
Python GUI 中 :ALT+P 可以重复上一条命令。


使用python idle的人恐怕都无法忍受默认的白色背景,及其语法高亮主题。


下面介绍Obsidian, Desert, 和Tango三种主题配置

在 用户目录 的.idlerc 目录下新建名为 config-highlight.cfg 文件,并加入如下内容

  1. [tango]
  2. definition-foreground = #fce94f
  3. error-foreground = #fa8072
  4. string-background = #2e3436
  5. keyword-foreground = #8cc4ff
  6. normal-foreground = #ffffff
  7. comment-background = #2e3436
  8. hit-foreground = #ffffff
  10. builtin-background = #2e3436
  11. stdout-foreground = #eeeeec
  12. cursor-foreground = #fce94f
  13. hit-background = #2e3436
  14. comment-foreground = #73d216
  15. hilite-background = #edd400
  16. definition-background = #2e3436
  17. stderr-background = #2e3436
  18. break-background = #2e3436
  19. console-foreground = #87ceeb
  20. normal-background = #2e3436
  21. builtin-foreground = #ad7fa8
  22. stdout-background = #2e3436
  23. console-background = #2e3436
  24. stderr-foreground = #ff3e40
  25. keyword-background = #2e3436
  26. string-foreground = #e9b96e
  27. hilite-foreground = #2e3436
  28. error-background = #2e3436
  30. [desert]
  31. definition-foreground = #98fb98
  32. error-foreground = #ff0000
  34. keyword-foreground = #cc6600
  35. normal-foreground = #f0e68c
  36. comment-background = #
  37. hit-foreground = #ffffff
  38. break-foreground = black
  39. builtin-background = #
  40. stdout-foreground = #eeeeee
  41. cursor-foreground = #ffcc00
  42. hit-background = #
  43. comment-foreground = #87ceeb
  44. hilite-background = gray
  45. definition-background = #
  46. stderr-background = #
  47. break-background = #ffff55
  48. console-foreground = #87ceeb
  49. normal-background = #
  50. builtin-foreground = #519e51
  51. stdout-background = #
  52. console-background = #
  53. stderr-foreground = #ff3e40
  54. keyword-background = #
  55. string-foreground = #ffa0a0
  56. hilite-foreground = #
  57. error-background = #
  59. [Obsidian]
  60. definition-foreground = #678CB1
  61. error-foreground = #FF0000
  63. keyword-foreground = #93C763
  64. normal-foreground = #E0E2E4
  65. comment-background = #
  66. hit-foreground = #E0E2E4
  67. builtin-background = #
  68. stdout-foreground = #678CB1
  69. cursor-foreground = #E0E2E4
  71. comment-foreground = #66747B
  72. hilite-background = #2F393C
  73. hilite-foreground = #E0E2E4
  74. definition-background = #
  75. stderr-background = #
  76. hit-background = #
  77. console-foreground = #E0E2E4
  78. normal-background = #
  79. builtin-foreground = #E0E2E4
  80. stdout-background = #
  81. console-background = #
  82. stderr-foreground = #FB0000
  83. keyword-background = #
  84. string-foreground = #EC7600
  85. break-foreground = #E0E2E4
  86. error-background = #

重启IDLE,依次选 Options -> Configure IDLE -> Highlighting 如下图

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