Merge sort by using recursive strategy, i.e. divide and conquer.

  1. def merge(left,right):
  2. result = []
  3. i,j =,
  4. while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
  5. if left[i]<right[j]:
  6. result.append(left[i])
  7. i +=
  8. else:
  9. result.append(right[j])
  10. j +=
  11. result += left[i:]
  12. result += right[j:]
  13. return result
  15. def merge_Sort(seq):
  16. if len(seq)<=:
  17. return seq
  18. mid = len(seq)/
  19. left = merge_Sort(seq[:mid])
  20. right = merge_Sort(seq[mid:])
  21. return merge(left,right)
  23. seq = [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]
  24. merge_Sort(seq)
  1. def ins_sort_rec(seq,i):
  2. if i==: return
  3. ins_sort_rec(seq,i-)
  4. j = i
  5. while j > and seq[j - ] > seq[j]:
  6. seq[j -],seq[j] = seq[j], seq[j-]
  7. j -=
  8. return seq
  10. seqq = [,,,,,,,,,,,,,]
  12. a = ins_sort_rec(seqq,len(seqq)-)
  13. a
  15. def insertsort(seq):
  16. for i in range(,len(seq)):
  17. j = i
  18. while seq[j] <seq[j-] and j>:
  19. seq[j],seq[j-] = seq[j-],seq[j]
  20. j -=
  21. return seq
  23. b = insertsort(seqq)
  24. b
  26. def changesort(seq):
  27. count = True
  28. while count:
  29. count = False
  30. for i in range(,len(seq)):
  31. if seq[i]<seq[i-]:
  32. seq[i],seq[i-] = seq[i-],seq[i]
  33. count =True
  34. return seq
  36. ls = [,,,,,,,,,,,,,]
  37. c = changesort(ls)
  38. c
  40. seqq = [,,,,,,,,,,,,,]
  42. def selectsort(ls):
  43. for i in range(len(ls)-):
  44. k = i
  45. for j in range(i,len(ls)):
  46. if ls[k] >ls[j]:
  47. k = j
  48. if k !=i:
  49. ls[i],ls[k]=ls[k],ls[i]
  50. return ls
  51. selectsort(seqq)

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