Fitnesse-The Slim Tables
Fitnesse 中Slim支持的表格类型
Decision Table | Supplies the inputs and outputs for decisions. This is similar to the Fit Column Fixture |
Dynamic Decision Table | Has the same syntax as a >Decision Table, but passes the column headers as parameters to the fixture. |
Query Table | Supplies the expected results of a query. This is similar to the Fit Row Fixture |
Subset Query Table | Supplies a subset of the expected results of a query. |
Ordered query Table | Supplies the expected results of a query. The rows are expected to be in order. This is similar to the Fit Row Fixture |
Script Table | A series of actions and checks. Similar to Do Fixture. |
Table Table | Whatever you want it to be! |
Import | Add a path to the fixture search path. |
Comment | A table that does nothing. |
Scenario Table | A table that can be called from other tables. |
Library Table | A table that installs fixtures available for all test pages |
Define Table Type | A helper table that defines the default table type for named fixtures. |
Define Alias | A helper table that defines alias names for fixtures. |
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