: F ~> G, hg: H ~> G): ({type l[x] = Coproduct[F,H,x]})#l ~> G =
new (({type l[x] = Coproduct[F,H,x]})#l ~> G) {
def apply[A](ca: Coproduct[F,H,A]): G[A] = ca.run match {
case -\/(x) => fg(x)
case \/-(y) => hg(y)
object FreeProgs {
import FreeFunctions._
import FreeInteract._
import FreeLogin._
import FreePermission._
import FreeCalculator._
def freeCMonad[S[_]] = Free.freeMonad[({type l[x] = Coyoneda[S,x]})#l]
def loginScript[F[_]](implicit I: Interacts[F], L: Logins[F]) = {
import I._
import L._
for {
uid <- ask("ya id:",identity)
pwd <- ask("password:",identity)
login <- login(uid,pwd)
_ <- if (login) tell("ya in, man!")
else tell("geta fk outa here!, you bastard")
usr <- if (login) freeCMonad[F].point(uid)
else freeCMonad[F].point("???")
} yield usr
def accessScript[F[_]](uid: String)(implicit I: Interacts[F], P: Permissions[F]) = {
import I._
import P._
for {
inp <- ask("votiu vangto do?",identity)
cando <- if (inp.toUpperCase.startsWith("Q")) freeCMonad[F].point(true) else hasPermission(uid,inp)
_ <- if (cando) freeCMonad[F].point("")
else tell("na na na, can't do that!")
opr <- if (cando) freeCMonad[F].point(inp)
else freeCMonad[F].point("XXX")
} yield opr } def calcScript[F[_]](opr: String)(implicit I: Interacts[F], C: Calculators[F]) = {
import I._;import C._;
for {
op1 <- ask("fus num:", _.toInt)
op2 <- ask("nx num:", _.toInt)
result <- calc(opr,op1,op2)
} yield result
} type LoginScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, UserLogin, A]
type CalcScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, Calculator, A]
type AccessScript[A] = Coproduct[Interact, Permission, A]
val accessPrg = accessScript[AccessScript] _
val loginPrg = loginScript[LoginScript]
val calcPrg = calcScript[CalcScript] _
object FreeRunner {
import FreeInteract._
import FreeLogin._
import FreePermission._
import FreeFunctions._
import FreeProgs._
import Dependencies._
trait NextStep //状态: 下一步操作
case object Login extends NextStep //登录,用户信息验证
case class End(msg: String) extends NextStep //正常结束退出
case class Opr(uid: String) extends NextStep //计算操作选项及权限验证
case class Calc(uid: String, opr: String) extends NextStep //计算操作
object Passwords extends PasswordControl {
val pswdMap = Map (
"Tiger" -> "",
"John" -> ""
def matchPassword(uid: String, pswd: String) = pswdMap.getOrElse(uid, pswd+"!") === pswd
object AccessRights extends PermissionControl {
val permMap = Map (
"Tiger" -> List("Add","Sub"),
"John" -> List("Mul","Div")
def matchPermission(uid: String, opr: String) = permMap.getOrElse(uid, List()).exists { _ === opr}
def runStep(step: NextStep): Exception \/ NextStep = {
try {
step match {
case Login => {
Free.runFC(loginPrg)(or(InteractLogin, LoginInterp)).run(Passwords) match {
case "???" => End("Termination! Login failed").right
case uid: String => Opr(uid).right
case _ => End("Abnormal Termination! Unknown error.").right
case Opr(uid) =>
Free.runFC(accessScript[AccessScript](uid))(or(InteractPermission, PermissionInterp)).
run(AccessRights) match {
case "XXX" => Opr(uid).right
case opr: String => if (opr.toUpperCase.startsWith("Q")) End("End at user request。").right
else Calc(uid,opr).right
case _ => End("Abnormal Termination! Unknown error.").right
case Calc(uid,opr) =>
println(s"got ya self a ${Free.runFC(calcScript[CalcScript](opr))(or(InteractConsole, CalcInterp))}.")
catch {
case e: Exception => e.left[NextStep]
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def whileRun(state: Exception \/ NextStep): Unit = state match {
case \/-(End(msg)) => println(msg)
case \/-(nextStep: NextStep) => whileRun(runStep(nextStep))
case -\/(e) => println("Abnormal termination!"); println(e)
case _ => println("Unknown exception!")
import scalaz.Free.Trampoline
import scalaz.Trampoline._
def runTrampoline(state: Exception \/ NextStep): Trampoline[Unit] = state match {
case \/-(End(msg)) => done(println(msg))
case \/-(nextStep: NextStep) => suspend(runTrampoline(runStep(nextStep)))
case -\/(e) => done({println("Abnormal termination!"); println(e)})
case _ => done(println("Unknown exception!"))
object Dependencies {
trait PasswordControl {
val pswdMap: Map[String,String]
def matchPassword(uid: String, pswd: String): Boolean
trait PermissionControl {
val permMap: Map[String,List[String]]
def matchPermission(uid: String, operation: String): Boolean
object FreeProgram extends App {
import Modules._
import FreeRunner._
// whileRun(Login.right)

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