
The META-INF directory

The following files/directories in the META-INF directory are recognized and interpreted by the Java 2 Platform to configure applications, extensions, class loaders and services:


The manifest file that is used to define extension and package related data.


This file is generated by the new "-i" option of the jar tool, which contains location information for packages defined in an application or extension.  It is part of the JarIndex implementation and used by class loaders to speed up their class loading process.

  • x.SF

The signature file for the JAR file.  'x' stands for the base file name.

  • x.DSA

The signature block file associated with the signature file with the same base file name. This file stores the digital signature of the corresponding signature file.

  • services/

This directory stores all the service provider configuration files.



  1. 我刚知道的WAP app中meta的属性

    之前我一直做的都是WEB前端开发,来北京以后面试了一个移动前端开发,WAP前端开发. 其实在原来公司的时候也做过这方面的开发,可面试的时候面试官问我,要想强制让文档与设备的宽度保持1:1,mate标签 ...

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  3. 我刚知道的WAP app中meta的属性(转载)

    之前我一直做的都是WEB前端开发,来北京以后面试了一个移动前端开发,WAP前端开发. 其实在原来公司的时候也做过这方面的开发,可面试的时候面试官问我,要想强制让文档与设备的宽度保持1:1,mate标签 ...

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  5. 修改jar中的class文件

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  7. springmvc获取jar中的静态资源与jar包中的资源互相引用问题

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