Unit 5 Education: Study Abroad
1. Model1对应表格分析
This table shows the numbers of international students from four areas of the world who came to study at university level in a western country in 2000 and 2005.
Year |
Country of Origin of International Students in 2000 and 2005 |
china |
India |
Japan |
Brazil |
Total |
2000 |
35000 |
15000 |
6000 |
2000 |
58000 |
2005 |
22000 |
16000 |
4000 |
8000 |
50000 |
2. Model1范文分析
Model 1
The table illustrates the number of students from four different countries who attended tertiary institutions in a western country in 2000 and 2005. Overall, the number of international students dropped slightly over this five-year period and, in particular, there was a significant decrease in numbers from China, although it still remained the largest group. There was a fourfold rise in Brazilian student enrolments.
In~2000, the number of students who came from China, at 35,000, was more than twice the number of Indian students, at 15,000. Smaller numbers came from Japan and Brazil, at 6,000 and 2,000 respectively. In 2005, the proportion of students changed considerably. Chinese student numbers decreased to 22,000, but there was a dramatic increase in the number of Brazilian students, which went from 2,000 to 8,000. Indian student numbers stayed mostly unchanged, at 16,000 and there was a small decrease in the number of Japanese students, from 6,000 in 2000 to 4,000 in 2005.
1. Model2对应表格分析
Guided Writing
Country of Origin of Immigrants to Australia in 1995 and 2005
Year |
Country of Origin |
Britain |
New Zealand |
China |
South Korea |
Total |
1995 |
4500 |
3500 |
1500 |
800 |
10300 |
2005 |
3500 |
5100 |
1600 |
300 |
10500 |
2. Model2范文分析
Model 2
The table illustrates the number of immigrants from four different countries who came to live in Australia in 1995 and in 2005. Overall, the number of immigrants rose slightly over this ten-year period and, in particular, there was a significant increase in immigration from New Zealand, which had the largest number of arrivals in 2005. There was a big drop in South Korean immigration over this time. in 1995, the number of immigrants who came from Britain, at 4,500, was larger than any other group. 3,500 immigrants came from New Zealand, and smaller numbers from China and South Korea at 1,5OO and 800 respectively. In 2005,
British immigrant numbers decreased to 3,500, but there was a significant rise in the number of New Zealanders, which went from 3,500 to 5, 1OO. Chinese immigrant numbers stayed mostly unchanged, at 1,6OO, but there was a significant decrease in the number of South Korean immigrants, from 800 in 1995 to 300 in 2005.
3. Writing practice讲解
Writing Practice
Country of Origin of New Cars Sold in the USA in 2000 and 2005
Year |
Country of Origin |
Japan |
Germany |
South Korea |
Total |
2000 |
4.2 million |
2.2 million |
0.2 million |
1.1 million |
7.7 million |
2005 |
2.6 million |
3.4 million |
0.3 million |
1.1 million |
7.4 million |
Look at this table, and try writing your own Task 1 answer following the models in this unit.
The table illustrates the number of new cars sold in the USA in 2000 and 2005 and the four major countries that they came from. In general, there was a slight decrease in the number of
cars sold over the period and, in particular, in the number of American cars: In 2000, the largest number of cars sold in the USA was locally produced American cars, at 4.2 million. 2.2 million Japanese cars were sold, and smaller numbers from South Korea and Germany, at 1.2 million and 0.2 million respectively. In 2005, this changed significantly. The number of American cars dropped considerably, to 2.6 million, and there was a significant rise in the number of Japanese cars sold, at 3.4 million. Sales of South Korean cars stayed unchanged, at 1.1 million, and there was a small increase in German cars, to 0.3 million in 2005.
4. 课后练习
1) 练习1
Complete the table below: Only commonly used words forms are included here.
Base form verb |
Other verb endings |
Noun |
Adjective |
e.g. illustrate |
Illustrates Illustrated illustrating |
illustration |
illustrative |
Considerable |
enrol |
remain |
attend |
xxxxxxxxxxx |
2) 练习2
Fill in the gaps to write down the common word endings for nouns and adjectives that you have learned from this exercise. Then use these words to start off your word forms notebook.
Noun endings |
Adjective endings |
-ion (illustration) -ance(________) _____(enrolment) -der(__________) |
-ive(___________) ____(considerable) -ing(remaining) -ed(___________) |
3) 练习3
Useful words for describing graphs
* 'overall, in general, in particular' *
Overall, the number of students dropped slightly over the five-year period, and in particular, the number of Chinese students halved over the period.
In general, there was an increase in the price of oil, and, in particular, from 1995 to 2000.
Chinese birth rate 1980-- 2000
In general there was a decrease in the Chinese birth rate and, in particular, in the years from 1980 to 2000.
4) 练习4
a. Number of sheep↗ 1990
b. Price of grain→ corn and wheat →years 2000--2005
c. Population ↗children from 10--15
d. Price of computers ↘PCs and laptops↘
e. Percentage of full time workers↘1980-- 1990
Now, fill in the gaps in these sentences with an appropriate verb and verb tense. Watch subject/ verb agreement carefully.
a. This table _________ the number of students who ________ tertiary institutions in 2008.
Most students ________ from Australia, but there ________ also a significant number of students from China.
b. This pie chart _______ the percentage of teenagers who ________different kinds of electronic equipment in 2007. Overall, the mobile phone _______ the most popular choice, but MP3 players ________ nearly as popular.
c. This bar chart ______ the test scores of male and female students over three time periods. In general, male students ________ higher scores in all periods, but the women's scores in the final time period, although they ________ not reach the men's total.
d. This bar graph __________the sales of luxury cars from the years 2000--2008. Overall, the number of Lexus cars sold _________the highest in this period, although Mercedes and BMW also very popular.
e. This line graph _________ pollution levels in three major cities between the years 2000 and 2008. Overall, pollution ___________ highest in 2008, though it __________ to some extent in Beijing in that year.
6) 练习6
Language Focus
-Varying noun phrases
IELTS Task 1 writing, it is very important to change the structure of noun phrases. Look at these examples:
a. the number of students from Japan
b. the number of students who came from Brazil
c. Brazilian student numbers
d. numbers from China
e. the number of Japanese students
8) There be讲解
-Varying the sentence structure: using ‘there is/there are’
Another way to vary your sentence structure is to use 'there is/was/are/were'. Look at these examples.
There was a significant (adjective) increase (noun) in the number of students from Somalia.
The number of students from Somalia increased (verb) significantly (adverb).
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