gclasse: 搜索框对应的真实类别
gscores: 搜索框和真实框的IOU,gclasses中记录的就是该真实框的类别
glocalisations: 搜索框相较于真实框位置修正,由于有4个坐标,所以维度多了一维
# f层个(m,m,k),f层个(m,m,k,4xywh),f层个(m,m,k) f层表示提取ssd特征的层的数目
# 0-20数字,方便loss的坐标记录,IOU值
gclasses, glocalisations, gscores = \
ssd_net.bboxes_encode(glabels, gbboxes, ssd_anchors)
ssd_anchors = ssd_net.anchors(ssd_shape) # 调用类方法,创建搜素框 # Pre-processing image, labels and bboxes.
# 'CHW' (n,) (n, 4)
image, glabels, gbboxes = \
image_preprocessing_fn(image, glabels, gbboxes,
out_shape=ssd_shape, # (300,300)
data_format=DATA_FORMAT) # 'NCHW'
def tf_ssd_bboxes_encode(labels,
prior_scaling=(0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2),
with tf.name_scope(scope):
target_labels = []
target_localizations = []
target_scores = []
# anchors_layer: (y, x, h, w)
for i, anchors_layer in enumerate(anchors):
with tf.name_scope('bboxes_encode_block_%i' % i):
# (m,m,k),xywh(m,m,4k),(m,m,k)
t_labels, t_loc, t_scores = \
tf_ssd_bboxes_encode_layer(labels, bboxes, anchors_layer,
num_classes, no_annotation_label,
prior_scaling, dtype)
return target_labels, target_localizations, target_scores
# 为了有助理解,m表示该层中心点行列数,k为每个中心点对应的框数,n为图像上的目标数
def tf_ssd_bboxes_encode_layer(labels, # (n,)
bboxes, # (n, 4)
anchors_layer, # y(m, m, 1), x(m, m, 1), h(k,), w(k,)
prior_scaling=(0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2),
"""Encode groundtruth labels and bounding boxes using SSD anchors from
one layer. Arguments:
labels: 1D Tensor(int64) containing groundtruth labels;
bboxes: Nx4 Tensor(float) with bboxes relative coordinates;
anchors_layer: Numpy array with layer anchors;
matching_threshold: Threshold for positive match with groundtruth bboxes;
prior_scaling: Scaling of encoded coordinates. Return:
(target_labels, target_localizations, target_scores): Target Tensors.
# Anchors coordinates and volume.
yref, xref, href, wref = anchors_layer # y(m, m, 1), x(m, m, 1), h(k,), w(k,)
ymin = yref - href / 2. # (m, m, k)
xmin = xref - wref / 2.
ymax = yref + href / 2.
xmax = xref + wref / 2.
vol_anchors = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) # 搜索框面积(m, m, k) # Initialize tensors...
# 下面各个Tensor矩阵的shape等于中心点坐标矩阵的shape
shape = (yref.shape[0], yref.shape[1], href.size) # (m, m, k)
feat_labels = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=tf.int64) # (m, m, k)
feat_scores = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) feat_ymin = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
feat_xmin = tf.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
feat_ymax = tf.ones(shape, dtype=dtype)
feat_xmax = tf.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) def jaccard_with_anchors(bbox):
"""Compute jaccard score between a box and the anchors.
int_ymin = tf.maximum(ymin, bbox[0]) # (m, m, k)
int_xmin = tf.maximum(xmin, bbox[1])
int_ymax = tf.minimum(ymax, bbox[2])
int_xmax = tf.minimum(xmax, bbox[3])
h = tf.maximum(int_ymax - int_ymin, 0.)
w = tf.maximum(int_xmax - int_xmin, 0.)
# Volumes.
# 处理搜索框和bbox之间的联系
inter_vol = h * w # 交集面积
union_vol = vol_anchors - inter_vol \
+ (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) * (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) # 并集面积
jaccard = tf.div(inter_vol, union_vol) # 交集/并集,即IOU
return jaccard # (m, m, k) def condition(i, feat_labels, feat_scores,
feat_ymin, feat_xmin, feat_ymax, feat_xmax):
"""Condition: check label index.
r = tf.less(i, tf.shape(labels))
return r[0] # tf.shape(labels)有维度,所以r有维度 def body(i, feat_labels, feat_scores,
feat_ymin, feat_xmin, feat_ymax, feat_xmax):
"""Body: update feature labels, scores and bboxes.
Follow the original SSD paper for that purpose:
- assign values when jaccard > 0.5;
- only update if beat the score of other bboxes.
# Jaccard score.
label = labels[i] # 当前图片上第i个对象的标签
bbox = bboxes[i] # 当前图片上第i个对象的真实框bbox
jaccard = jaccard_with_anchors(bbox) # 当前对象的bbox和当前层的搜索网格IOU,(m, m, k)
# Mask: check threshold + scores + no annotations + num_classes.
mask = tf.greater(jaccard, feat_scores) # 掩码矩阵,IOU大于历史得分的为True,(m, m, k)
# mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(jaccard, matching_threshold))
mask = tf.logical_and(mask, feat_scores > -0.5)
mask = tf.logical_and(mask, label < num_classes) # 不太懂,label应该必定小于类别数
imask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int64) # 整形mask
fmask = tf.cast(mask, dtype) # 浮点型mask # Update values using mask.
# 保证feat_labels存储对应位置得分最大对象标签,feat_scores存储那个得分
# (m, m, k) × 当前类别scalar + (1 - (m, m, k)) × (m, m, k)
# 更新label记录,此时的imask已经保证了True位置当前对像得分高于之前的对象得分,其他位置值不变
feat_labels = imask * label + (1 - imask) * feat_labels
# 更新score记录,mask为True使用本类别IOU,否则不变
feat_scores = tf.where(mask, jaccard, feat_scores) # 下面四个矩阵存储对应label的真实框坐标
# (m, m, k) × 当前框坐标scalar + (1 - (m, m, k)) × (m, m, k)
feat_ymin = fmask * bbox[0] + (1 - fmask) * feat_ymin
feat_xmin = fmask * bbox[1] + (1 - fmask) * feat_xmin
feat_ymax = fmask * bbox[2] + (1 - fmask) * feat_ymax
feat_xmax = fmask * bbox[3] + (1 - fmask) * feat_xmax return [i+1, feat_labels, feat_scores,
feat_ymin, feat_xmin, feat_ymax, feat_xmax]
# Main loop definition.
# 对当前图像上每一个目标进行循环
i = 0
feat_labels, feat_scores,
feat_ymin, feat_xmin,
feat_ymax, feat_xmax) = tf.while_loop(condition, body,
feat_labels, feat_scores,
feat_ymin, feat_xmin,
feat_ymax, feat_xmax])
# Transform to center / size.
# 这里的y、x、h、w指的是对应位置所属真实框的相关属性
feat_cy = (feat_ymax + feat_ymin) / 2.
feat_cx = (feat_xmax + feat_xmin) / 2.
feat_h = feat_ymax - feat_ymin
feat_w = feat_xmax - feat_xmin # Encode features.
# prior_scaling: [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],放缩意义不明
# ((m, m, k) - (m, m, 1)) / (k,) * 10
# 以搜索网格中心点为参考,真实框中心的偏移,单位长度为网格hw
feat_cy = (feat_cy - yref) / href / prior_scaling[0]
feat_cx = (feat_cx - xref) / wref / prior_scaling[1]
# log((m, m, k) / (m, m, 1)) * 5
# 真实框宽高/搜索网格宽高,取对
feat_h = tf.log(feat_h / href) / prior_scaling[2]
feat_w = tf.log(feat_w / wref) / prior_scaling[3]
# Use SSD ordering: x / y / w / h instead of ours.(m, m, k, 4)
feat_localizations = tf.stack([feat_cx, feat_cy, feat_w, feat_h], axis=-1) # -1会扩维,故有4 return feat_labels, feat_localizations, feat_scores
截止到目前,我们的数据都是对单张图片而言,需要将之整理为batch size的Tensor,不过有点小麻烦,就是我们的数据以list包含Tensor为主,维度扩充需要一点小技巧(tf_utils.py):
def reshape_list(l, shape=None):
"""Reshape list of (list): 1D to 2D or the other way around. Args:
l: List or List of list.
shape: 1D or 2D shape.
Reshaped list.
r = []
if shape is None:
# Flatten everything.
for a in l:
if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
r = r + list(a)
# Reshape to list of list.
i = 0
for s in shape:
if s == 1:
i += s
return r
这个函数可以将list1:[Tensor11, [Tensor21, Tensor22, ……], [Ten31, Tensor32, ……], ……]和list2:[Tensor1, Tensor2, ……]这样的形式相互转换,需要的就是记录下list1中各子list长度,单个Tensor记为1(train_ssd_network.py):
batch_shape = [1] + [len(ssd_anchors)] * 3 # (1,f层,f层,f层) # Training batches and queue.
r = tf.train.batch( # 图片,中心点类别,真实框坐标,得分
tf_utils.reshape_list([image, gclasses, glocalisations, gscores]),
batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, # 32
capacity=5 * FLAGS.batch_size) b_image, b_gclasses, b_glocalisations, b_gscores = \
tf_utils.reshape_list(r, batch_shape) # Intermediate queueing: unique batch computation pipeline for all
# GPUs running the training.
batch_queue = slim.prefetch_queue.prefetch_queue(
tf_utils.reshape_list([b_image, b_gclasses, b_glocalisations, b_gscores]),
capacity=2 * deploy_config.num_clones)
由于tf.train.batch接收输入格式为[Tensor1, Tensor2, ……],所以要先使用上面函数处理输入,使单张图片的标签数据变化为batch size的标签数据,再将标签数据格式变换回来(实际就是把list1化为list2后给其中每一个Tensor加了一个维度,再变换回list1的格式),最后将batch size的Tensor创建队列,不过没必要这么麻烦,实际上像下面这么做也不会报错,省略了来回折腾Tensor的过程……
batch_shape = [1] + [len(ssd_anchors)] * 3 # (1,f层,f层,f层)
r = tf.train.batch( # 图片,中心点类别,真实框坐标,得分
tf_utils.reshape_list([image, gclasses, glocalisations, gscores]),
batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, # 32
capacity=5 * FLAGS.batch_size) # Intermediate queueing: unique batch computation pipeline for all
# GPUs running the training.
batch_queue = slim.prefetch_queue.prefetch_queue(
r, # <-----输入格式实际上并不需要调整
capacity=2 * deploy_config.num_clones)
# Dequeue batch.
b_image, b_gclasses, b_glocalisations, b_gscores = \
tf_utils.reshape_list(batch_queue.dequeue(), batch_shape) # 重整list
<tf.Tensor 'batch:0' shape=(32, 3, 300, 300) dtype=float32> [<tf.Tensor 'batch:1' shape=(32, 38, 38, 4) dtype=int64>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:2' shape=(32, 19, 19, 6) dtype=int64>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:3' shape=(32, 10, 10, 6) dtype=int64>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:4' shape=(32, 5, 5, 6) dtype=int64>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:5' shape=(32, 3, 3, 4) dtype=int64>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:6' shape=(32, 1, 1, 4) dtype=int64>] [<tf.Tensor 'batch:7' shape=(32, 38, 38, 4, 4) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:8' shape=(32, 19, 19, 6, 4) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:9' shape=(32, 10, 10, 6, 4) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:10' shape=(32, 5, 5, 6, 4) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:11' shape=(32, 3, 3, 4, 4) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:12' shape=(32, 1, 1, 4, 4) dtype=float32>] [<tf.Tensor 'batch:13' shape=(32, 38, 38, 4) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:14' shape=(32, 19, 19, 6) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:15' shape=(32, 10, 10, 6) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:16' shape=(32, 5, 5, 6) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:17' shape=(32, 3, 3, 4) dtype=float32>,
<tf.Tensor 'batch:18' shape=(32, 1, 1, 4) dtype=float32>]
# Construct SSD network.
# 这个实例方法会返回之前定义的函数ssd_arg_scope(允许修改两个参数)
arg_scope = ssd_net.arg_scope(weight_decay=FLAGS.weight_decay,
with slim.arg_scope(arg_scope):
# predictions: (BS, H, W, 4, 21)
# localisations: (BS, H, W, 4, 4)
# logits: (BS, H, W, 4, 21)
predictions, localisations, logits, end_points = \
ssd_net.net(b_image, is_training=True) # Add loss function.
ssd_net.losses(logits, localisations,
b_gclasses, b_glocalisations, b_gscores,
match_threshold=FLAGS.match_threshold, # .5
negative_ratio=FLAGS.negative_ratio, # 3
alpha=FLAGS.loss_alpha, # 1
label_smoothing=FLAGS.label_smoothing) # .0
正向传播函数会获取相关的节点,损失函数则会将函数值添加到loss collection中。
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