

Machine Learning几年来取得的不少可观的成绩,越来越多的学科都依赖于它。然而,这些成果都很大程度上取决于人类机器学习专家来完成如下工作:

  • 数据预处理 Preprocess the data
  • 选择合适的特征 Select appropriate features
  • 选择合适的模型族 Select an appropriate model family
  • 优化模型参数 Optimize model hyperparameters
  • 模型后处理 Postprocess machine learning models
  • 分析结果 Critically analyze the results obtained



  • 贝叶斯优化 Bayesian optimization
  • 结构化数据的大数据的回归模型 Regression models for structured data and big data
  • 元学习 Meta learning
  • 迁移学习 Transfer learning
  • 组合优化 Combinatorial optimization.



Automated Feature Engineering

  • Expand Reduce

    • 2017 | AutoLearn — Automated Feature Generation and Selection | Ambika Kaul, et al. | ICDM | PDF
    • 2017 | One button machine for automating feature engineering in relational databases | Hoang Thanh Lam, et al. | arXiv | PDF
    • 2016 | Automating Feature Engineering | Udayan Khurana, et al. | NIPS | PDF
    • 2016 | ExploreKit: Automatic Feature Generation and Selection | Gilad Katz, et al. | ICDM | PDF
    • 2015 | Deep Feature Synthesis: Towards Automating Data Science Endeavors | James Max Kanter, Kalyan Veeramachaneni | DSAA | PDF
  • Hierarchical Organization of Transformations

    • 2016 | Cognito: Automated Feature Engineering for Supervised Learning | Udayan Khurana, et al. | ICDMW | PDF
  • Meta Learning

    • 2017 | Learning Feature Engineering for Classification | Fatemeh Nargesian, et al. | IJCAI | PDF
  • Reinforcement Learning

    • 2017 | Feature Engineering for Predictive Modeling using Reinforcement Learning | Udayan Khurana, et al. | arXiv | PDF
    • 2010 | Feature Selection as a One-Player Game | Romaric Gaudel, Michele Sebag | ICML | PDF

      Architecture Search

  • Evolutionary Algorithms

    • 2017 | Large-Scale Evolution of Image Classifiers | Esteban Real, et al. | PMLR | PDF
    • 2002 | Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies | Kenneth O.Stanley, Risto Miikkulainen | Evolutionary Computation | PDF
  • Local Search

    • 2017 | Simple and Efficient Architecture Search for Convolutional Neural Networks | Thomoas Elsken, et al. | ICLR | PDF
  • Meta Learning

    • 2016 | Learning to Optimize | Ke Li, Jitendra Malik | arXiv | PDF
  • Reinforcement Learning

    • 2018 | Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameter Sharing | Hieu Pham, et al. | arXiv | PDF
    • 2017 | Neural Architecture Search with Reinforcement Learning | Barret Zoph, Quoc V. Le | ICLR | PDF
  • Transfer Learning

    • 2017 | Learning Transferable Architectures for Scalable Image Recognition | Barret Zoph, et al. | arXiv | PDF


  • 2017 | Google Vizier: A Service for Black-Box Optimization | Daniel Golovin, et al. | KDD |PDF
  • 2017 | ATM: A Distributed, Collaborative, Scalable System for Automated Machine Learning | T. Swearingen, et al. | IEEE | PDF
  • 2015 | AutoCompete: A Framework for Machine Learning Competitions | Abhishek Thakur, et al. | ICML | PDF

    Hyperparameter Optimization

  • Bayesian Optimization

    • 2016 | Bayesian Optimization with Robust Bayesian Neural Networks | Jost Tobias Springenberg, et al. | NIPS | PDF
    • 2016 | Scalable Hyperparameter Optimization with Products of Gaussian Process Experts | Nicolas Schilling, et al. | PKDD | PDF
    • 2016 | Taking the Human Out of the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization | Bobak Shahriari, et al. | IEEE | PDF
    • 2016 | Towards Automatically-Tuned Neural Networks | Hector Mendoza, et al. | JMLR | PDF
    • 2016 | Two-Stage Transfer Surrogate Model for Automatic Hyperparameter Optimization | Martin Wistuba, et al. | PKDD | PDF
    • 2015 | Efficient and Robust Automated Machine Learning | PDF
    • 2015 | Hyperparameter Optimization with Factorized Multilayer Perceptrons | Nicolas Schilling, et al. | PKDD | PDF
    • 2015 | Hyperparameter Search Space Pruning - A New Component for Sequential Model-Based Hyperparameter Optimization | Martin Wistua, et al. | PDF
    • 2015 | Joint Model Choice and Hyperparameter Optimization with Factorized Multilayer Perceptrons | Nicolas Schilling, et al. | ICTAI | PDF
    • 2015 | Learning Hyperparameter Optimization Initializations | Martin Wistuba, et al. | DSAA | PDF
    • 2015 | Scalable Bayesian optimization using deep neural networks | Jasper Snoek, et al. | ACM | PDF
    • 2015 | Sequential Model-free Hyperparameter Tuning | Martin Wistuba, et al. | ICDM | PDF
    • 2013 | Auto-WEKA: Combined Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms | PDF
    • 2013 | Making a Science of Model Search: Hyperparameter Optimization in Hundreds of Dimensions for Vision Architectures | J. Bergstra | JMLR | PDF
    • 2012 | Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms | PDF
    • 2011 | Sequential Model-Based Optimization for General Algorithm Configuration(extended version) | PDF
  • Evolutionary Algorithms

    • 2018 | Autostacker: A Compositional Evolutionary Learning System | Boyuan Chen, et al. | arXiv | PDF
    • 2017 | Large-Scale Evolution of Image Classifiers | Esteban Real, et al. | PMLR | PDF
  • Lipschitz Functions

    • 2017 | Global Optimization of Lipschitz functions | C´edric Malherbe, Nicolas Vayatis | arXiv | PDF
  • Local Search

    • 2009 | ParamILS: An Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework | Frank Hutter, et al. | JAIR | PDF
  • Meta Learning

    • 2008 | Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Meta-Learning for Algorithm Selection | PDF
  • Particle Swarm Optimization

    • 2017 | Particle Swarm Optimization for Hyper-parameter Selection in Deep Neural Networks | Pablo Ribalta Lorenzo, et al. | GECCO | PDF
    • 2008 | Particle Swarm Optimization for Parameter Determination and Feature Selection of Support Vector Machines | Shih-Wei Lin, et al. | Expert Systems with Applications | PDF
  • Random Search

    • 2016 | Hyperband: A Novel Bandit-Based Approach to Hyperparameter Optimization | Lisha Li, et al. | arXiv | PDF
    • 2012 | Random Search for Hyper-Parameter Optimization | James Bergstra, Yoshua Bengio | JMLR | PDF
    • 2011 | Algorithms for Hyper-parameter Optimization | James Bergstra, et al. | NIPS | PDF
  • Transfer Learning

    • 2016 | Efficient Transfer Learning Method for Automatic Hyperparameter Tuning | Dani Yogatama, Gideon Mann | JMLR | PDF
    • 2016 | Flexible Transfer Learning Framework for Bayesian Optimisation | Tinu Theckel Joy, et al. | PAKDD | PDF
    • 2016 | Hyperparameter Optimization Machines | Martin Wistuba, et al. | DSAA | PDF
    • 2013 | Collaborative Hyperparameter Tuning | R´emi Bardenet, et al. | ICML | PDF


  • 2018 | Accelerating Neural Architecture Search using Performance Prediction | Bowen Baker, et al. | ICLR | PDF
  • 2017 | Automatic Frankensteining: Creating Complex Ensembles Autonomously | Martin Wistuba, et al. | SIAM | PDF


Bayesian Optimization

  • 2010 | A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization of Expensive Cost Functions, with Application to Active User Modeling and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning | PDF

    Meta Learning

  • 2008 | Metalearning - A Tutorial | PDF


Bayesian Optimization

  • 2016 | Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Tuning | Link

    Meta Learning

  • 2017 | Why Meta-learning is Crucial for Further Advances of Artificial Intelligence? | Link
  • 2017 | Learning to learn | Link


Automated Feature Engineering

  • Automated Feature Engineering for Predictive Modeling | Udyan Khurana, etc al. | PDF

    Hyperparameter Optimization

    Bayesian Optimization

  • Bayesian Optimisation | PDF
  • A Tutorial on Bayesian Optimization for Machine Learning | PDF


Meta Learning

  • 2009 | Metalearning - Applications to Data Mining | Springer | PDF


  • Advisor | Python | Open Source | Code
  • auto-sklearn | Python | Open Source | Code
  • Auto-WEKA | Java | Open Source | Code
  • Hyperopt | Python | Open Source | Code
  • Hyperopt-sklearn | Python | Open Source | Code
  • SigOpt | Python | Commercial | Link
  • SMAC3 | Python | Open Source | Code
  • RoBO | Python | Open Source | Code
  • BayesianOptimization | Python | Open Source | Code
  • Scikit-Optimize | Python | Open Source | Code
  • HyperBand | Python | Open Source | Code
  • BayesOpt | C++ | Open Source | Code
  • Optunity | Python | Open Source | Code
  • TPOT | Python | Open Source | Code
  • ATM | Python | Open Source | Code
  • Cloud AutoML | Python | Commercial| Link
  • H2O | Python | Commercial | Link
  • DataRobot | Python | Commercial | Link
  • MLJAR | Python | Commercial | Link
  • MateLabs | Python | Commercial | Link




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